Items Included with Silk Test

When you install Silk Test, the following items are available:
  • Silk Test Start Screen, which has direct links to all clients.
  • Silk Test Workbench
  • Silk Test Classic
  • Silk Test Agents
  • Silk4NET
  • Silk4J
  • Product documentation

    Access the documentation from within each product from the Help menu.

  • Release Notes

    For information about new features, supported platforms, and tested versions, refer to the Release Notes.

  • Tutorials

    Access the tutorials from (in Microsoft Windows 7) Start > Programs > Silk > Silk Test > Documentation > Tutorials or Help > Tutorials.

    You must have Adobe Acrobat Readerâ„¢ to view PDF documents.

  • You can access the following sample applications online:
    Adobe Flex sample applications
    Insurance Company web application
    You can access the web application at
    Green Mountain Outpost (GMO) web application
    Use the GMO application with the tutorials for Silk Test Classic. You can access the web application at
    Green Mountain Outpost (GMO) AJAX store implementation
    An AJAX-based version of the GMO sample application, enabling you to test AJAX synchronization and other aspects of modern web applications. You can access the web application at