ModifierKeys Enumeration


Specifies the key modifiers that should be pressed during replay.


Public Enumeration ModifierKeys


Name Description
None No key modifiers.
Shift The Shift modifier.
Alt The Alt modifier.
Cmd The Cmd modifier. Supported only for desktop browsers on macOS.
Control The Ctrl modifier.
ControlAlt The Ctrl+Alt modifiers.
ShiftControl The Shift+Ctrl modifiers.
ShiftAlt The Shift+Alt modifiers.
ShiftControlAlt The Ctrl+Shift+Alt modifiers.


To follow a link from a Microsoft Word document that you are currently editing, you have to press Ctrl and click on the link. You can do this as follows:
link.Click(MouseButton.Left, ClickPosition.Center, ModifierKeys.Control)
Note: All three parameters are required.