A result is an asset generated during playback of a visual test or script that provides proof of the testing process and a permanent record of the test application’s functional state at any given time. A result contains information about the playback such as the name of the visual test or script, the run number, the date and time each step or line was executed, the pass or fail status of a command or step, and other important types of information. Results provide a valuable way to review playback performance and analyze areas where the test may have failed.
You can view a result in the Result window either immediately after playback or by selecting the result from the Asset Browser. The Result window displays result information using the four panes of the Visual Navigator. Additionally, the Result window organizes result information using tabs, which provide quick access to a summary report of the playback, any passed or failed verifications, any flagged steps, and the detailed result of every step in a visual test or line of code in a script.
In the Screen Preview of a result, you can compare the screens captured during the original recording of a visual test with the screens captured during playback of the visual test. If differences exist, you can update the visual test screen with the playback screen right from the Screen Preview. For more information, see Updating Captured Screens for a Screen Test Step.
To document your testing procedures or collaborate with other testers, you can print results, save results to a file, or flag items to remind yourself or others about an important issue in a result.
You can also create and apply filters to display only the result information that is of most interest. For example, if you want to view only the failed verifications of the most recent playback, you can create and apply a filter to display only the desired information.
After opening a result, Silk Test Workbench displays the Result window from which you can view and analyze detailed information about all aspects of visual test or script playback.