FlexScrollBase Class


The ScrollControlBase class is the base class for controls with scroll bars.

The user interacts with the scroll bar or the developer accesses methods and properties that alter the viewable area. The ScrollControlBase takes a single child object and positions and masks or sizes that object to display the viewable content. All items to be scrolled must be children of that content object.


This class is supported only on the Open Agent.


FlexScrollBase is derived from the FlexObject class.The following classes derive from the FlexScrollBase class:
  • FlexListBase
  • FlexTextArea
  • SparkAirHTML


In addition to the methods it inherits from FlexObject, FlexDisplayObject, and AnyWin, FlexScrollBase has the following methods:


FlexScrollBase inherits all its properties from FlexObject, FlexDisplayObject, and AnyWin.