Before a visual test can use data in an ActiveData file, data in the applicable test steps must be mapped to use data in columns of an ActiveData file. To do this, you first associate the ActiveData asset that contains the desired ActiveData file with the visual test. Then, each step that is to use data in an ActiveData file must be mapped to a column in the Active Data file that contains the appropriate data. Use this procedure to map data in test steps to data in an ActiveData file.
If the ActiveData file for the selected ActiveData asset is currently open in its native application (a text editor or Microsoft Excel) column names do not display in the Columns list. If this happens, close the native application and re-select the name of the ActiveData asset containing the data to be mapped.
If the Use the first row as header check box is checked for the ActiveData asset, the first row of data in the data file is assumed to be column headers. The data for each column in the first row then becomes the column names that display in the Columns list.
If the Use the first row as header check box is not checked for the ActiveData asset, the first row of data in the data file is assumed to be data. In this case, Silk Test Workbench uses sequential alphabetic characters for the names in the Columns list ("A", "B", "C").
( "Column name") is the name of the column to which the property's data is mapped.