Setting General Playback Options

Specify when an object is called, whether an object is highlighted during replay, whether hanging applications are closed, the playback mode, whether to show script automation calls in the Output window, and the amount of time to wait for applications to become active.

  1. Click Tools > Options.
  2. Click the plus sign (+) next to Playback in the Options menu tree. The Playback subcategories appear.
  3. Click General.
    Catch Exception when Thrown

    The purpose of this setting is for you to be able to step into an exception when it occurs. If you are creating and testing your script, set it to Yes so that you can see where the issue is. If you are running automated scripts, you should have your own error handling and mark this setting as No. If you have error handling turned on in your script, you will have to click Continue to get to it. If the setting is No and you do not have your own error handling, you will only be able to End the script.

    When set to Automatic, if Silk Test runs normally, then the setting acts as if it is set to Yes. If Silk Test is running scripts executed via Silk Central Test Manager, it acts as if it is set to No. This way if a script has its own error handling and is run via automation, the script will continue to work.

    Close unresponsive applications
    Shuts down the application if communication between the Silk Test Agent and the application fails or times out.

    When testing applications that cannot run multiple instances, specify Yes.

    Ensure object is active
    Ensures that the object is active before a call is executed.
    Execute screen verifications
    Controls if screen verifications are recorded and played back for Rumba.
    Highlight object during playback
    Highlights the current object during replay select.
    Playback mode
    Select one of the following options:
    Use this mode for the most reliable results. By default, each control uses either the mouse and keyboard (low level) or API (high level) modes. With the default mode, each control uses the best method for the control type.
    High level
    Use this mode to replay each control using the API.
    Low level
    Use this mode to replay each control using the mouse and keyboard.
    Show automation actions in the Output window
    Show automation calls for scripts in the Output window.

    You must open the Output window to see the results. Click View > Output.

    Show properties in Local Variables window
    This setting controls whether the properties of a class are shown in the Local Variables window along with normal member variables and parameters. Since properties of a class may contain implementation code (calculations), sometimes these can contain errors which cause problems displaying their values. In addition, the calculation of a property may take longer than the retrieval of a member variable. The default value is Yes.
  4. Click OK.

Setting options programmatically

The following options can be modified programmatically from .NET scripts.

Catch Exception when Thrown
This option can be modified through the Workbench.Options.CatchExceptionsWhenThrown property.
  Workbench.Options.CatchExceptionsWhenThrown = CatchExceptionsWhenThrownOption.Automatic
  Workbench.Options.CatchExceptionsWhenThrown = CatchExceptionsWhenThrownOption.Yes
  Workbench.Options.CatchExceptionsWhenThrown = CatchExceptionsWhenThrownOption.No