Uninstalling in Silent Mode

Uninstall in silent mode to uninstall Silk Test without any user interaction.
Note: You can uninstall Silk Test with silent mode regardless of how you installed the product. However, if you install Silk Test in silent mode, the uninstall mode is executed silently also.
  1. Locate the Uninstall_Silk Test <version> folder. The Uninstall Silk Test <version>.exe is located in this folder.
  2. To execute the silent mode uninstallation procedure, enter one of the following commands from a DOS shell or batch file.
    • If you installed Silk Test in silent mode, enter the following command.
      <Silk Test Install Directory>\Silk\Silk Test\Uninstall_Silk Test 2011\Uninstall Silk <version>.exe
    • If you did not install Silk Test in silent mode, enter the following command.
      <Silk Test Install Directory>\Silk\Silk Test\Uninstall_Silk Test <version>\Uninstall Silk Test <version>.exe -i silent
    For example, you might type the following command if you did not install Silk Test in silent mode:
    C:\Program Files\Silk\Silk Test\Uninstall_Silk Test <version>\Uninstall Silk Test <version>.exe -i silent