FlexCanvas Class


A Canvas layout container defines a rectangular region in which you place child containers and controls. It is the only container that lets you explicitly specify the location of its children within the container by using the x and y properties of each child.

Flex sets the children of a Canvas layout container to their preferred width and preferred height. You may override the value for a child's preferred width by setting its width property to either a fixed pixel value or a percentage of the container size. You can set the preferred height in a similar manner.

If you use percentage sizing inside a Canvas container, some of your components may overlap. If this is not the effect you want, plan your component positions and sizes carefully.


This class is supported only on the Open Agent.


FlexCanvas is derived from the FlexContainer class. No classes derive from this class.


FlexCanvas inherits all its methods from FlexContainer, FlexObject, FlexDisplayObject, and AnyWin.


FlexCanvas inherits all its properties from FlexContainer, FlexObject, FlexDisplayObject, and AnyWin.