Setting Playback Result Options for .NET Scripts

Use the Playback Results: .NET Script options to control the capturing of screens during the playback of .NET scripts.

  1. Click Tools > Options.
  2. Click the plus sign (+) next to Playback in the Options menu tree. The Playback subcategories appear.
  3. Click the plus sign (+) next to Results and then click .NET Script. The .NET Script options display in the right pane.
  4. From the Screen capture list, select how Silk Test Workbench should capture test application screens during playback:
    • Set to None to disable the capture of screens during playback.
    • Set to Application to capture the test application and any windows within the test application.
    • Set to Active Window to capture only the test application's active window during playback.
    • Set to Desktop to capture screens of all applications, including the test application, that are visible in the desktop during playback.
  5. Optional: Click Save As to save your settings for the Playback options as a group.
  6. Click OK.

Modifying the Screen Capture option programmatically

The Screen Capture option can also be modified programmatically from .NET scripts, using the Workbench.Options.ScreenCapture property.

  Workbench.Options.ScreenCapture = ScreenshotCaptureModeOption.None
  Workbench.Options.ScreenCapture = ScreenshotCaptureModeOption.Application
  Workbench.Options.ScreenCapture = ScreenshotCaptureModeOption.ActiveWindow
  Workbench.Options.ScreenCapture = ScreenshotCaptureModeOption.Desktop