Serena® License Manager™
Version Release Notes

This file lists the recent defects fixed in Serena License Manager.

Table of Contents

1.0 Defects Fixed in Serena License Manager

1.1 Licenses Released When Logging out of VM Web Client

1.2 Named Licences Locked to a Node when Host Name is not all Lower Case

1.3 SSO Problem in VM

2.0 Defects Fixed in Serena License Manager 2.1.4

2.1 Licenses Correctly Released

2.2 Concurrent Licenses Always Available to Users With Named Licenses

2.3 Professional and Tracker Licenses Now Properly Allocated to TeamTrack Users

2.4 Redundant License Servers In Quorum Are No Longer Shut Down

2.5 SLM Validation Improved

2.6 UCR Enabler Problem Solved

2.7 Character Corruption in Version Manager Windows Client Host Name

3.0 Defects Fixed in Serena License Manager 2.1.1

3.1 Licensing Quick Start Guide Missing Critical UNIX Information

3.2 UNIX: No E-Mail Notification When No Licenses Are Available

3.3 UNIX: Paste Function Fails in License Manager Tool

3.4 E-Mail Notifications Fail When SMTP Server Does Not Append Domain to From Address

3.5 Correct License Total Only Shown If No Professional Licenses in Use

3.6 Font Size in License Manager Tool Is Too Small

3.7 Program Groups Are Not Customizable During Installation

3.8 Named Users Use Concurrent Licenses

3.9 Named Users Appear Twice in License Manager Tool

3.10 "Unable to start License Manager" Error Occurs on UNIX

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1.0 Defects Fixed in Serena License Manager

1.1 Licenses Released When Logging out of VM Web Client

Named licenses are now correctly released by the VM web client when the user logs out after having performed an action.

1.2 Named Licences Locked to a Node when Host Name is not all Lower Case

There was an intermittent problem where a named license could become locked to a particular node if the value of Hostname was not all in lower case. This has now been fixed.

1.3 SSO Problem in VM

The Single Sign On functionality was not working correctly in VM because of the behavior of the function hasMerantLicense. This has now been fixed.

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2.0 Defects Fixed in Serena License Manager 2.1.4

2.1 Licenses Correctly Released

Licenses are now correctly released by SLM when they are checked in. This problem occurred intermittently with all products using SLM.

2.2 Concurrent Licenses Always Available to Users With Named Licenses

In some scenarios, Serena License Manager did not allow a user to log into a Serena product using an available concurrent license. This occured when the user was assigned one or more named licenses, and was already using all of these named licenses (for example to log in from another system). In this case, the user should have been able to use available concurrent licenses for additional logins from other systems. This has been fixed.

2.3 Professional and Tracker Licenses Now Properly Allocated to TeamTrack Users

TeamTrack licenses are no longer allocated to TeamTrack users who are already assigned a named Professional, Tracker, or Tracker I-Net license. This problem occurred if concurrent TeamTrack licenses were available, or when the option to "auto-add" user IDs was selected for named TeamTrack licenses.

Tracker I-Net licenses are no longer allocated to TeamTrack users who are already assigned a named Professional or Tracker license. This problem occurred if concurrent Tracker I-Net licenses were available, or when the option to "auto-add" user IDs was selected for named Tracker I-Net licenses.

IMPORTANT! To address these issues, the TeamTrack server must be upgraded to version 6.6.1 or later.

2.4 Redundant License Servers In Quorum Are No Longer Shut Down

All license servers in a quorum no longer shut down when the license server is stopped for any single license server in the quorum.

Note: For instructions on setting up redundant servers for SLM, refer to Solution 5004775 in the Solutions area of

2.5 SLM Validation Improved

Validation problems that may have caused the TeamTrack Web server to stop have been solved.

2.6 UCR Enabler Problem Solved

The License Manager interface now functions correctly after a UCR enabler license is added. This enabler is used by the integration between Serena TeamTrack and Serena Composer.

2.7 Character Corruption in Version Manager Windows Client Host Name

Server names are no longer corrupted when users connect to the Version Manager Windows client and the host name for the client contains double-byte characters.

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3.0 Defects Fixed in Serena License Manager 2.1.1

3.1 Licensing Quick Start Guide Missing Critical UNIX Information

The Licensing Quickstart Guide was missing critical UNIX information, including the name of the startup script. This has been fixed.

3.2 UNIX: No E-Mail Notification When No Licenses Are Available

When the License Manager was installed to UNIX, no e-mail notification was generated when users attempted to log in to a product or use a feature for which no licenses were available. This has been fixed.

3.3 UNIX: Paste Function Fails in License Manager Tool

On UNIX, the paste function failed in the License Manager tool, making it very difficult to enter new license keys. This has been fixed.

3.4 E-Mail Notifications Fail When SMTP Server Does Not Append Domain to From Address

E-mail notifications failed when the e-mail server was not configured to automatically append @domain_name to the from address, resulting in messages being sent with no domain value at all. This has been fixed. You can now manually define the from address for e-mail notifications, either by entering it on the Notification tab of the License Manager tool, or by editing the from value in the licmgr.ini file.

3.5 Correct License Total Only Shown If No Professional Licenses in Use

When concurrent licenses were simultaneously installed both for the Professional Suite and for individual products within the Professional Suite, the correct total number of concurrent licenses for individual products only displayed when no Professional licenses were in use. This has been fixed.

3.6 Font Size in License Manager Tool Is Too Small

Under certain circumstances, such as when X-Windows font substitution was in use, the font size displayed by the License Manager tool was too small to be readable. This has been fixed. To increase the font size, you can now specify a fontsize property in the SLM_GUI section of the licmgr.ini file. For example:


3.7 Program Groups Are Not Customizable During Installation

During installation on Windows platforms, you can define a custom program group for the shortcuts to the License Manager components. The custom program group was not always applied--instead, the default was used. This has been fixed. You can now successfully customize the program group.

3.8 Named Users Use Concurrent Licenses

Concurrent licenses were sometimes assigned to users for whom named licenses were defined. This resulted in concurrent licenses being unnecessarily consumed, when named licenses should have been used instead. This has been fixed.

3.9 Named Users Appear Twice in License Manager Tool

From the Products tab of the License Manager tool, you can click Manage User IDs to display all named users. In some cases, users that had only been named once were displayed twice, appearing to use twice as many named licenses than they actually did. This has been fixed.

3.10 "Unable to start License Manager" Error Occurs on UNIX

The License Manager sometimes failed to start on UNIX platforms, with the following error:

Unable to start License Manager: Vendor daemon can't talk to lmgrd

This has been fixed.

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