Installing the Silk4NET Visual Studio Plug-in Manually

The Silk4NET Visual Studio plug-in enables you to create Visual Basic or C# test scripts directly in Visual Studio.

You can install the Silk4NET Visual Studio plug-in when you install Silk Test using the Silk Test installation wizard.

Use this procedure:
  • If you upgrade your version of Visual Studio after you install the Silk4NET plug-in.
  • If you chose the Install Silk4NET manually option during installation.
  1. Ensure that the Visual Studio components for VB .NET or C# development are available in the Visual Studio installation with which you want to use Silk4NET.
  2. Execute MicroFocus.SilkTest.Silk4NET.vsix in the folder <Silk Test installation directory>\ng\Silk4NET. By default the location is C:\Program Files\Silk\Silk Test\ng\Silk4NET.
    Note: If the following message is displayed during the installation, you can safely ignore the message and resume: This extension contains an invalid digital signature.
  3. Depending on the version of Visual Studio, copy the following files:
    • For Visual Studio 2017, copy the file <Silk Test installation directory>\ng\NTF\ SilkTest.Ntf.VisualStudio2017.DataCollector.dll to the folder \Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies\DataCollectors\ in the Visual Studio installation directory. Then copy the file <Silk Test installation directory>\ng\NTF\ SilkTest.Ntf.VisualStudio2017.UnitTestingExtension.dll to the folder \Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TestWindow\Extensions\ in the Visual Studio installation directory. Finally, copy the file <Silk Test installation directory>\ng\Silk4NET\Silk4NET_2017.pkgdef to the folder \Common7\IDE\Extensions in the Visual Studio installation directory.
    • For Visual Studio 2019, copy the file <Silk Test installation directory>\ng\NTF\ SilkTest.Ntf.VisualStudio2019.DataCollector.dll to the folder \Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies\DataCollectors\ in the Visual Studio installation directory. Then copy the file <Silk Test installation directory>\ng\NTF\ SilkTest.Ntf.VisualStudio2019.UnitTestingExtension.dll to the folder \Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TestWindow\Extensions\ in the Visual Studio installation directory. Finally, copy the file <Silk Test installation directory>\ng\Silk4NET\Silk4NET_2019.pkgdef to the folder \Common7\IDE\Extensions in the Visual Studio installation directory.
  4. In Visual Studio, verify that the menu option for Silk4NET appears and that the Silk4NET project is available from the Installed Templates list.