FlexContainer Class


An abstract base class for components that controls the layout characteristics of child components.

You do not create an instance of Container in an application. Instead, you create an instance of one of Container's subclasses, such as Canvas or HBox.

The Container class contains the logic for scrolling, clipping, and dynamic instantiation. It contains methods for adding and removing children and the logic for drawing the background and borders of containers.


This class is supported only on the Open Agent.


FlexContainer is derived from the FlexObject class.The following classes derive from the FlexContainer class:
  • FlexAccordion
  • FlexApplication
  • FlexBox
  • FlexCanvas
  • FlexForm
  • FlexFormItem
  • FlexPanel
  • FlexViewStack
  • FlexWindow


In addition to the methods it inherits from FlexObject, FlexDisplayObject, and AnyWin, FlexContainer has the following methods:


In addition to the properties it inherits from FlexObject, FlexDisplayObject, and AnyWin, FlexContainer has the following properties: