Serena License Manager Version Readme

Serena License Manager version is available for Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows 2008 Server, Sun Solaris, Linux, IBM AIX, and HP-UX.

This file contains information not included in the product manuals or the Serena Licensing Quick Start Guides for Serena Dimensions and Serena Professional. Additional information is available in KnowledgeBase articles available on Serena's KnowledgeBase web page:

Table of Contents

1.0 System Requirements

1.1 Supported Platforms

1.2 Serena Product Compatibility

2.0 Instructions for Setting Up License Manager

3.0 Upgrading the License Manager

4.0 Known Issues

4.1 LINUX: No Value Returned With lmhostid Command

4.2 Dimensions CM Replicator Problem With /tmp/run.log

4.3 UNIX: Current Working Directory Must Be in Path to Manually Stop/Start License Manager

4.4 Serena License Manager GUI does not appear when using PC Anywhere

4.5 Notifications Sent When No Licenses Are Available

4.6 New User Names Appear Incorrect in DBCS Environments

4.7 License Manager Service is Not Removed During Uninstallation

4.8 Unable to Log In when users.lst File is Read-Only



1.0 System Requirements

1.1 Supported Platforms

1.2 Serena Product Compatibility

Version of Serena License Manager is compatible with:

Note: Depending on the version of your Serena product, you may need to download Serena License Manager from


2.0 Instructions for Setting Up License Manager

The instructions for setting up new installations of the License Manager server are located in the Serena Licensing Quick Start Guides for Dimensions and for ChangeMan Professional. You can download these guides from Serena Online Services, or find them on the product CD. You can also find in-depth information on setting up the license server and licensing in the following documents:


3.0 Upgrading the License Manager

To upgrade an existing installation of License Manager, follow the installation instructions, and note the following:


4.0 Known Issues

4.1 LINUX: No Value Returned With lmhostid Command

On some Linux systems, the FLEXlm command lmhostid does not return a value. This is due to a missing "eth0" adapter. If the system is missing this adapter, the command returns:

# lmutil lmhostid lmutil - Copyright (c) 1989-2006 Macrovision Europe Ltd. and/or Macrovision Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
The FLEXlm host ID of this machine is ""

To work around this problem, manually detect the hostid using the ifconfig -a command. You can also configure your system to use eth0.

4.2 Dimensions CM Replicator Problem With /tmp/run.log

Dimensions CM Replicator may stop running on UNIX servers if the /tmp/run.log exists and is not writable. To work around this problem, make sure the /tmp/run.log file is writable.

4.3 UNIX: Current Working Directory Must Be in Path to Manually Stop/Start License Manager

To start or stop the Serena License Manager from a command prompt, the current working directory (".") must be in your PATH statement. When you use the Serena License Manager GUI to apply a key or make changes to the License Manager configuration, the server will be started (or restarted) automatically.

4.4 Serena License Manager GUI does not appear when using PC Anywhere

If you are using a PC Anywhere session to access the Serena License Manager, the PC Anywhere service (Version 10.5.0 Build 477) will not appear. You must go to the license server and run License Manager or use another service to access it remotely.

4.5 Notifications Sent When No Licenses Are Available

In certain circumstances, you will receive e-mail notifications stating that "No more licenses are available." This occurs if:

You can ignore these notifications. However, if you receive notifications stating that "No more Tracker licenses are available," this means that the combined pool of Tracker and Business Mashup licenses is exhausted.

4.6 New User Names Appear Incorrect in DBCS Environments

In certain system configurations that use double-byte character sets (DBCS), named user names that are created via the auto-add feature appear garbled in the License Manager tool. This occurs specifically with new user names that are created with this release of License Manager. Specifically, user names are garbled when auto-added in any of the following environments:

To work around this issue, you can do either of the following:

4.7 License Manager Service is Not Removed During Uninstallation

When you uninstall Serena License Manager, the License Manager service is not removed. As a result, when you reinstall License Manager using the standalone License Manager installer, the service is not updated correctly to refer to the new installation directory. The service therefore may not correctly start Serena License Manager, as the path to the server executable is wrong.

To resolve this problem, go to the License Manager installation directory and run the script remove_license_service.bat, followed by install_license_service.bat. This will reinstall the license service with the correct information.

4.8 Unable to Log In when users.lst File is Read-Only

The users.lst file, stored under the Serena License Manager installation directory on the License Manager server, must be writable. If it is set to read-only, users will be unable to log in to any Serena application that uses the License Manager. In this case, login will fail and the log file SerenaLicenseServer.log (on Windows) or serena.log (on UNIX) will display a DENIED license request that includes the text "Cannot open 'users.lst.'"

To prevent this issue, make sure that this file is writable before users attempt to log in to a Serena application.


Copyright © 2005-2010 Serena Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

End of Readme