Uninstalling Silk Test

When you install a new version of Silk Test, the wizard prompts you to uninstall any existing versions of Silk Test. You can also uninstall Silk Test from the programs menu at any time.

  1. Click (in Microsoft Windows 7) Start > Programs > Silk > Silk Test > Administration > Silk Test Uninstall or (in Microsoft Windows 10) Start > Silk > Silk Test Uninstall. The InstallAnywhere wizard opens the Uninstall Silk Test <version> page.
  2. Click Uninstall. The following items or folders are removed:
    • The Access database and samples.
    • The contents of [AppDATA]/Silk/Silk Test.

      For example, on Windows 7 this directory is located at: C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Silk\Silk Test.

    • The contents of [commonAppData]/Silk/Silk Test.

      For example, on Windows 7 this directory is located at: C:\ProgramData\Silk Test.

    • The contents of [commonAppData]/Silk/Silk Test Workbench.

      For example, on Windows 7 this directory is located at: C:\ProgramData\Silk Test Workbench.

    If any files were not removed, a list of the files is provided.
  3. Click Done.