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Error Messages

This file contains brief explanations for all error messages that can appear as you're using Verastream Host Integrator. The messages are in numerical order.


[ 145] Fatal exception at [msg]

Contact Technical Support.


[ 146] Severe exception at [msg]

Contact Technical Support.


[ 189] The max concurrent session limit has been set above the value set by the installation. Current Limit: [n] Installation Limit: [n]

[Under Construction]


[2503] The server could not create the models folder.

Check for file system hardware errors or file access settings problems.The application may have to be reinstalled.


[2504] Out of memory.

There was not enough system memory to execute the application.


[2506] Application was not properly installed, please run setup to repair the installation.

The installation file has either been corrupted or could not be found.


[2508] Event handler name is invalid : [reason]

Event handler names chosen by the user must conform to the rules of the respective programming language.


[2512] Invalid command line syntax.

The arguments supplied to the application on the command line were invalid.


[2516] Application object creation failed.

An internal error occurred during product initialization. Contact Technical Support.


[2518] Application window creation failed.

An internal error occurred during product initialization. Contact Technical Support.


[2520] Application initialization failed.

An internal error occurred during product initialization. Contact Technical Support.


[2522] [filename] - Invalid command line file.

A file specified on the command line is either missing or invalid.


[2524] National character set library not found.

An internal error occurred during product initialization. Contact Technical Support.


[2530] ROM start failed.

An internal error occurred during product initialization. Contact Technical Support.


[2532] The local IP address could not be established. Check your hosts file for accuracy.

Check your hosts file or DNS configuration for accuracy. The IP address may be incorrectly specified in your hosts file.


[2534] Application time limit expired.

The application is a time-limited version that has expired. Contact Technical Support.


[2536] Unrecognized option.

An unrecognized option was specified on the application command line.


[2542] Management server registration failed.

An internal error occurred during product initialization. Deprecated.


[2544] Application kernel initialization failed.

An internal error occurred during product initialization. Contact Technical Support.


[2546] The server is already running.

Only one instance of the Host Integrator Server may be run on a given machine at one time.


[2548] [name] is not a valid installation file.

The installation file has been corrupted. Reinstall Host Integrator.


[2550] Server exec failure: [n].

An internal error occurred during product initialization. Contact Technical Support.


[2551] The maximum number of instances [n] are already running.

The application you are attempting to start has an upper limit on the number of instances that can be run on a given machine at any one time.


[2553] Service [name] is unable to start, because the required TCP listening port [n] is in use.

The service you are attempting to start, requires a dedicated TCP listening port to be available. Currently this TCP port is in use by another program.


[2554] Unable to allocate memory required for command.

If reducing the system load or adding RAM does not help, then contact Technical Support.


[2555] Parsing error, unable to allocate memory required for command.

If reducing the system load or adding RAM does not help, then contact Technical Support.


[2556] The server is currently being configured by [name] on [location].

Deprecated in version 7.0. Another administrator is in configure mode. Only one webstation is allowed to configure the server at any one time.


[2558] You are not currently configuring the server.

Deprecated in version 7.0. A communication error occurred between the Administrative Console and the Server. Log out and then log back into the Administrative Console.


[2559] One or more models have been updated. Saving changes will activate the new model(s).

The version of one or more models stored on the Server is different than the version currently active on the Server.


[2560] [file name] - File component error.

A Server trace file could not be created or an unrecognized file system error has occurred.


[2562] [file name] - File not found.

The specified file could not be found. Check the path and case of the file name.


[2563] [file name] - File contents corrupt.

The contents of the file cannot be read by Host Integrator. They may have been altered or corrupted.


[2564] [file name] - Access to file denied.

The access permissions of the specified file do not allow the attempted operation.


[2566] [file name] - Duplicate file name.

You attempted to create a file that already exists.


[2568] [file name] - Disk is full.

Contact your system administrator.


[2570] [file name] - File is marked read only.

You attempted to write to a read-only file.


[2572] [file name] - Unable to create specified file.

The specified file name is invalid, or the file exists and is protected. Check the spelling of the path, and make sure the path exists.


[2574] [file name] - File name is not allowed by Host Integrator.

The file name contains invalid characters, refers to a directory, or is an invalid file.


[2576] No file name was specified in command.

You must specify a valid filename.


[2578] [file name] - File name is too long.

Select a shorter filename.


[2579] Failed to start the domain server thread.

The Server failed to start the domain server. This error could be due to excessive network traffic or low system resources. Deprecated.


[2582] Parsing syntax error - [name].

The specified text was not recognized by the parser. Check the text for spelling, comma separation and string quoting accuracy.


[2584] Unrecognized command - [name].

The specified text was not recognized as a valid Host Integrator command.


[2590] Parsing syntax error - [syntax] - Not enough arguments for command.

The specified command requires more arguments than were supplied. Check the command syntax.


[2592] Parsing syntax error - [syntax] - Integer argument expected.

A numeric argument was expected. Check the command syntax.


[2594] Parser integer [value] - argument out of range.

The specified numeric argument was not within the range of accepted values.


[2596] Parser invalid string [value] - Quoted string argument expected.

A string delineated by double quotes is required for the command argument.


[2598] [string] - Quoted time string argument expected (hh:mm:ss).

A string delineated by double quotes with the specified format is required for the command argument.


[2600] [string] - Closing quote expected.

The closing quote for a string argument was not found.


[2602] [name] - Invalid predefined constant name.

The text supplied for the numeric argument does not identify a valid Host Integrator constant.


[2604] [name] - Predefined constant name not allowed in this command.

The Host Integrator constant supplied for the command argument is not valid for the command.


[2606] An error occurred reading settings file [name].

The specified file has either been corrupted or does not contain Host Integrator settings.


[2608] Unknown parser error.

An unknown parser error occurred. Contact Technical Support.


[2610] [string] - String argument too long.

The string supplied for the argument is longer than the command allows.


[2612] [name] - Command not valid for the current context.

The specified command is not valid within the context of the current command.


[2614] Command [name] was not completely constructed.

The specified command requires one or more arguments that were not supplied.


[2618] Could not create folder [name].

The folder specified could not be created. Check the folder for write permissions.


[2622] A command to wait for an event was cancelled.

The user cancelled a command to wait for an event.


[2623] Multiple event expression [name] failed.

The specified multiple event expression was not satisfied within the timeout given in the WaitForMultipleEvents command.


[2624] The command [name] has not been implemented.

You might have a client/server version mismatch due to an incomplete product upgrade roll-out. Check your client and server versions. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[2625] The event timed out because [reason].

Some events have prerequisites that must be met before the event will be satisfied. This error message provides additional context for an event that timed out in the case that a prerequisite condition was not met.


[2626] A command to wait for an event timed out.

In order to keep Host Integrator in sync with the host application, operations and scripts often use various event commands to wait for the host to finish data transfer. Examples include waiting for a string to appear on the screen, the cursor to enter a specific location, or the host to update a particular region of the screen. This error message indicates that one of these commands failed. This usually points to a flawed model or an unexpected response from the host.


[2627] Request to wait for entity change timed out.

When a connector sends terminal commands to directly to Host Integrator instead of executing operations, there is often a need to queue a command to wait for the current entity to change to make sure Host Integrator remains in sync with the host. If that request to wait for a change times out, this error message is returned.


[2628] You cannot execute the [name] command in the current mode.

The state of the Design Tool or Server prevents the specified command from being executed.


[2630] You cannot modify the [name] setting in the current mode.

The state of the Design Tool or Server prevents the specified setting from being modified.


[2631] Request to wait for an entity timed out.

The request to wait for one of a list of entities to arrive waits for a period of time specified by the timeout parameter. This error means that the defined period of time elapsed without finding any of the desired entities.


[2632] The file specified is not a valid Host Integrator settings file.

The file has either been corrupted or does not contain Design Tool settings.


[2633] WaitForEntities requires at least one entity on which to wait.

This error occurs when WaitForEntities is called without any entities in the string array. At least one entity must be listed in a valid request.


[2635] Session pool [name] is disabled.

The session pool is disabled due to a due to a problem with its model configuration. Contact your system administrator.


[2636] Unrecognized command line switch - [option].

An invalid option was specified on the command line. Check the command line syntax for accuracy.


[2637] Session pool [name] is stopped.

The session pool is stopped and cannot allocate host sessions at this time. Contact your system administrator.


[2638] The [name] setting is a read-only setting.

The specified setting cannot be directly modified by the user.


[2639] Could not allocate host session: [reason].

Out of system resources or out of system memory. Contact your system administrator.


[2640] Model [name] is not supported by any server in domain [name].

A client requested to attach to a model that is not supported by any Servers currently running in the domain. Verify that all Servers in the domain are running and that at least one of them supports the model requested.


[2641] Session pool [name] is not supported by any server in domain [name].

A client requested to attach to a session from a pool that is not supported by any Server currently running in the domain. Verify that all Servers in the domain are running and that at least one of them supports the session pool requested.


[2643] User [name] at [location] was refused a connection to [name]. No servers in domain [name] are able to provide a session because they are either busy or offline.

The domain is operating at its maximum capacity. Contact your system administrator.


[2645] Requested session not found.

A client request for a persistent session contained an invalid or outdated session ID.


[2646] Attempt to access display memory out of bounds.

This error means the Verastream Host Integrator session tried to access data beyond the bounds of the screen buffer. This can result from a request with invalid position parameters or from an internal error. If the request that generated this error contains any terminal screen position parameters, verify that they are valid. Otherwise, contact Technical Support.


[2672] Display memory not initialized.

This error occurs when a session fails to initialize in a timely manner. Detail the exact circumstances that generated this error and contact Technical Support.


[2680] Invalid terminal model for the specified terminal type.

The model file may have been altered without using the Design Tool. On the Connection menu, click Session Setup to correct the terminal type and model ID.


[2682] The keyboard key name entered [(name)] is not a PC key or scan code key.

An invalid keyboard key name was entered.


[2684] The keystroke entered ([name]) cannot be mapped.

The keystroke entered is a reserved key stroke and cannot be mapped.


[2686] The keyboard name entered ([name]) is not valid for a ([terminal type]) terminal.

The keyboard name that was entered cannot be used with the current terminal type.


[2688] The Keyboard Map Setup dialog box requires that you have a mouse.

You need a mouse to use the options in this dialog box.


[2690] The keyboard name ([name]) cannot be found.

The keyboard name was not found. Contact Technical Support.


[2692] Unable to initialize the ATKeybds keyboard DLL.

An essential DLL could not be loaded. Reinstall Host Integrator.


[2694] The file atkeybds.dll was not found. This DLL is required for keyboard support.

An essential DLL is missing. Reinstall Host Integrator.


[2696] Unable to initialize the ATKeybd2 keyboard DLL.

An essential DLL could not be loaded. Reinstall Host Integrator.


[2698] The file atkeybd2.dll was not found. This DLL is required for keyboard support.

An essential DLL is missing. Reinstall Host Integrator.


[2700] Unable to load the TELNET library.

If reducing the system load or adding RAM does not help, then contact Technical Support.


[2701] Unable to load the SSH library.

Contact Technical Support.


[2702] No host name has been set.

Please specify a valid host name or IP address for this session.


[2703] SSH only supports VT terminals.

Please specify a VT Terminal.


[2704] An error occurred in communications - [error].

The specified error occurred during communication with the host. Contact your system administrator or Technical Support for further assistance.


[2706] A transport data write error has occurred.

Check your network settings. If this problem persists, then contact Technical Support.


[2708] A transport out-of-band data write error has occurred.

Error writing out-of-band data (for example, Attn or SysRq). Contact Technical Support.


[2710] The trace file [name] contains no data.

The trace file was not recorded properly or has been corrupted. Choose a different trace file or re-save the trace.


[2712] The file [name] is not a host datacomm trace file.

The file is not a host datacomm trace file, was not recorded properly, or has been corrupted. Choose a different trace file or re-save the trace.


[2714] A timeout occurred while attempting to communicate with the host.

The keyboard was not reset properly or the host system is slow or unresponsive.


[2716] Trace file is incompatible with current session setup. Session setup should be: Terminal Type=[type], Terminal Model=[model], Transport Type=[transport].

The current session setup differs from the session setup used to record the trace file. On the Connection menu, click Session Setup to correct the terminal type, model ID, and transport type.


[2718] Trace playback of data from host is not allowed while connected.

Disconnect from the host before attempting to play back the trace file.


[2720] The record limit value must be non-zero.

To correct this error, change the record limit to a non-zero positive value, or elect to not limit the number of records.


[2722] You must save or cancel current changes before proceeding.

Before leaving an entity, you must save or cancel any changes you have made.


[2724] Invalid font name: [name], restoring previous name.

The font name specified is not valid for the Design Tool. Select a different font.


[2736] The current font can't be displayed at the current terminal screen size. Changing to the default font.

The font size is too large for the display.


[2738] The commands argument must be specified.

One or more commands are required for the item being configured.


[2746] Row and column must be explicitly specified.

The use of Any Row or Any Column is not allowed in the current context.


[2750] Destination entity [name] is invalid.

The name of the requested navigation destination could not be resolved. Check the destination's spelling and case.


[2752] No valid route between [name] and [name] was found.

No path could be found between the current location and the requested destination. This means there is no combination of operations marked as Use for Dynamic Traversal that can complete the requested traversal.


[2754] Navigation from [entity] to [entity] timed out.

The requested navigation took longer than the model's global timeout. This could indicate a faulty operation, a circular path, or that the requested traversal takes longer than the model allows.


[2756] Verastream [version] cannot load models or configurations from later versions of the product. Please use version [version] or newer to load this file.

This error occurs when an attempt is made to load a Verastream model that is newer than the version of Verastream being used to load it.


[2758] No Verastream server was found at this location.

An unsuccessful attempt was made to contact the VHI server. This could mean that the server name or IP address is incorrect, or that the VHI server is not currently running.


[2764] A Rogue session was suspended.

A pooled session was identified as a rogue session and suspended.


[2766] [Object name] cannot be deleted due to external references.

Before you delete this object, you must remove all its external references.


[2770] The entity is the [name] table's home entity.

Before you delete this entity, you must use the Tables dialog box to choose a different home entity for the referencing table.


[2772] The entity is referenced by the [name] procedure in the [name] table.

Before you delete this entity, you must use the Procedure Editor dialog box to remove it from the referencing procedure.


[2774] The recordset is referenced by the [name] procedure in the [name] table.

Before you delete this recordset, you must use the Procedure Editor dialog box to remove it from the referencing procedure.


[2775] The recordset is referenced by the command list for operation [name].

Before you delete this recordset, you must use the Operation Edit dialog box to remove it from the referencing command list.


[2776] The attribute is referenced by the [name] procedure in the [name] table.

Before you delete this attribute, you must use the Procedure Editor dialog box to remove it from the referencing procedure.


[2778] The operation is referenced by the [name] procedure in the [name] table.

Before you delete this operation, you must use the Procedure Editor dialog box to remove it from the referencing procedure.


[2780] The procedure is referenced by the [name] procedure in the [name] table.

Before you delete this procedure, you must use the Procedure Editor dialog box to remove it from the referencing procedure.


[2782] The column is referenced by the [name] procedure in the [name] table.

Before you delete this column, you must use the Procedure Editor dialog box to remove it from the referencing procedure.


[2784] The filter parameter is referenced by the procedure.

Before you delete this filter parameter, you must use the Procedure Editor dialog box to remove it from the referencing procedure.


[2786] The data parameter is referenced by the procedure.

Before you delete this data parameter, you must use the Procedure Editor dialog box to remove it from the referencing procedure.


[2788] The output parameter is referenced by the procedure.

Before you delete this output parameter, you must use the Procedure Editor dialog box to remove it from the referencing procedure.


[2789] Overwriting the current model file is not allowed from the Save As dialog.

You may not Save As to overwrite the current model. Please use Save instead.


[2790] The current session must be disconnected before opening a new model/settings file. Save work and select Disconnect from the Connection menu.

Log off and or disconnect from the host before attempting to open a new model or settings file.


[2793] The moveCursor command timed out moving to row [n], col [n].

Many types of requests require Host Integrator to move the terminal cursor into a specific location. These requests include navigation or operation execution that contain a MoveCursor command and a request to write attributes to the terminal screen. This error means that Host Integrator tried to move the cursor into the location specified, but the global move cursor timeout expired during a tab routine. If this error is seen intermittently, try increasing the global move cursor timeout setting from its default. A larger timeout interval will not detract from model performance unless the model relies on Verastream to tab backward and forward on the same terminal screen. This requirement can typically be avoided with careful model construction and/or use of the table interface.


[2794] The current session must be disconnected before restoring defaults.

Log off and or disconnect from the host before attempting to restore defaults.


[2795] The terminal's default MoveCursor failed moving to row [n], col [n].

Many types of requests require Host Integrator to move the terminal cursor into a specific location. These requests include navigation or operation execution that contain a MoveCursor command and a request to write attributes to the terminal screen. This error means that Host Integrator tried to move the cursor into the location specified using the default mechanisms built into the product, but was unable to do so. This is because the use of arrow keys is not permitted or was insufficient. The model will need to be modified to customize how Verastream moves the cursor on the terminal screen in question. See VHI help topic about details on advanced model properties.


[2797] The moveCursor command list failed to execute.

Many character mode hosts do not allow you to use the error keys to move the cursor. On these hosts, you must override the cursor movement by specifying a different command, such as a tab key. If such a command fails, this error message is logged. Additional error messages from the failed command may also be logged. Many requests have implied requirements to move the cursor, such as writing attributes data to the terminal. This error message can appear even when you have not explicitly requested a cursor movement.


[2798] Unable to initialize the atkeybd3 keyboard DLL.

An essential DLL could not be loaded. Reinstall Host Integrator.


[2799] MoveCursor command: row [n], col [n] is not a tab stop.

Many types of requests require Host Integrator to move the terminal cursor into a specific location. These requests include navigation or operation execution that contain a MoveCursor command and a request to write attributes to the terminal screen. In some models, Host Integrator has to be given the valid locations for the cursor for each entity. This is done via tabstop definition. This error means that the current entity has tabstops defined, but Host Integrator was required to move the cursor to a place that was not defined as a tabstop. To resolve this problem, redefine an attribute's location, the supplemental tabstop definition, or both.


[2800] The file atkeybd3.dll was not found. This DLL is required for keyboard support.

An essential DLL is missing. Reinstall Host Integrator.


[2801] Verastream was unable to move the cursor to row [n], col [n].

Many types of requests require Host Integrator to move the terminal cursor into a specific location. These requests include navigation or operation execution that contain a MoveCursor command and a request to write attributes to the terminal screen. This error means that Host Integrator tried to move the cursor into the location specified, but was unable to do so. This could be because the use of arrow keys is not permitted and no alternative was provided in the model, or because Host Integrator was already past the location given and could not reverse directions. See VHI help topic about details on advanced model properties


[2802] Unable to initialize the atkeybd4 keyboard DLL.

An essential DLL could not be loaded. Reinstall Host Integrator.


[2804] The file atkeybd4.dll was not found. This DLL is required for keyboard support.

An essential DLL is missing. Reinstall Host Integrator.


[2805] A timeout occurred while waiting for the characters [string] to be echoed by the host.

The timeout may be due to a slow host system, network problems, or a connection failure.


[2806] The [name] property for [property sheet] has already been defined.

An internal error occurred during validation of a property sheet. Contact Technical Support.


[2807] Cannot parse the data, multiple properties not allowed.

An internal error occurred during parsing of a property sheet. Contact Technical Support.


[2808] The [name] property is required for [property sheet] and has not been defined.

An internal error occurred during validation of a property sheet. Contact Technical Support.


[2809] Parsing error, one of the required properties has not been defined.

An internal error occurred during validation of a property sheet. Contact Technical Support.


[2810] The requested property sheet is invalid.

An internal error occurred during validation of a property sheet. Contact Technical Support.


[2816] Cannot unserialize from stream.

An error occurred while trying to unserialize data from stream, please contact Technical Support for assistance.


[2817] Cannot serialize to stream.

Contact Technical Support.


[2818] Dispatching error.

Contact Technical Support.


[2819] Parsing error, bad command ID.

Contact Technical Support.


[2820] Verastream client timed out waiting for a response.

The remote WCP object failed to send a response within specified time-out period. Check the remote object log for additional information. For example, the connector will wait 30 seconds (or different value specified with SetMethodTimeout) for a response from the VHI server. To determine the activity or errors, check the VHI server log.


[2821] Connection not allowed to this version of product.

Connection cannot be completed as the product version of this component is not allowed to connect to the remote component due to version limitation. Please contact Technical Support for assistance.


[2822] Connection refused.

Check your network configuration and firewall settings, and make sure that the server is running.


[2824] Socket class not valid.

Host Integrator received an event for a deleted socket.


[2826] Timed out while handshaking.

The connection failed because the remote object did not send a handshake reply within specified time-out period.


[2828] Connection to the server cannot be established.

A connection to the remote service cannot be made. Please verify that the services are running on the machine you are connecting to.


[2830] Requested session is not currently running.

The service you are connecting to is no longer running. It is likely that it was removed because it timed out while waiting for client connection.


[2832] WCP Error - WCP header is not correct.

Contact Technical Support.


[2834] Cannot create window.

Contact Technical Support.


[2836] Object already exists in the running object table.

Contact Technical Support.


[2837] Local machine name mapped to a loopback IP address.

Client applications on other machines cannot connect to the Host Integrator server if the machine name is mapped to the network loopback address ( Usually this condition represents a network configuration error, but it may also occur when laptops or other DHCP clients are not connected to a network. The Host Integrator server will ignore this condition unless the environment variable VHI_IGNORELOOPBACKADDRESS is set to 0. For more information please contact Technical Support.


[2838] Socket callback not valid or not registered.

Contact Technical Support.


[2840] Could not allocate new resources.

Your system is running low on memory.


[2842] Exception caught.

Contact Technical Support.


[2843] Exception at [msg].

Contact Technical Support.


[2844] Requested session is shutting down.

The service you are connecting to is shutting down. It is possible that the service was removed because it timed out while waiting for a connection.


[2845] Socket Error - Connection timeout.

A connection to the remote service cannot be made. Verify that the services are running on the machine you are connecting to.


[2846] Socket error.

Got a socket error, please contact Technical Support for assistance.


[2848] Socket Error - No buffer space.

It is possible that your system is running low on memory.


[2850] Socket Error - Socket not connected.

The connection to the remote object has been broken.


[2852] Socket Error - Socket timed out.

Check your hosts file or DNS configuration for accuracy. The IP address may be incorrectly specified in your hosts file or other name resolution. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[2854] Socket Error - Socket has shutdown.

Contact Technical Support.


[2856] Socket Error - Socket would block.

Cannot transmit data to the remote object. It has not finished processing data that was transmitted earlier.


[2858] Socket Error - Invalid TCP address.

Verify that you have specified a valid IP address.


[2860] Socket Error - Socket connection refused.

A connection to the remote service cannot be made. Verify that the services are running on the machine you are connecting to.


[2862] Socket Error - Network unreachable.

Contact Technical Support.


[2864] Socket Error - Socket address already in use.

Another service or application is listening on a port needed by VHI. Check your network settings and restart the computer. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[2866] Socket Error - No more socket descriptors available.

The system cannot create any more connections. Try reducing the system load. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[2868] Socket Error - Invalid host name.

Verify that the name of the host or Server you are connecting to is correct.


[2869] Cannot accept NULL Property Sheet.

Contact Technical Support.


[2870] Parsing Error - Bad grammar.

Contact Technical Support.


[2871] Error in 3270 Bind Data, received from host.

The 3270 screen size requested by the host is invalid or is not supported. Connect to a different host resource or contact your host system administrator.


[2872] The property value for [name] must be between [min] and [max].

Enter a number within the range of allowed values.


[2873] The server's deployment protocol was interrupted, canceling deployment.

An internal sequencing error has occurred. If the problem persists after you retry the operation, contact Technical Support.


[2874] Model path [path] is not valid.

Check the spelling and case of the path, and make sure the path exists on the Server.


[2875] The server encountered an error encrypting the model [name] during deployment.

An internal deployment error has occurred. If the problem persists after you retry the operation, please contact Technical Support.


[2876] Model [name] has already been configured.

A model can be configured only once on a given Server.


[2878] Model [name] is either not a valid model name or is not stored in a directory with the same name. Please check the name and the model path for accuracy.

Verify that the model file is stored in a directory which has the same name as the model. If the Server is running on a UNIX system, verify both the model name and letter case.


[2879] [filename] is not a valid VMR file name.

Specify a different VMR file name.


[2880] Session pool [name] has already been configured.

Specify a different name for the new session pool.


[2882] Session pool [name] is not valid.

A client requested to attach to a session with an invalid session pool name.


[2884] The number of sessions for session pool [name] must be between 0 and [n].

Enter a number within the range of allowed values.


[2886] The maximum concurrent sessions for session pool [name] must be between 1 and the server max concurrent session limit ([n]).

Enter a number within the range of allowed values.


[2888] Model [name] is not valid for session pool [name].

Verify that the model path and model still exist on the Server.


[2890] The model file [file name] has been corrupted.

A change has been made to the specified model without using the Design Tool. Try reloading the model in the Design Tool, validate, and then save the model.


[2891] Model [modelname] has been disabled due to one or more missing model event handlers

One or more classes identified as event handlers for objects within the model were not found when loading the model.


[2892] User [name] at [location] was refused a connection to session pool [name]. The maximum session count for the pool ([n]) is already active.

The session pool from which the session was requested has reached its maximum concurrent session count. Contact your system administrator.


[2894] User [name] at [location] was refused a connection to model [name], session pool [name]. The maximum concurrent session count ([n]) is already active.

The Server from which the session was requested has reached its maximum concurrent session count. Contact your system administrator.


[2896] The model file [file name] has not been validated by the Design Tool.

Open the model with the Design Tool and use the model validator to determine the problem with the model. Once the problem is corrected, save the model.


[2898] User [name] at [location] was refused a connection to session pool [name]. Model variable list [name] has no available entries.

The model variable list assigned to the session pool from which the session was requested does not have any available entries to be allocated to a new session. Contact your system administrator.


[2900] Model variable list [name] has already been configured.

Specify a different name for the new model variable list.


[2902] Model variable list [name] must have at least 1 unique variable.

If your host does not require unique values for the any of the model variables within a model variable list, you may not need a model variable list. If this problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[2904] Model variable [name] is specified more than once in list [name].

Model variable lists cannot contain duplicate variables since variables can only be given one value.


[2906] Model variable value [name] is specified more than once for [name] in model variable list [name].

A duplicate value for a unique model variable in a model variable list was specified.


[2908] Model variable [name] is specified more than once in session pool [name].

Only one value can be supplied for a model variable associated with a session pool.


[2910] Model variable [name] from the list [name] is already defined for session pool [name].

When more than one model variable list is used for a session pool, the variables in each list cannot overlap. A model variable can only be assigned one value).


[2912] [name] is not a valid model variable list name for session pool [name].

The model variable list specified for the given session pool does not exist. Either the name of the list has changed, or the list has been removed.


[2914] Session pool configuration requires [n] entries for model variable list [name], but the list only has [n] entries.

Each session in the session pool must obtain a unique entry from the model variable list. Either decrease the count of sessions in the pool or add more entries to the model variable list.


[2916] Model variable [name] does not exist in model [name] for session pool [name].

All model variables specified for a session pool must exist in the model associated with the pool. Check the variable's spelling and case.


[2918] Model variable [name] from model variable list [name] does not exist in the model for session pool [name].

All model variables in a model variable list specified for a session pool must exist in the model associated with the pool. Check the variable's spelling and case.


[2920] Entity [name] is not a valid startup entity for model [name] in session pool [name].

Check the entity's spelling and case.


[2922] Model variable [name] does not exist in model [name].

A client provided a value for a model variable that does not exist in the model for the session. Check the variable's name and case.


[2923] The number of entries in the model variable list ([n]) must be equal to or greater than the minimum number of session pools ([n]).

A client did not provide enough entries in model variable list to satisfy the minimum number of sessions in the session pool.


[2924] Tracing is already active on this server.

Stop the current trace before you start tracing to a different file.


[2925] Internal error while attempting to start tracing.

Check the trace file name and trace folder for write permissions and disk space.


[2929] [filename] is not a valid trace configuration file name.

The specified file could not be found or contains invalid trace configuration data.


[2930] The [name] [type] property in the [n] Property Sheet is invalid.

An internal error occurred during validation of a property sheet. Contact Technical Support.


[2932] The [name] [type] property's value ([n]) in the [n] Property Sheet is invalid.

An internal error occurred during validation of a property sheet. Contact Technical Support.


[2934] The [name] [type] property's length ([n]) in the [n] Property Sheet is invalid.

An internal error occurred during validation of a property sheet. Contact Technical Support.


[2936] The [name] [type] property's value ([n]) in the [n] Property Sheet is out of range ([n]-[n]).

An internal error occurred during validation of a property sheet. Contact Technical Support.


[2938] The [name] [type] property in the [n] Property Sheet is an invalid data type.

An internal error occurred during validation of a property sheet. Contact Technical Support.


[2940] The creation of a property sheet list for the [name] [type] property failed.

An internal error occurred during validation of a property sheet. Contact Technical Support.


[2942] The DTD entry for the [name] [type] property is invalid.

An internal error occurred during validation of a property sheet. Contact Technical Support.


[2944] The required [name] [type] property is not present in the Property Sheet: [name].

An internal error occurred during validation of a property sheet. Contact Technical Support.


[2946] The 'ONLYONE' [name] [type] property appears more than once in the Property Sheet: [name].

An internal error occurred during validation of a property sheet. Contact Technical Support.


[2948] The [name] [type] property is not defined in the DTD for the Property Sheet: [name].

An internal error occurred during validation of a property sheet. Contact Technical Support.


[2956] You are not currently viewing the session.

Deprecated in version 7.0. A communication error occurred between the Administrative WebStation and the Server. Log out from the Administrative WebStation and then log back in.


[2958] The internal Host Integrator recorder is full.

Stop recording and either save or discard the operation.


[2988] [Error] - Condition syntax error ([offset], [length]).

There is a syntax error in the condition. See VHI help topic about details on conditions and filter syntax.


[2990] [Error] - Unexpected character(s) in condition ([offset], [length]).

There is a syntax error in the condition. See VHI help topic about details on conditions and filter syntax.


[2992] Unexpected end of condition statement.

There is a syntax error in the condition. See VHI help topic about details on conditions and filter syntax.


[2994] [name] - Unrecognized attribute name ([offset], [length]).

The specified attribute does not exist on the current entity.


[2996] [id number] - Unrecognized attribute ID ([offset], [length]).

Your model file is corrupted. You may be able to recover previous settings from install-dir\Attachmate\Verastream|HostIntegrator\etc\sesssrvr.config.backup. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[2998] [name] - Unrecognized variable name ([offset], [length]).

The specified variable does not exist.


[3000] [id number] - Unrecognized variable ID ([offset], [length]).

Your model file is corrupted. You may be able to recover previous settings from install-dir\Attachmate\Verastream|HostIntegrator\etc\sesssrvr.config.backup. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[3002] [Name] - Unrecognized recordset name in ([offset], [length]).

The specified recordset does not exist on the current entity.


[3004] [id number] - Unrecognized recordset ID ([offset], [length]).

Your model file is corrupted. You may be able to recover previous settings from install-dir\Attachmate\Verastream|HostIntegrator\etc\sesssrvr.config.backup. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[3006] [Name] - Unrecognized field name ([offset], [length]).

The specified field does not exist on the current entity.


[3008] [Id number] - Unrecognized field ID ([offset], [length]).

Your model file is corrupted. You may be able to recover previous settings from install-dir\Attachmate\Verastream|HostIntegrator\etc\sesssrvr.config.backup. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[3010] [Expression] - Comparison type mismatch ([offset], [length]).

The data types in the comparison do not match. Numbers cannot be compared to strings.


[3011] Number out of range ([offset], [length]) - [number].

The number is too large.


[3012] [Expression] - Numeric expression expected ([offset], [length]).

Only numeric expressions can be used with operators "-", "*", and "/".


[3013] An error occurred while evaluating the condition: [condition].

Check preceding errors for details.


[3014] Directory Services Exception: [name].

The specified runtime exception (DSEXCEPTION) occurred in the management server code. Deprecated.


[3016] Directory Services Exception: [name] with [name].

The specified runtime exception (DSEXCEPTION1) occurred in the management server code. Deprecated.


[3018] Directory Services Exception: [name] with [name] and [name].

The specified runtime exception (DSEXCEPTION2) occurred in the management server code. Deprecated.


[3020] Bad connection category: IP [name] category [name].



[3022] Unable to lock configuration: [name].

Deprecated in version 7.0. Another user is logged on to the Administrative WebStation in configure mode. Switch the other user to view mode and try again.


[3024] Domain [name] not found.

The specified domain name is not in the current configuration. Switch to configuration mode and add the domain name.


[3026] Server [name] not found.

The specified Server does not appear in the list of Servers registered with this Directory Service. Reinstall the Server and register it with this Directory Service.


[3028] No server running in domain [name].

None of the Servers in the specified domain are currently active.


[3030] Server [name] assigned to domain [name] and domain [name].

You cannot add a Server to more than one domain.


[3032] Management server properties rejected. Reason: [name].



[3033] Management server initialization failure: [name].

Management server initialization encountered an error.


[3035] No OS-groups assigned to Administrator profile.

When you enable security, you need to add at least one operating system group to the Administrator profile to enforce authentication on the next login.


[3036] Management server shutdown requested by [name] rejected.

Unauthorized attempt to shut down management server. Please use atstart to shut down management server.


[3037] Domain [name] defined more than once.

You cannot add a domain that already exists.


[3038] Server [name] not in domain [name].

The specified Server is not a member of the domain. Switch to configure mode and add the Server to the domain.


[3039] Management server shutting down.

Authorized shutdown for management server in process.


[3040] Authentication failure for specified userid and password; [name].

The operating system does not recognize the user ID or password. Verify the user ID and password and try again.


[3041] Authorization failure for security profile [name].

The user ID is not a member of an operating system group associated with the specified security profile. Please add the user to the appropriate operating system group.


[3042] SSL Error - Not finished writing.

SSL state check failed. Check your network settings. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[3043] SSL connection failed.

The SSL connection has been interrupted, or has timed out. It is also possible that the SSL certificates do not match.


[3044] SSL Error - Not finished reading.

SSL state check failed. Check your network settings. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[3046] SSL Error - Needs X509 lookup.

SSL state check failed. Check your network settings. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[3048] SSL Error - Syscall.

An I/O error occurred. Check your network settings. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[3050] SSL Error - Could not complete the SSL connection.

There may be an SSL certificate mismatch.


[3051] SSL Error - Could not set FIPS mode.

FIPS capable SSL libraries may be missing.


[3052] SSL Error - Zero return.

The TLS/SSL connection has been closed. Check your network settings. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[3053] SSL Error: [message]

Detailed error message reported by OpenSSL library.


[3054] SSL Error - Cannot initialize Diffie-Helman parameters.

Check your network settings. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[3056] SSL Error - Cannot initialize cipher suite.

Check your certificates and network settings. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[3058] SSL Error - Cannot initialize SSL context.

Check your key manager and network settings. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[3060] SSL Error - No SSL support on client.

Could not negotiate a secure peer connection. Check your key manager and network settings. If the problem pesists, contact Technical Support.


[3062] SSL Error - No SSL support on server.

Could not negotiate a secure peer connection. Check your network settings. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[3064] WCP Versions are not compatible.

You might have a client/server version mismatch due to an incomplete product upgrade roll-out. Check your client and server versions. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[3066] SSL handshake failure - Server session no longer in ROT.

The service you are connecting to is no longer running. It has probably timed out while waiting for a connection.


[3067] Property sheet processing error: [error]

If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[3068] Grammar Error - WCP grammar is out of sync.

You might have a client/server version mismatch due to an incomplete product upgrade roll-out. Check your client and server versions. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[3069] WCP Packet corruption detected: [error]

If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[3070] No current entity.

The Host Integrator session has reached an undefined state. Request another session. This is usually an indication of an unexpected host response or a flawed model.


[3072] Invalid position parameters. They must be AtCursor and Length, Offset and Length, or TopRow, LeftColumn, NbrRows, and NbrColumns.

Position parameters must be AtCursor and Length, Offset and Length; or TopRow, LeftColumn, NbrRows, and NbrColumns.


[3074] Position parameters not in valid range.

The position parameters do not fall within the confines of the current terminal screen.


[3076] Unprotected field not found at specified location for inserting string.

A request to write to a protected field has been received. This can happen directly or through an attribute or variable.


[3078] Entity [name] has no attributes.

A request was made to read or write attributes that have not been defined on the entity.


[3080] Attribute [name] occurs more than once in the argument list.

Argument lists must contain unique names for each kind of model object. For example, you cannot pass two separate values for Attribute1 in the same SetAttributes() API call.


[3081] The entity [name] was not found.

The name of a specified entity could not be resolved. Check the entity's spelling and case.


[3082] The attribute [name] was not found in entity [name].

The name of a specified attribute could not be resolved. Check the attribute's spelling and case.


[3084] Terminal offset [n] is out of range.

An offset falls outside the confines of the current terminal screen.


[3086] Application is Invalid.

A valid model has not been loaded. Contact Technical Support.


[3088] GetEntityOptions are invalid.

See the API help on meta-data requests for the valid options.


[3090] GetVariableOptions are invalid.

See the API help on meta-data requests for the valid options.


[3091] The session or its model has been corrupted and cannot be suspended.

Either the session encountered a fatal exception or the model uses event handlers and the event handler engine has been disabled due to a communication error.


[3092] GetTableOptions are invalid.

See the API help on meta-data requests for the valid options.


[3094] The Variable [name] was not found in the current model.

The name of a specified variable could not be resolved. Check the variable's spelling and case.


[3096] Variable [name] occurs more than once in the argument list.

Argument lists must contain unique names for each kind of model object. For example, you cannot pass two separate values for Variable1 in the same SetVariables() API call.


[3098] An attempt to set delayed input to the current entity has failed.

Invalid data has been passed in earlier via a SetAttributesDelayed() method call on a connector. For example, the length of the data string may be too long.


[3100] Recordset [name] not found in entity [name].

The name of a specified recordset could not be resolved. Check the recordset's spelling and case.


[3102] No current recordset.

On entities with more than one recordset, you must explicitly set the current recordset. This error may also appear if you try to perform a recordset command on an entity with no recordsets.


[3103] No current record in recordset [name].

This error is usually generated when trying to perform an update or operation on a specific record in the recordset, but Host Integrator has not been given a record to treat as current. To resolve this problem, explicitly set the index to a valid value or fetch a record.


[3104] Invalid Scroll Operation.

A model designer designates operations that implement the various scroll actions available on a recordset. However, not all recordsets can perform each kind of scroll. For example, some recordsets can move forward but not backwards. In that case, a request to PageUp will fail with this error.


[3106] Field [name] occurs more than once in the argument list.

Argument lists must contain unique names for each kind of model object. For example, you cannot pass two separate values for Field1 in the same UpdateRecord() API call.


[3108] The field [name] was not found in recordset [name] of entity [name].

The name of a specified field could not be resolved. Check the field name's spelling and case.


[3110] SetRecordFields cannot have both a filter expression and a record index parameter.

A request to alter the current record can use a search filter or a specific index, but not both.


[3112] The pattern [name] was not found in entity [name].

The name of a specified pattern could not be resolved. Check the pattern name's spelling and case.


[3116] Importing Previous Version of Model File [file name] Failed.

Unable to import model file from a previous version due to one or more errors. Contact Technical Support.


[3118] Locale properties file not found.

Deprecated in version 7.0. File required by the Administrative WebStation was not properly installed. Please uninstall and then reinstall the Administrative WebStation.


[3119] Authentication and authorization services connection failed.

The Server could not establish a connection to management server for user authorization. Check to see that management server is running. Note: This error can also appear when management server has been reinstalled.


[3120] Directory services [name] connection failed.

The Server could not establish a connection to management server for registration. If this error occurs on startup, the Server will immediately shut down. Check to see if management server is running.


[3121] Directory services registration failed.

The Server failed to register with management server. Check to see if management server is running.


[3122] Server not running ([name]) - connection failed.

The Server you selected is not running. Start the Server and try again.


[3123] Could not get authorization package.

Deprecated in version 7.0. Contact Technical Support.


[3124] Server ([name]) config mode could not be set.

The Server you have selected is in a bad state and cannot switch to configure mode. Stop and then restart the server, and then try again.


[3125] Server ([name]) view mode could not be set.

The Server you have selected is in a bad state and cannot switch to view mode. Stop and then restart the server, and then try again.


[3126] Reselect server node to update status.

Refresh the browser to get an updated Server status.


[3127] Session already being viewed.

A given session can only be viewed by one window at a time.


[3128] Previous command ([command]) failed to complete, (current command([command])).

Deprecated in version 7.0. The Administrative WebStation failed to complete the specified action. Try again. If the problem persists, stop and then restart the Administrative WebStation.


[3129] There are no [object name]'s to add.

There are no more possible additions to this list.


[3130] Node name ([name]) already exists.

A duplicate node was found. Refresh the browser and submit your changes again.


[3131] There are no models available for creating a session pool.

At least one model should be configured on the Server before creating a session pool.


[3132] Your userid and password will now be used for security. Please ensure that your OS group is in the Administrator profile, then save, logout and login for correct authorization.

Verify that your operating system group is in the Administrator profile, then save, logout, and log back in for correct authorization.


[3133] Server ([name]) connection failed.

The Server you selected is not running. Verify that the Server is running and then try again.


[3134] Duplicate directory service name ([name]).

The Server Name that you entered already exists in the list of Directory Servers. Enter a different name or login with the existing Directory Server.


[3135] Invalid directory server name ([name]).

Enter a valid Directory Server name in the Server Name field.


[3136] Invalid input field syntax, do not use <, > or &.

Do not use <, > or & in your input field. Use &lt;, &gt; or &amp; instead.


[3137] End of session.

The session that you are viewing has ended on the Server. You cannot view this session anymore.


[3138] Unrecognized property sheet returned from server, expected command [name] but received [name].

Deprecated in version 7.0. An internal error has occurred in the Administrative WebStation. Please document the steps leading to this problem and contact Technical Support.


[3139] There are no model variables available.

All defined model variables are already within the session pool.


[3140] Data Object did not bind to host session.

Client allocated a session but never connected to it. Check network and NAT router settings. If this problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[3141] Could not terminate a remote host session.

An internal communication error occurred. This error could be due to excessive network traffic or low system resources. Contact Technical Support.


[3142] The server is in the process of shutting down.

The Server is either being restarted or has shut down. Contact your system administrator.


[3143] Could not terminate a local host session.

An internal communication error occurred. This error could be due to excessive network traffic or low system resources. Contact Technical Support.


[3144] WCP Packet corruption detected in communication from the client. Client socket closed.

Check network settings. If this problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[3145] Failure telling remote session to disconnect from the host.

An internal communication error occurred. This error could be due to excessive network traffic or low system resources. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[3146] WCP Channel is busy.

Try reducing the client load. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[3147] Failure telling local session to disconnect from the host.

An internal communication error occurred. This error could be due to excessive network traffic or low system resources. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[3148] Pool sessions cannot be suspended.

Only model connections can be suspended.


[3149] Could not load a remote session.

An internal communication error occurred. This error could be due to excessive network traffic or low system resources. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[3150] The connection from the client was unexpectedly dropped.

The client was not able to gracefully close the connection.


[3151] Could not close a remote session.

An internal communication error occurred. This error could be due to excessive network traffic or low system resources. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[3152] Allocated session timed out waiting for client connection.

When a client requests a connection to a model or session pool, the client has 60 seconds to bind to the host session. If the timeout elapses, the host session will terminate or return to the pool.


[3153] Local session failed sending release to MS.

An internal communication error occurred. This error could be due to excessive network traffic or low system resources. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[3154] Connected session timed out waiting for client activity.

Verify the inactivity timeout configured on the Server or contact your system administrator.


[3155] Remote session failed sending release to MS.

An internal communication error occurred. This error could be due to excessive network traffic or low system resources. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[3156] Suspended persistent session timed out waiting for client reconnect.

When a model connection is suspended, a timeout must be provided by the client. This timeout determines how long the session will wait for a reconnect before self-terminating.


[3157] Domain server initialization failed.

An internal communication error occurred. This error could be due to excessive network traffic or low system resources. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[3158] The server failed to launch a secondary process. All other configuration changes have been activated and saved.

The Server could be running low on system resources. Try restarting the Server or contact Technical Support.


[3159] Could not open a local channel to the APMS.

An internal communication error occurred. This error could be due to excessive network traffic or low system resources. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[3160] Authorization token missing from the console for config mode.

Deprecated in version 7.0. The Server is configured for Administrative WebStation security, but the webstation did not provide a certificate. Log out and then log back into the Administrative WebStation.


[3161] Could not open a remote channel to the APMS.

An internal communication error occurred. This error could be due to excessive network traffic or low system resources. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[3162] A required password was not supplied from the client.

Server security is enabled, but the client did not provide a password for authorization.


[3163] Could not shut down the domain server.

An internal communication error occurred. This error could be due to excessive network traffic or low system resources. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[3164] User could not be authorized to use the session.

The user ID and password supplied by the client is invalid or the user does not have permission to connect to a host session.


[3165] Could not get server load for domain.

An internal communication error occurred. This error could be due to excessive network traffic, low system resources, or one of the Servers in the domain shutting down unexpectedly. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[3166] The server failed to initialize the token verifier.

An internal error occurred during security initialization. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[3167] Could not get server load setup for domain.

An internal communication error occurred. This error could be due to excessive network traffic, low system resources, or one of the Servers in the domain shutting down unexpectedly. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[3168] The server failed to verify the token from the client.

Deprecated in version 7.0. The token provided by the webstation or management server was not valid. You will get this error if you configured security profiles and turned on security for your server just now. You must first log out and log back in to get a new security token that is authorized to configured this server. If the problem persists even after you logout and log back in, contact Technical Support.

Note: This error can occur if the system time does not match on the machines running management server and the Server.


[3169] Could not load a session from server [name].

An internal communication error occurred. This error could be due to excessive network traffic, low system resources, or one of the Servers in the domain shutting down unexpectedly. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[3170] Could not shut down a server process.

An internal communication error occurred. This error could be due to excessive network traffic or low system resources. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[3171] Could not set server process tracing.

An internal communication error occurred. This error could be due to excessive network traffic or low system resources. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[3172] Could not set server process logging.

An internal communication error occurred. This error could be due to excessive network traffic or low system resources. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[3173] Could not send configuration to remote server process.

An internal communication error occurred. This error could be due to excessive network traffic or low system resources. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[3174] Could not send var info to remote server process.

An internal communication error occurred. This error could be due to excessive network traffic or low system resources. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[3175] Could not clear var info on remote server process.

An internal communication error occurred. This error could be due to excessive network traffic or low system resources. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[3176] Could not prepare a remote host session.

An internal communication error occurred. This error could be due to excessive network traffic or low system resources. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[3177] Failed to get authorization info from AA.

The user ID and password from a client could not be authorized due to communication problems with management server. Check to see that management server is running.


[3178] A runtime exception has been caught. Exception reference is [name].

A host session encountered a fatal error. The Server will gracefully shut down and restart. Make a note of the circumstances that led to this error and contact Technical Support.


[3179] A timeout occurred waiting for an available AA channel.

An internal communication error occurred. This error could be due to excessive network traffic or low system resources. Contact Technical Support.


[3181] Failed to start a thread for a new session.

The Server failed to start a new host session. This error could be due to excessive network traffic or low system resources. Contact Technical Support.


[3182] Security violation.

An unauthorized connection to the server was attempted. You will get this error if you configured security profiles and turned on security for your server just now. You must first log out and log back in to get a new security token that is authorized to configured this server. If the problem persists even after you logout and log back in, contact Technical Support.


[3183] At operation timeout, entity [name] had been recognized but could not be validated.

Entities can have validation parameters such as cursor position, conditions, or patterns in addition to a signature. When an operation times out, if an entity's signature was found but it could not be validated, this error is generated in addition to the timeout error.


[3184] System detected operation nesting exceeded limit of 16.

Operations can call other operations through the Navigate command, up to a maximum of 16 concurrent calls. This error indicates that an unexpected circular loop has occurred in operation execution.


[3185] Operation [name] aborted because system command list cancel is on.

When an error has occurred during an operation, no other operations can be started until the current operation is completed.


[3186] Operation [name] from entity [name] was cancelled.

An operation was cancelled. Unless cancelled by the user in the Verastream Design Tool, this error should be accompanied by another message indicating source of cancellation and/or the command being executed when cancel was pressed.


[3187] Navigation could not start; current location is undefined.

Starting a dynamic traversal requires that the session be on a defined entity.


[3188] Navigation from [name] to [name] aborted: [name] operation failed.

All navigation requests are filled by executing one or more operations marked as Use for Dynamic Traversal. If one of those operations fails, then the entire navigation request will fail.


[3189] Navigation from [name] to [name] aborted: intermediate navigation error.

A request to navigate between two entities by any available path often requires traversing through several intermediate entities. One of these intermediate navigations failed, causing an overall failure of the navigation request.


[3190] Intermediate navigation from [entity name] to [entity name] aborted due to parent timeout.

A request to navigate between two entities by any available path often requires traversing through several intermediate entities. This error indicates that an intermediate navigation was aborted because the overall navigation request timed out.


[3191] Operation [name] from entity [name] aborted due to condition failure: [expression].

A developer can designate several kinds of conditions to check during an operation. These include required attribute inputs and a string condition expression. This error indicates that a CheckOperationConditions command failed. The error message should detail the type of condition failure. See the operation definition for a list of conditions. If the message seems incorrect, make sure the command is not positioned too early in the command list. It should be positioned after all attributes have been updated and immediately before the command(s) that cause the session to move off the starting entity.


[3192] Operation [name] from entity [name] aborted due to command error.

All operations are composed primarily of commands that manipulate the terminal session. This error indicates that the operation failed because one of these constituent commands resulted in an error. In most cases, there should be additional error message(s) giving more specific information about the failed command.


[3193] Operation [name] from entity [name] aborted; intermediate destination [name] command failed.

Operations can designate intermediate destinations, or screens that may or may not be seen during operation execution. When such an entity is recognized, Host Integrator can be instructed by the model designer to execute additional commands to bypass the screen and reach the ultimate destination. This error indicates one of the commands associated with the listed intermediate destination failed. In most cases, there should be additional error message(s) giving more specific information about the command that failed.


[3194] Operation [name] from entity [name] timed out.

An operation is given a specific amount of time to complete by the model designer. This error indicates that an operation took longer than the allowed amount of time, and the operation was therefore aborted.


[3195] Entity [name] recognized. This is not defined as a valid location during operation [name] from entity [name].

An operation has a set of valid locations that can be recognized during execution. These are the primary destination, the set of alternate destinations, and the set of intermediate destinations. If any other defined location is found during the operation, this error will result. If the model designer wants to have Host Integrator ignore the entity and wait for another, then this entity should be added as an intermediate destination. If the entity constitutes a valid outcome of the operation, then it should be added as an alternate destination. The same rules apply to the origin as any other entity; if the first host update does not result in departure from the origin, the origin may need to be added as an intermediate destination.


[3196] Operation [name] is undefined for entity [name].

The operation named in the request could not be found on the current entity. This could be because the operation is defined on a different entity, or the name could be misspelled or not have the correct case.


[3197] Operation [name] cannot be executed - current location is undefined.

All operations are properties of an entity. In order to execute an operation, the session's current location must be on the operation's owning entity. This error indicates that the session is not currently on any entity.


[3198] Navigation from [entity name] to [entity name] aborted due to parent timeout.

The navigation was aborted because another operation that queued the request to navigate timed out. Check the error stack for a failed operation.


[3199] Operation [name] from entity [name] aborted due to parent command timeout.

An operation can be called from another operation by use of the Navigate command. Under these conditions, if the calling operation times out or otherwise fails, then all child operations will report this error.


[3200] Attribute [name] is a required input and was not set.

A model designer can designate a set of attributes on an entity as required inputs for an operation. This error means that Host Integrator detected a required attribute that was not updated by the time the CheckOperationConditions command was executed. Check the operation definition for a list of required attributes. If this message seems incorrect, the model designer needs to check that the CheckOperationConditions command is properly positioned after all attribute updates but before the command(s) that cause Host Integrator to leave the origin entity.


[3201] Operation [name] from entity [name] aborted. A parent operation detected a user-defined model error.

A model designer can define certain host conditions during an operation as errors. These include arrival at a certain entity or detection of a certain pattern on the screen. If a navigation or operation spawns a child operation via a Navigate command, and Host Integrator detects one of these model-defined error conditions in the parent operation, the child operation will abort and log this error message. There should be additional error messages from the parent operation indicating the exact error.


[3202] User-defined error ([name] pattern) detected during operation [name] from entity [name]: [error string].

A model designer can define certain host conditions during an operation to be errors. One type of model-defined error is the detection of a pattern on the terminal screen. This message indicates that Host Integrator found an error pattern on the screen. The error message should include some model-defined text specifying the nature of the problem.


[3203] User-defined error ([name] entity) detected during operation [name] from entity [name]: [error string].

A model designer can define certain host conditions during an operation to be errors. One type of model-defined error is the recognition of a particular entity that is defined as an error state. This message indicates that Host Integrator detected such an error entity. The error message should include some model-defined text specifying the nature of the problem.


[3204] Duplicate table names: [names].

Two tables with the same name are not allowed. Change one of the table names in the Tables dialog box to correct the problem.


[3205] Failed to create a shared memory resource on Unix.

An error occurred while trying to obtain a shared memory resource on a Unix host. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[3206] Duplicate column names: [names].

Two columns with the same name in a table are not allowed. Change one of the column names in the Tables dialog box to correct the problem.


[3207] Script completed operation [name] from entity [name] at an unknown screen.

The model assumes any valid state left by an operation is intended. However, this error will be logged when a script returns from an operation and the terminal session is on an unknown screen because that is an invalid state. This can occur when an operation script completes while the terminal still has unprocessed host data waiting. If this error occurs intermittently or it otherwise appears this could be the problem, use WaitForEntities or CheckTerminal methods in a loop at the end of the script to let the terminal process the host data and arrive at a defined location.


[3208] Duplicate procedure names: [names].

Two procedures with the same name in a procedure are not allowed. Change one of the procedure names in the Tables dialog box to correct the problem.


[3209] Operation [name] from entity [name] aborted due to script error.

If a script invoked to execute an operation returns an error, the operation will be aborted. See prior messages for details on the script error.


[3210] The min value for the [name] column is greater than the max value.

The specified column's minimum value is greater than its maximum value. Change either the min or max value in the Tables dialog box to correct the problem.


[3211] Operation [name] from entity [name] did not receive a host response.

An operation is given a specific amount of time to complete by the model designer. If the operation is configured to expect a host response, it will wait up to this period of time for host data. This error indicates that an operation waited for the allotted amount of time for a host response but did not received one. If this operation is not expecting a host response, uncheck this option in the operation's configuration and use one or more wait commands to synchronize completion of the operation as needed.


[3212] The min length for the [name] column is greater than the max value.

The specified column's minimum length is greater than its maximum length. Change either the min or max length in the Tables dialog box to correct the problem.


[3213] Operation [name] from entity [name] was halted due to an external timeout.

Operation execution was halted because another model object, such as an event handler script, had its timeout expire. This error should be accompanied by another message indicating the source of the timeout.


[3214] Type mismatch between the [name] filter and the [name] output.

The filter parameter is mapped to an output parameter of a different data type. This may cause data to be lost in the translation when the procedure is run.


[3215] Operation [name] from entity [name] aborted due to a reported system error.

This message indicates that some object in the model other than the operation itself reported an error. For example, if an entity arrival event handler throws an exception during an operation, this message is a likely result. See other error messages for details about what caused the operation to abort.


[3216] The [name] filter parameter is not used in the procedure.

The filter parameter is marked as an input to the procedure but it is not used in the procedure. See VHI help topic for details on creating procedures.


[3217] User-defined error ([name] entity) detected during operation [name] from entity [name]: [error string].

A model designer can define certain host conditions during an operation to be errors. One type of model-defined error is the recognition of a particular entity that is defined as an error state. This message indicates that Host Integrator detected such an error entity but finds yet another entity has become current when the error message was constructed. This is usually the result of an entity arrival script on the error entity causing the host to move away from the error entity before Host Integrator can process the error.


[3218] The [name] data parameter is not used in the procedure.

The data parameter is marked as an input to the procedure but it is not used in the procedure. See VHI help topic for details on creating procedures.


[3219] Operation [name] from entity [name] did not receive the expected entity changes from the host.

An operation is given a specific amount of time to complete by the model designer. If the operation is configured to expect a host response and none of its destinations are also the origin, it will wait up to this period of time for host data that causes a departure from the origin entity. This error indicates that an operation waited for the allotted amount of time but did not received the expected data from the host. If this operation is not expecting a host response, uncheck this option in the operation's configuration and use one or more wait commands to synchronize completion of the operation as needed. If this operation can end on the origin entity, add that as a destination to the operation definition.


[3220] The [name] output parameter is not used in the procedure.

The output parameter is marked as an output of the procedure but it is not used in the procedure. See VHI help topic for details on creating procedures.


[3221] The model variable initialization dialog was cancelled.

The model variable initialization dialog was cancelled, canceling the connection attempt.


[3222] No route between [entity name] and [entity name] was found.

No route was found between the two specified entities in the procedure. To create a route between the two entities either change an existing operation to default or add a new default operation.


[3223] No route between the last entity [name] and the model's home entity [name] was found.

No route was found between one of the procedure's last entities and the home entity of the model. A navigation route must exist for the procedure to execute on the server.


[3224] The primary destination [entity name] of operation [name] is not a destination in the procedure.

The primary destination of the operation is not a branch or error entity in the procedure. Add the entity as a branch or error entity in the Procedure Editor to correct the problem.


[3225] No route between the model's home entity [name] and the starting entity [name] was found.

No route was found between the model's home entity and the procedure's starting entity. A navigation route must exist for the procedure to execute on the server.


[3226] The alternate destination [entity name] of operation [name] is not a valid or error destination in the procedure.

The alternate destination of the operation is not a branch or error entity in the procedure. Add the entity as a branch or error entity in the Procedure Editor to correct the problem.


[3227] The sub procedure [name] cannot be executed due to missing parameters.

A compound procedure uses a procedure that cannot be executed due to unsatisfied input parameters.


[3228] The entity [name] is not a destination of operation [name].

The branch entity in the procedure is not a primary or alternate destination in the operation. Remove this branch entity in the Procedure Editor to correct this problem.


[3229] Procedure branching is not allowed on a dynamic path.

A procedure can only branch on a static path. Either delete the branches or change to a static path in the Procedure Editor to correct this problem.


[3230] The operation [name] requires attribute [name] to be mapped.

The operation along the path requires the specified attributes to have values. Map input parameters to these attributes in the Procedure Editor or mark the attributes as not required in the operation.


[3231] The sub procedure [name] is not needed.

A compound procedure uses a procedure that provides no additional information.


[3232] The entity [name] is unreachable.

The Procedure Wizard could not find a route to this entity. To create a route to the entity, either change an existing operation to default or add a new default operation.


[3233] The parameter [name] is read from the field [name], but the field is write-only.

The output parameter is mapped to a field that is write-only. This will cause an error during execution of the procedure.


[3234] The maximum length of column [name] is greater than the maximum length of attribute [name].

The maximum length of the column is greater than the length an attribute to which it is mapped. This could cause an error during execution of the procedure.


[3235] The parameter [name] is compared to the field [name], but the field is write-only.

The input parameter is compared to a field that is write-only. This will cause an error during execution of the procedure.


[3236] The maximum length of attribute [name] is greater than the maximum length of column [name].

The maximum length of the column is less than the length an attribute to which it is mapped. This could cause an error during execution of the procedure.


[3237] The parameter [name] is written to the field [name], but the field is read only.

The input parameter is mapped to a field that is read-only. This will cause an error during execution of the procedure.


[3238] The parameter [name] is written to the attribute [name], but the attribute is read only.

The input parameter is mapped to an attribute that is read-only. This will cause an error during execution of the procedure.


[3239] The recordset [name] on entity [name] does not support direct record update.

You cannot update a recordset in a procedure if the recordset does not support direct record update.


[3240] The parameter [name] is read from the attribute [name], but the attribute is write-only.

The output parameter is mapped to an attribute that is write-only. This will cause an error during execution of the procedure.


[3241] The parameter [name] is compared to the attribute [name], but the attribute is write-only.

The input parameter is compared to an attribute that is write-only. This will cause an error during execution of the procedure.


[3242] The recordset [name] on entity [name] does not support record insertion.

You cannot insert into a recordset in a procedure if the recordset does not support insertion.


[3243] The operation [names] references one or more fields in a recordset.

References to fields are not allowed in this operation. There are only two situations in which fields may be referenced in an operation used in a procedure. The first situation is for operations that lead away from an entity with a recordset marked as First Record Only. The second situation is for operations that lead away from a recordset. In all other circumstances there will be no current record in the recordset.


[3244] Internal error - object referenced by [property] does not exist: [object id number].

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support for further assistance.


[3246] Internal error - [parameter type] parameters not valid for [procedure type] procedures.

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3248] Internal error - [name] property not valid for [name] columns.

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3250] Internal error - [name] property expected in [property sheet].

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3252] Internal error - [name] property unexpected in [property sheet].

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3253] The operation is referenced by the [name] operation on the [name] entity.

Before you delete this operation, you must go to the Destinations dialog on the Operation tab of the specified entity and remove it from the referencing operation.


[3254] Internal error - multiple [name] properties unexpected in [property sheet].

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3256] Internal error - the procedure does not start at the table's home entity.

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3258] Internal error - the procedure does not end at the table's home entity.

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3260] Internal error - the [name] filter parameter is not required in the compound procedure, but it is required in the sub procedure [name].

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3262] Internal error - the [name] data parameter is not required in the compound procedure, but it is required in the sub procedure [name].

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3290] SQL syntax error ([offset], [length]) - [SQL fragment].

There is a syntax error in the SQL statement. See VHI help topic for details on SQL-92 syntax in Host Integrator.


[3292] Unexpected character(s) in SQL ([offset], [length]) - [SQL fragment].

There is a syntax error in the SQL statement. See VHI help topic for details on SQL-92 syntax in Host Integrator.


[3294] Unexpected end of SQL statement.

There is a syntax error in the SQL statement. See VHI help topic for details on SQL-92 syntax in Host Integrator.


[3296] SQL not supported ([offset], [length]) - [SQL fragment].

The SQL keyword(s) specified in the error are not supported. See VHI help topic for details on SQL-92 syntax in Host Integrator.


[3298] Unsupported SQL in SELECT statement ([offset], [length]) - [SQL fragment].

GROUP BY and HAVING clauses are not supported. See VHI help topic for details on SQL-92 syntax in Host Integrator.


[3300] Unsupported SQL in SET clause ([offset], [length]) - [SQL fragment].

DEFAULT and NULL cannot be used for values in a SET clause. See VHI help topic for details on SQL-92 syntax in Host Integrator.


[3302] Unsupported SQL in comparison ([offset], [length]) - [SQL fragment].

The quantifiers ALL, SOME and ANY are not supported in comparisons. See VHI help topic for details on SQL-92 syntax in Host Integrator.


[3304] Unsupported SQL in row constructor ([offset], [length]) - [SQL fragment].

DEFAULT and NULL cannot be used for values in a VALUES clause. See VHI help topic for details on SQL-92 syntax in Host Integrator.


[3306] SQL joins not supported ([offset], [length]) - [SQL fragment].

Joins are not supported. See VHI help topic for details on SQL-92 syntax in Host Integrator.


[3308] SQL parameters not supported ([offset], [length]) - [SQL fragment].

Parameters are not supported. See VHI help topic for details on SQL-92 syntax in Host Integrator.


[3310] SQL subqueries not supported ([offset], [length]) - [SQL fragment].

Sub queries are not supported. See VHI help topic for details on SQL-92 syntax in Host Integrator.


[3312] SQL table correlations unsupported ([offset], [length]) - [SQL fragment].

Table correlations unsupported. See VHI help topic for details on SQL-92 syntax in Host Integrator.


[3314] Unrecognized table name ([offset], [length]) - [SQL fragment].

The specified table does not exist.


[3316] Unrecognized column name ([offset], [length]) - [SQL fragment].

The specified column in the table does not exist.


[3318] SQL column not specified in SELECT clause ([offset], [length]) - [SQL fragment].

The ORDER BY clause can only be used to sort by columns selected in the SELECT clause.


[3320] SQL column number out of range ([offset], [length]) - [SQL fragment].

The column number in the ORDER BY clause is larger than the number of columns in the SELECT clause.


[3322] SQL ambiguous column reference ([offset], [length]) - [SQL fragment].

A column with the name exists in more than one table. Prefix the table name to resolve the ambiguity.


[3324] SQL comparison type mismatch ([offset], [length]) - [SQL fragment].

The data types in the comparison cannot be compared. Strings and numbers cannot be compared.


[3326] SQL comparison degree mismatch ([offset], [length]) - [SQL fragment].

There is a mismatch between the number of elements being compared.


[3327] SQL literal expression expected ([offset], [length]) - [SQL fragment].

Only literal expressions are allowed.


[3328] SQL boolean expression expected ([offset], [length]) - [SQL fragment].

Only boolean expressions are allowed.


[3330] SQL numeric expression expected ([offset], [length]) - [SQL fragment].

Only numeric expressions are allowed.


[3332] SQL string expression expected ([offset], [length]) - [SQL fragment].

Only string expressions are allowed.


[3334] SQL scalar value expected ([offset], [length]) - [SQL fragment].

Only scalar values are allowed.


[3336] SQL number out of range ([offset], [length]) - [SQL fragment].

The number is too large.


[3340] SQL assignment type mismatch ([offset], [length]) - [SQL fragment].

Data types in the assignment mismatch. Strings cannot be assigned to numeric columns and numbers cannot be assigned to string columns.


[3342] SQL row constructors degree mismatch ([offset], [length]) - [SQL fragment].

The number of columns in the row constructor does not match either the number of columns in the INSERT INTO clause or the number of columns in the table.


[3344] SQL multiple statements not supported.

Multiple SQL statements are not supported.


[3346] Multiple table references in an SQL statement are not supported.

Multiple tables are not allowed in the FROM clause.


[3348] Unrecognized collating sequence ([offset], [length]) - [SQL fragment].

The specified collating sequence is not recognized. The only recognized collating sequences are CASE_INSENSITIVE and CASE_SENSITIVE.


[3350] COLLATE can only be used on string data types ([offset], [length]) - [SQL fragment].

The COLLATE operator cannot be used on numeric values.


[3352] SQL collating type mismatch ([offset], [length]) - [SQL fragment].

The strings in the comparison have conflicting collating sequences. Use COLLATE CASE_INSENSITIVE or COLLATE CASE_SENSITIVE to resolve the mismatch.


[3354] SQL explicit collating type mismatch ([offset], [length]) - [SQL fragment].

The strings cannot be concatenated because their explicit collating sequences conflict. Use COLLATE CASE_INSENSITIVE or COLLATE CASE_SENSITIVE to resolve the mismatch.


[3356] Unable to resolve SQL statement into a set of procedures.

The SQL statement could not be resolved into a set of procedures. This means that no procedure(s) could be found that match the request SQL operation. Subsequent error messages will list the closest procedures, if any.


[3358] [table] is an unrecognized table.

The specified table for the procedure does not exist.


[3360] [column] is an unrecognized column in table [table].

The specified column for the procedure does not exist in the table.


[3362] [procedure] is an unrecognized procedure in table [table].

The specified procedure does not exist in the table.


[3364] The procedure [name] requires [name] as a filter parameter.

The specified filter parameter is a required input of the procedure but is not supplied. All required filter parameters must be supplied.


[3366] The procedure [name] requires [name] as a data parameter.

The specified data parameter is a required input of the procedure but is not supplied. All required data parameters must be supplied.


[3368] The column [name] is not a filter parameter to procedure [name].

The specified column is not a filter input to the procedure but it was supplied.


[3370] The column [name] is not a data parameter to procedure [name].

The specified column is not a data input to the procedure but it was supplied.


[3372] The column [name] is not an output parameter of procedure [name].

The specified column is not an output parameter but it was requested.


[3374] [Value] - Integer out of range. Values for column [name] must be between [min] and [max].

The specified integer is out of range for the column.


[3376] [Value] - Integer out of range. Values for column [name] must be greater than or equal to [n].

The specified integer is too small for the column.


[3378] [Value] - Integer out of range. Values for column [name] must be less than or equal to [n].

The specified integer is too large for the column.


[3380] [String] - String too long. Strings for column [name] must be less than or equal to [max] characters long.

The specified string is too long for the column.


[3382] [String] - String too short. Strings for column [name] must be at least [min] character(s) long.

The specified string is too short for the column.


[3384] [Value] - String value expected. The column [name] only allows string values.

The column only allows string values.


[3386] [Value] - Integer value expected. The column [name] only allows integer values.

The column only allows integer values.


[3388] [Value] - Float value expected. The column [name] only allows float values.

The column only allows float values.


[3390] The table [name] does not support SELECT queries.

No Select procedures have been defined for the table.


[3392] The table [name] does not support UPDATE queries.

No Update procedures have been defined for the table.


[3394] The table [name] does not support INSERT queries.

No Insert procedures have been defined for the table.


[3396] The table [name] does not support DELETE queries.

No Delete procedures have been defined for the table.


[3398] The procedure [name] does not match because it lacks the following filter parameters: [filters].

This procedure matches the SQL statement's type, but it cannot be used because it lacks filter parameters that appear in the statement's WHERE clause.


[3400] The procedure [name] does not match because it requires the following filters: [filters].

This procedure matches the SQL statement's type, but it cannot be used because it requires filter parameters that do not appear in the statement's WHERE clause.


[3401] The procedure [name] does not match because of multiple unequal values for the following filters: [filters].

This procedure matches the SQL statement's type, but it cannot be used since multiple unequal values for the same filter parameter appear in the statement's WHERE clause.


[3402] The procedure [name] does not match because it lacks the following input data: [data names].

This procedure matches the SQL statement's type, but it cannot be used because it lacks data parameters that appear in the statement's SET (UPDATE statements) or VALUES (INSERT statements) clauses.


[3404] The procedure [name] does not match because it requires the following input data: [data names].

This procedure matches the SQL statement's type, but it cannot be used because it requires data parameters that do not appear in the statement's SET (UPDATE statements) or INSERT INTO (INSERT statements) clauses.


[3406] The procedure [name] does not match because it lacks the following outputs: [output names].

This procedure matches the SQL statement's type, but it cannot be used because it does not have output parameters that appear in the statement's SELECT clause. If you are using "SELECT * FROM ..." then enable "Allow SQL SELECT statements to return a subset of columns when all columns are requested" on the table in the model.


[3408] The SQL statement resolves in a set of procedures that may return duplicate rows. Either use SELECT DISTINCT or remove one or more OR's in the WHERE clause.

Host Integrator cannot guarantee that duplicate records will not be returned by the set of procedures chosen. Either use SELECT DISTINCT or remove one or more OR's in the WHERE clause to correct this problem.


[3410] Procedure [name] on table [name] failed.

The specified procedure failed. Check preceding errors for details.


[3411] Procedure cancelled.

The procedure was cancelled before completing.


[3412] Procedure failed due to an unexpected arrival at entity [name].

The procedure failed due to arrival at entity not specified in the procedure. To prevent this error, use the Procedure Editor to add the entity as a branch or error entity.


[3413] Procedure failed due to operation %0 on entity %1 failing.

The procedure failed due to an operation failing. To prevent this error, correct the operation that failed.


[3414] Procedure failed due to an unrecognized entity.

The procedure failed due to arrival at an undefined entity. To prevent this error, create an entity and then use the Procedure Editor to add it as a branch or error entity.


[3416] Procedure failed due to an error reading from attribute [name] on entity [name].

The procedure failed due to an error reading from an attribute. Check preceding errors for details.


[3417] Procedure failed due to an error reading from field [recordset].[field] on entity [name].

The procedure failed due to an error reading from a field. Check preceding errors for details.


[3418] Procedure failed due to an error writing to attribute [name] on entity [name].

The procedure failed due to an error writing to an attribute. Check preceding errors for details.


[3419] Procedure failed due to an error writing to field [recordset].[field] on entity [name].

The procedure failed due to an error writing to a field. Check preceding errors for details.


[3420] User-defined error detected: [error string]

This is a user-defined error. Check with the model designer for details.


[3422] Synchronization of recordset [name] failed. Unable to find the synchronization record: [n].

Host Integrator was unable to find the synchronization record upon returning the entity with the recordset. Try using Previous Record as the synchronization option for the recordset in the procedure. The synchronization options for the recordset can be changed in the Procedure Editor.


[3423] No record matching record found in recordset [name] on entity [name].

No record matching could be found in the recordset. One record must be found when using the First Record Only option for the recordset in the procedure.


[3424] Procedure timed out.

The procedure timed out.


[3426] Procedure initialization failed. Unable to navigate to the procedure starting entity [name].

The procedure failed because Host Integrator was unable to navigate to the procedure's starting entity.


[3428] Procedure reset failed. Unable to navigate back to the home entity [name].

Host Integrator failed to navigate back to the procedure's starting entity after a failed run.


[3430] The attribute is referenced by the command list for operation [name].

Before you delete this attribute, you must remove it from the referencing command list.


[3431] The [name] attribute is referenced by entity validation.

Before you delete this attribute, you must use the Advanced Entity Properties dialog box to remove it from the entity validation.


[3432] The attribute is referenced by the [name] operation.

Before you delete this attribute, you must go to the Operation tab and remove it from the referencing operation.


[3433] The attribute is referenced by the [name] recordset.

Before you delete this attribute, you must go to the Recordset tab and remove it from the referencing recordset.


[3434] The attribute is referenced by the [name] operation on the [name] entity.

Before you delete this attribute, you must go to the Operation tab of the specified entity and remove it from the referencing operation.


[3435] The attribute is referenced by the scroll down termination in the [name] recordset.

Before you delete this attribute, you must go to the Recordset tab and use the Recordset Termination Options dialog box to remove it from the referencing recordset.


[3436] The attribute is referenced by the scroll up termination in the [name] recordset.

Before you delete this attribute, you must go to the Recordset tab and use the Recordset Termination Options dialog box to remove it from the referencing recordset.


[3437] The attribute is referenced by the fetch termination in the [name] recordset.

Before you delete this attribute, you must go to the Recordset tab and use the Recordset Termination Options dialog box to remove it from the referencing recordset.


[3441] The event is referenced by a WaitForMultipleEvents command in the intermediate command list for entity [name] in operation [name].

Before you delete this event, you must go to the Operation tab, select the entity in the intermediate list of the Destinations dialog, and use the Command List Editor dialog box to remove it from the referencing command.


[3442] The event is referenced by a WaitForMultipleEvents command for entity [name] in operation [name].

Before you delete this event, you must go to the Operation tab and use the Command List Editor dialog box to remove it from the referencing command.


[3443] The event is referenced by the command list for the [name] model property.

Before you delete this event, you must remove the event from the command list in this model property.


[3444] The entity is referenced by the command list for operation [name].

Before you delete this entity, you must remove it from the referencing command list.


[3446] The entity is referenced by the intermediate destination command list for entity [name] in operation [name].

Before you delete this entity, you must go to the Operation tab and use the Operation Destinations dialog box to remove it from the referencing operation.


[3447] The entity is the home entity.

Before you delete this entity, you must use the Model Properties dialog box to choose a different home entity.


[3448] The entity is the Host Emulator Start entity.

Before you delete this entity, you must use the Model Properties dialog box to choose a different Host Emulator Start entity.


[3449] The entity is referenced by the [name] command list.

Before you delete this entity, you must remove it from the referencing command list.


[3450] The entity is referenced by the [name] operation on the [name] entity.

Before you delete this entity, you must go to the Operation tab and remove it from the referencing operation.


[3451] The operation is mapped for moving the cursor.

Before you delete this operation, you must use the Cursor tab to select a different operation to move the cursor.


[3452] The operation is the keep-alive operation.

Before you delete this operation, you must use the Advanced Entity Properties dialog box to choose a different keep-alive operation.


[3454] The operation is referenced by the [name] recordset.

Before you delete this operation, you must go to the Recordset tab and remove it from the referencing recordset.


[3455] The operation is referenced by the [name] recordset.

Before you delete this operation, you must go to the Attribute Operations tab and remove it from the referencing attribute.


[3456] The pattern is referenced by the [name] attribute.

Before you delete this pattern, you must go to the Attribute tab and remove it from the referencing attribute.


[3458] The pattern is referenced by the entity validation.

Before you delete this pattern, you must use the Advanced Entity Properties dialog box to remove it from the entity validation.


[3460] The pattern is referenced by the [name] operation.

Before you delete this pattern, you must go to the Operation tab and remove it from the referencing operation.


[3462] The pattern is referenced by the [name] recordset.

Before you delete this pattern, you must go to the Recordset tab and remove it from the referencing recordset.


[3464] The pattern is referenced by the columns in the [name] recordset.

Before you delete this pattern, you must go to the Recordset tab and remove it from the referencing recordset columns.


[3466] The pattern is referenced by the [name] field in the [name] recordset.

Before you delete this pattern, you must go to the Recordset tab and remove it from the referencing recordset field.


[3468] The pattern is referenced by the records in the [name] recordset.

Before you delete this pattern, you must go to the Recordset tab and remove it from the referencing recordset records.


[3470] The pattern is referenced by scroll down termination in the [name] recordset.

Before you delete this pattern, you must go to the Recordset tab and use the Recordset Termination Options dialog box to remove it from the referencing recordset.


[3472] The pattern is referenced by scroll up termination in the [name] recordset.

Before you delete this pattern, you must go to the Recordset tab and use the Recordset Termination Options dialog box to remove it from the referencing recordset.


[3474] The pattern is referenced by fetch termination in the [name] recordset.

Before you delete this pattern, you must go to the Recordset tab and use the Recordset Termination Options dialog box to remove it from the referencing recordset.


[3476] The variable is referenced by the [name] Attribute in the [name] entity.

Before you delete this variable, you must go to the Attribute tab and remove it from the referencing attribute.


[3477] The variable is referenced by the [name] command list.

Before you delete this variable, you must remove it from the referencing command list.


[3478] The variable is referenced by the command list for operation [name].

Before you delete this variable, you must remove it from the referencing command list.


[3479] The variable is referenced by the intermediate destination command list for entity [name] in operation [name].

Before you delete this variable, you must remove it from the referencing command list.


[3480] The variable is referenced by the entity validation.

Before you delete this variable, you must use the Advanced Entity Properties dialog box to remove it from the entity validation.


[3482] The variable is referenced by the [name] operation in the [name] entity.

Before you delete this variable, you must go to the Operation tab and use the Operation Edit dialog box to remove it from the referencing operation.


[3484] The variable is referenced by the [name] recordset in the [name] entity.

Before you delete this variable, you must go to the Recordset tab and remove it from the referencing recordset.


[3486] The variable is referenced by the [name] field in the [name] recordset in the [name] entity.

Before you delete this variable, you must go to the Recordset tab and remove it from the referencing recordset field.


[3488] The variable is referenced by the scroll down termination in the [name] recordset in the [name] entity.

Before you delete this variable, you must go to the Recordset tab and use the Recordset Termination Options dialog box to remove it from the referencing recordset.


[3490] The variable is referenced by the scroll up termination in the [name] recordset in the [name] entity.

Before you delete this variable, you must go to the Recordset tab and use the Recordset Termination Options dialog box to remove it from the referencing recordset.


[3492] The variable is referenced by the fetch termination in the [name] recordset in the [name] entity.

Before you delete this variable, you must go to the Recordset tab and use the Recordset Termination Options dialog box to remove it from the referencing recordset.


[3494] An object exists with an invalid [name] Property Sheet in the [name] Property Sheet.

An invalid Property Sheet was found. Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3496] An invalid Property Sheet list was created trying to process the [name] Property Sheet.

An invalid Property Sheet was found. Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3498] The ATTRIBUTES_ property ([name]) in the [name] Property Sheet ([name]) is invalid.

An invalid Property Sheet was found. Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3500] The TYPE_ property ([name]) in the [name] Property Sheet ([name]) is invalid.

An invalid Property Sheet was found. Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3502] The Location specified by the [name] Property Sheet ([name]) is invalid.

An invalid Property Sheet was found. Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3504] The relative Pattern specified in the [name] Property Sheet in the [name] Property Sheet ([name]) is invalid.

An invalid Property Sheet was found. Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3506] The validation of the Applications property sheet failed.

An invalid Property Sheet was found. Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3508] The Host Emulator start entity specified in the model is invalid.

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3510] No Host Emulator start entity has been specified in the model.

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3512] The Home Entity specified in the model is invalid.

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3514] No Home Entity has been specified in the model.

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3516] No Entities have been specified in the model.

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3518] The APPENDTEXT_ property has been improperly specified in the [name] attribute in the [name] entity.

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3520] The override attribute has been improperly specified in the [name] attribute in the [name] entity.

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3522] The PREPENDTEXT_ property has been improperly specified in the [name] attribute in the [name] entity.

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3524] The READDEFAULT_ property has been improperly specified in the [name] attribute in the [name] entity.

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3526] The READVARIABLEID_ property has been improperly specified in the [name] attribute in the [name] entity.

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3528] The SYMBOLS_ property has been improperly specified in the [name] attribute in the [name] entity.

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3529] The write-echo attribute has been improperly specified in the [name] attribute in the [name] entity.

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3530] The WRITEVARIABLEID_ property has been improperly specified in the [name] attribute in the [name] entity.

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3531] The autotab-on-underfill attribute has been improperly specified in the [name] attribute in the [name] entity.

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3532] The KEEPALIVEOPERA_ property has been improperly specified in the [name] entity.

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3534] The ERRORENTITYID_ property ([name]) has been improperly specified in the ERRORENTITY_ property sheet in the [name] operation in the [name] entity.

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3535] The validation of entity ([name]) failed.

Make sure that the validation criteria are proper and correctly specified.


[3536] The DESTENTITYID_ property has been improperly specified in the INTERMEDIATE_ property sheet in the [name] operation in the [name] entity.

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3538] The DESTENTITYID_ property ([name]) specified in the INTERMEDIATE_ property sheet in the [name] operation in the [name] entity is a duplicate.

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3540] The ALTDESTID_ property ([name]) has been improperly specified in the [name] operation in the [name] entity.

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3542] The DESTENTITYID_ property ([name]) has been improperly specified in the [name] operation in the [name] entity.

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3544] The ALTDESTID_ property ([name]) specified in the [name] operation in the [name] entity is a duplicate.

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3546] The DESTENTITYID_ property ([name]) specified in the INTERMEDIATE_ property sheet in the [name] operation in the [name] entity is a duplicate.

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3548] The ERRORENTITYID_ property ([name]) specified in the ERRORENTITY_ property sheet in the [name] operation in the [name] entity is a duplicate.

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3551] An entity was found with no patterns.

An Entity requires at least one screen pattern so Host Integrator can recognize it.


[3552] The Pattern type has been improperly specified in the [name] pattern in the [name] entity.

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3553] The Pattern type has been improperly specified in the [name] pattern in the [name] entity.

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3554] The case sensitivity has been improperly specified in the [name] pattern in the [name] entity.

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3556] The COLOR_ property has been improperly specified in the [name] pattern in the [name] entity.

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3558] The MODIFIER_ property has been improperly specified in the [name] pattern in the [name] entity.

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3560] The OPERATOR_ property has been improperly specified in the [name] pattern in the [name] entity.

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3562] The signature pattern has been improperly specified in the [name] pattern in the [name] entity.

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3564] One of the symbols properties has been improperly specified in the [name] pattern in the [name] entity.

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3565] The signature patterns on entity [name] do not match the snapshot.

Either the snapshot is out of date or the entity signature needs to be changed.


[3566] One or more of the text properties has been improperly specified in the [name] pattern in the [name] entity.

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3567] The signature patterns on entity [name] match the snapshot for entity [name].

Either the snapshot is out of date or patterns need to be added to make the entity signature unique.


[3568] The AFTERINSERTOPERA_ property has been improperly specified in the [name] recordset in the [name] entity.

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3569] The AFTERUPDATECMDLIST_ property has been improperly specified in the [name] recordset in the [name] entity.

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3570] The BEFOREINSERTOPERA_ property has been improperly specified in the [name] recordset in the [name] entity.

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3571] The BEFOREUPDATECMDLIST_ property has been improperly specified in the [name] recordset in the [name] entity.

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3572] The CONDITION_ property has been improperly specified in the [name] recordset in the [name] entity.

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3573] The filter condition in the [name] recordset in the [name] entity is incorrect. Edit the recordset options for detailed error information.

The filter condition in the recordset is incorrect. Edit the recordset options for detailed error information.


[3574] The FETCHTYPE_ property has been improperly specified in the [name] recordset in the [name] entity.

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3576] The Host Reset attribute has been improperly specified in the SELECTION_ property sheet in the [name] recordset in the [name] entity.

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3578] The Iteration attribute has been improperly specified in the SELECTION_ property sheet in the [name] recordset in the [name] entity.

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3580] The selection not supported attribute has been improperly specified in the SELECTION_ property sheet in the [name] recordset in the [name] entity.

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3582] The selection supported attribute has been improperly specified in the SELECTION_ property sheet in the [name] recordset in the [name] entity.

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3584] The First/Last Field attribute has been improperly specified in the [name] property sheet in the [name] property sheet.

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3586] The Row/Column Wise attribute has been improperly specified in the [name] property sheet in the [name] property sheet.

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3587] Warning: this entity does not have a default path to navigate to the home entity.

If this entity is reached on the Server, the model must disconnect and reconnect to reach the home entity. This will degrade the Server's performance.


[3588] The [object] name you provided is not valid.

This design tool message is always accompanied by additional error messages given the reasons the name was rejected.


[3589] Warning: Multi-column recordset has columns of varying width.

There is a small possibility that a multi-column recordset with column of differing widths has been incorrectly defined. If so, fetched data would be misaligned.


[3590] An object name cannot be an empty string.

Object names must be at least one character long.


[3592] [Char] invalid. The first character must be alphabetic or underscore.

The specified character is not permitted to be the first character. In particular, a number as the first character can be misinterpreted, lead to the string being treated as a number instead of a string identifier.


[3594] [Char] invalid. Only ASCII characters are permitted.

No extended characters are permitted in object names.


[3596] [Char] invalid. Only alphanumeric and underscore characters are permitted.

Only alphanumeric characters, as defined by the system locale, and the underscore character are considered valid for use in an object name.


[3598] Name too long. Maximum length is 128 characters.

Object names must be between 1 and 128 characters in length, inclusive.


[3600] [Name] is a reserved word.

Verastream Host Integrator has only one reserved word: variables, in any letter case. Objects cannot be named with the word variables.


[3602] Supplied certificate is not a valid X509 certificate.

The security token supplied has a bad format (zero length). Check your certificate store. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[3604] Token verifier was not instantiated.

Security token parsing error (NULLTOKENVERIFIER): Contact Technical Support.


[3606] Invalid security token.

Security token parsing error (TOKENPARSING). You will get this error if you configured security profiles and turned on security for your server just now. You must first log out and log back in to get a new security token that is authorized to configured this server. If the problem persists even after you logout and log back in, contact Technical Support.


[3608] Token subject is not supported.

Security token parsing error (UNSUPPORTEDSUBJECTTYPE): Contact Technical Support.


[3610] Signature hash does not match token hash.

Security token parsing error (SIGNATUREHASH): Check your certificate store. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[3612] Signing principal does not match token issuer.

Security token parsing error (INVALIDSIGNATUREISSUER): Check your certificate store. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[3614] Signature type is not a supported algorithm.

Security token parsing error (UNSUPPORTEDSIGNATURETYPE): Check your certificate store. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[3616] Token is invalid.

Security token parsing error (INVALIDTOKEN): Check your certificate store. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[3618] Security context cannot be modified in read only mode.

Security token parsing error (SECCTXREADONLY): Contact Technical Support.


[3620] Token current time is outside of validity range.

Security token parsing error (TOKENDATEINVALID): This error can occur if the system time doesn not match on the machines running the management server and the session server. Check time synchronization. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[3622] Subject information not available.

Security token parsing error (NOSUBJECTINFO): Check your certificate store. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[3624] Token binding is invalid. This error could be due to multiple ip addresses on the client machine.

Security token parsing error (BADBINDING): Check your network settings. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[3626] Internal error - Object does not exist ([object id number]) for argument [n] in command [n] in COMMANDLIST_ [object id number].

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3627] [Object] [name] was created only to resolve a reference from an object that you imported. Please remove or rename the object.

During Model Elements import, you imported an object that had a reference to an object that you did not import. To resolve that reference, a placeholder was created. Please remove or rename this placeholder.


[3628] [Object] [name] was created only to resolve an existing reference in the model. Please remove or rename the object.

During Model Elements import, an existing object could not be removed because a reference to it still existed. To resolve that reference, a placeholder was created. Please remove or rename this placeholder.


[3629] Cannot import from model [name] because it has a different Session Type.

You can only import model elements from models with the same Session Type (5250, 3720, HP, VT) as you are currently editing.


[3650] Host did not return any data.

The host system may be unresponsive or Session Setup may be incorrect. On the Connection menu, click Session Setup and verify the session settings.


[3651] Initial screen or post-login screen was not recognized.

If a login command list is defined, the screen present at completion must be recognized as a defined entity. Otherwise, the initial host screen must be recognized. This error means that Host Integrator failed to recognize the screen. Possible explanations are the host application has changed, the login sequence was not completed successfully or differs based on the user, or the screen is just not defined in the model.


[3652] Login command list failed.

The login command list is executed on session connect in the Server or upon request in the Design Tool. This error is typically accompanied by another error specifying the exact command that failed. If the error is not reproducible using the Design Tool command debugger, Host Integrator might be getting ahead of the host. You may need to add additional wait commands prior to sending data.


[3653] Logout command list failed.

The logout command list is executed when a Server session is being shut down, or upon request in the Design Tool. This error is typically accompanied by another error specifying the command that failed. If the error is not reproducible using the Design Tool command debugger, Host Integrator might be getting ahead of the host. You may need to add additional wait commands prior to sending data. Other problems could include failure to reach the start entity or the start entity being altered in a session pool to a screen not supported by the logout script.


[3660] Auto generation of tab stops failed due to a duplicate tab stop.

The auto generation of tab stops failed because a duplicate tab stop was encountered. Define the tab stops manually instead.


[3661] Tab stops were generated, but they failed to pass a validation test.

During tab stop generation Host Integrator makes two passes and compares the results. This error occurs when the results of the second pass do not match the first pass. The results of the first pass are still used, but they may not be correct.


[3662] An attempt was made to move the cursor to an invalid location: row [n], col[n].

A request to move the cursor must always supply row and column values that are on the display screen. This error indicates the row and column pair do not constitute a valid screen location.


[3663] A move cursor command invocation resulted in a recursive move cursor command request. This is not permitted.

The most likely cause of this error is a move cursor command or API call in a cursor forward or backward override. This would result in infinite recursion and is therefore not permitted.


[3664] The cursor default callback moved the cursor to row [n], column [n]. This is not a valid tabstop.

When using a cursor tab override, calling the default callback to move the cursor forward or backward must result in the cursor moving to a valid tabstop. This message is the result when a move cursor forward or backward default callback moves the cursor but the resulting location is not defined as a tabstop.


[3665] The cursor default callback was cancelled due a parent request error, timeout, or cancellation.

Any cursor default callback will stop if a system interrupt for a timeout, user cancellation in the Design Tool, or an error. Other error messages reported subsequent to this should provide information about what caused the cursor callback to halt.


[3670] Error while trying to initialize Property Manager.

Host Integrator is unable to initialize the Property Manager. Close the current Administrative WebStation browser session, then restart the Administrative WebStation on the machine where it is installed. Start a new Administrative WebStation browser session, and try again to logon to the Administrative WebStation.


[3671] Exception while trying to initialize Property Manager.

Host Integrator is unable to initialize the Property Manager. Close the current Administrative WebStation browser session, then restart the Administrative WebStation on the machine where it is installed. Start a new Administrative WebStation browser session, and try again to logon to the Administrative WebStation.


[3672] Console session timed out.

The Administrative WebStation session has timed out because it has been inactive for 30 minutes. When the Administrative WebStation times out, it returns to the login panel. The timeout is configured on the web server running the Administrative WebStation.


[3673] Console session exists.

You have started more than one instance of the Administrative WebStation from a single browser session or have ended an Administrative WebStation session without first logging out. Each Administrative WebStation session must run in its own browser session; log out from all additional sessions. If you want to run multiple instances of the Administrative WebStation, start each session in its own browser window. If you continue to experience problems, close all browser sessions and then try to start an Administrative WebStation browser session.


[3674] Valid Directory Server required for login.

A valid directory server has not been specified for this installation of the Administrative WebStation. On the Administrative WebStation Login panel, click the Directory Serv button to specify a directory server.


[3675] Unable to extract fingerprint from Directory Server.

There is a problem with the currently selected directory server. Most likely the specified name is invalid or the directory server is not functioning. On the Administrative WebStation login page, click Directory Serv and verify that the specified directory server name is correct. If you continue to experience a problem, try stopping and then restarting the directory server.


[3680] There is no command list defined for move cursor forward.

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3681] There is no command list defined for move cursor backward.

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[3690] Obsolete


[3691] Obsolete


[3695] The CheckOperationConditions command can only be executed on start entity [name]; current entity is [name].

The CheckOperationConditions command checks the status of the terminal screen for various model-defined properties. If the screen has already changed from the origin entity, Host Integrator will issue this error because it cannot check the conditions.


[3696] The CheckOperationConditions command is only valid in an operation. It is not permitted in other command lists.

The CheckOperationConditions command was executed in the context of a command list such as login or logout. Remove the command from the command list.


[3697] The CheckOperationConditions command is invalid - there is no current operation.

The CheckOperationConditions command was executed in a context other than operations. Remove the command removed from the command list.


[3700] Internal error ([file] line [line]).

An internal error occurred. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[3701] Patterns/attributes cannot be generated automatically for a VT host.

To add a pattern/attribute to an entity, select a section of the host screen and then click New Pattern/Attribute on the Pattern/Attribute tab.


[3702] No attributes are automatically generated.

To add an attribute to an entity, select a text field on the host screen and click New Attribute on the Attribute tab.


[3703] Command could not be saved. Command: [name], [argument] could not be parsed.

Use the Operation Edit dialog box to edit the invalid command. In the Operation Edit dialog box, select a command and press F1 or click Command Help for detailed online help for that command.


[3704] You must enter a condition.

Use the Condition Edit dialog box to create a condition.


[3705] You must select at least one unused pattern.

To move a pattern from the Unused box to the Check box, use the right arrow button. The only patterns that will appear in the Unused box will be patterns that are not considered to be a part of the entity signature.


[3706] Tabstop test failed.

A tabstop in the list does not accurately reflect an attribute on the entity. Click Generate to identify the tabstop positions automatically.

Note: You must first configure a move cursor command list in the Advanced Model Properties dialog box.


[3707] Can't create the logging directory.

Choose a different name for the logging directory.


[3708] The Model Properties dialog cannot be closed while a command list is being executed. Please try again later.

To cancel the execution of a command list, click Cancel button in the Command List in Progress dialog box.


[3709] You must select at least one operation: Move forward or Move backward.

To select an operation to move the cursor forward, select the Move forward check box and then choose an operation. To select an operation to move the cursor backward, select the Move backward check box and follow the same procedure.


[3710] You must define an operation to navigate to the selected entity.

To add an operation to an entity, click New Operation on the Operation tab, choose an operation destination, and define a command list. Alternatively, if the Design Tool is set to generate operations automatically, an operation will be generated as you manually traverse to the selected entity.


[3711] Warning: the defined patterns on this entity do not match the associated snapshot.

Use the Signature Analyzer dialog box to identify pattern mismatches, then edit or delete the bad patterns on the Pattern tab. Alternatively, you can connect to the host, navigate to this entity, and click Update in the General tab of the Advanced Entity Properties dialog box to update the snapshot.


[3712] Snapshot not found for entity [name].

To create a snapshot for an entity, connect to the host, navigate to that entity, and click the Update button on the General tab of the Advanced Entity Properties dialog box.


[3713] Error: the defined patterns do not constitute a unique signature.

Use the Signature Analyzer to compare the patterns of this entity with other entities in your host application model. Add one or more patterns on the Pattern tab to uniquely identify this entity.


[3714] The current entity cannot be updated.

An error occurred while attempting to update the current entity. Please document the sequence of events that led to this error, click Cancel on the entity window, save your work to a new file, and contact Technical Support.


[3715] The name [name] is already used.

Choose a different name.


[3716] You must select an operation destination.

Choose an operation destination.


[3717] Operation command list cannot be empty. Use the editing buttons to add and edit commands.

Use the Operation Edit dialog box to create an operation command list.


[3718] A name is required.

Enter a name.


[3719] No patterns are automatically generated.

To add a pattern to an entity, select a static section of the host screen and click New Pattern on the Pattern tab.


[3720] The current pattern is already used for validation. To use it in entity signature, please go to the Advanced Entity Properties dialog and remove the pattern from the 'wait for patterns' list first.

A pattern cannot be used for both entity signature and validation. To remove a pattern from the validation list, open the Advanced Entity Properties dialog box, go to the Validation tab, select that pattern, and click Remove.


[3721] This Entity type requires at least one screen pattern so Host Integrator can recognize it.

To add a pattern to an entity, use the cursor to select a static section of the host screen and click the New Pattern button on the Pattern tab.


[3722] A write to display memory was out of bounds. Please document the sequence of events that led to this error, exit Host Integrator, and contact Technical Support.

An error occurred while attempting to display a host screen. Please document the sequence of events that led to this error, exit Host Integrator, and contact Technical Support.


[3723] Recordset select test failed.

Use the Test Recordset dialog box to test a data fetch of a recordset.

Note: Testing recordsets will only function while you are connected to a host.


[3724] Error: The signature analyzer cannot be run since no entities have been defined.

To add an entity, traverse to a host screen and click New Entity on the entity window.


[3725] Error: Can't create the log file.

Choose a different name for the log file.


[3726] You must select at least one recordset termination criterion.

Choose one or more recordset termination criteria.


[3727] You must enter a string for recordset record.

Select a section of recordset text in the host screen and click the Update button.


[3728] The current screen selection cannot be added as a recordset field. Please select a region within the recordset.

Select a section of the recordset in the host screen and click New Field.


[3729] You must select Read and/or Write.

Select the Read check box to make this field readable. Select the Write check box to make this field writable.


[3730] You must define an operation before enabling this option.

To add an operation to an entity, click New Operation on the Operation tab, choose an operation destination, and then define a command list.


[3731] You must select at least one pattern property.

Choose one or more pattern properties, for example text.


[3732] This pattern requires text for its definition. You must either type or select some text from the terminal screen, or uncheck the Text checkbox in the Definition tab.

Enter text that appears on that area of the host screen.


[3733] The current pattern is already used as an error pattern in operation [name]. To use it in entity signature, please remove the pattern as an error pattern from the operation first.

A pattern cannot be used for both entity signature and operation error. To remove a pattern from the operation pattern list, go to the Conditions dialog for the operation.


[3734] You must enter an error string.

Enter text to be returned on the host screen if unable to locate a relative attribute during fetch.


[3735] This procedure's type cannot be changed because it is used in a compound procedure.

As long as a procedure is used in a compound procedure its type cannot be changed. If you want to change it you must first remove it from the compound procedure.


[3736] The variables cannot be updated.

An error occurred while attempting to save the variables. Please document the sequence of events that led to this error, cancel the dialog box, save your work to a new file, and contact Technical Support.


[3737] The selection operation did not reach an expected destination.

The recordset selection test failed. The selection operation did not reach an expected destination. Click the Operation tab and use the Operation Edit dialog box to edit the selection operation.


[3738] A variable must be either read or write, or both read and write, or hidden.

Select the Read check box to allow the variable to be readable. Select the Write check box to allow an API developer to change the value of this variable after it's been deployed to the Host Integrator Server. Select the Hidden check box to make the variable inaccessible to a developer via the model file after it's been deployed to the Host Integrator Server.


[3739] Invalid minimum length.

Enter a different number.


[3740] Invalid maximum length.

Enter a different number.


[3741] The minimum length cannot be larger than the maximum.

The minimum length must be smaller than the maximum. Enter a different number.


[3742] Invalid minimum value.

Enter a different number.


[3743] Invalid maximum value.

Enter a different number.


[3744] The minimum value cannot be larger than the maximum.

The minimum value must be smaller than the maximum. Enter a different number.


[3745] Are you sure you want to generate attributes automatically?

Click Yes to generate attributes automatically, No to cancel.


[3746] Are you sure you want to discard this operation?

Click Yes to discard this operation, No to cancel.


[3747] Tabstop test succeeded.

The list of tabstops matches the list of tab keystrokes that stop at each attribute on the selected entity.


[3748] Are you sure you want to permanently delete the current entity?

Click Yes to permanently delete the current entity, No to cancel.


[3749] You are not currently connected to a host. Would you like to use offline mode?

Click Yes to use offline mode, No to cancel.


[3750] The current session must be disconnected now. Continue?

Click Yes to disconnect from the current session, No to cancel.


[3751] This entity name is already used. Do you want the Design Tool to generate a unique name?

Click Yes to generate a unique name, No to cancel.


[3752] Operation [name] is currently being used for navigation commands to this destination. Do you want to use the current operation instead?

Click Yes to use the current operation when a dynamic traversal is requested and that traversal needs to jump from the current entity to an adjacent entity. Click No to cancel.


[3753] Are you sure you want to generate patterns automatically? Note: Some patterns may require removal later for better performance, or because they contain non-static data such as time and date.

Click Yes to generate patterns automatically, No to cancel.


[3754] A pattern with a multi-line, rectangular text property must have all lines equal. Press OK to have Host Integrator make each line a separate pattern. Press Cancel to return to the dialog.

Click OK to have Host Integrator make each line a separate pattern. Click Cancel to return to the dialog box and adjust the pattern text to make all lines equal.


[3755] Do you want to replace the existing command list?

Click Yes to replace the existing command list, No to cancel.


[3756] The pattern text must be the same width and height as the pattern region.

Redefine the pattern so that the text and search region are the same size, or enable the "Search in extended region" option.


[3757] Unchecking the encrypted checkbox will erase encrypted values for this variable. Do you wish to continue?

Click Yes to erase encrypted values for this variable, No to cancel.


[3758] The condition was validated successfully.

Performed syntax checking of the expression. No errors found.


[3759] Procedure completed successfully.

The procedure ran to completion successfully.


[3760] [name]: Procedure validated successfully.

The procedure has no validation errors or warnings.


[3761] Changing the procedure type will delete its implementation. Do you want to change the procedure type?

You cannot change a procedure's type without losing the entity and parameter mappings. Click Yes to change the type, No to cancel.


[3762] This parameter is currently used in the procedure. Do you want to remove this parameter anyway?

The parameter is mapped to an attribute, field, or another parameter. Removing the parameter from the procedure will also remove these mappings. Click Yes to remove the parameter, No to cancel.


[3763] Changing the procedure's home entity may cause it to break. Additional editing may be needed in order to repair it. Do you want to change the procedure's home entity?

Changing a procedure's home entity may break the procedure until it is re-edited. If you change a procedure's home entity you should check that each procedure's path is still correct in the Procedure Editor. Click Yes to change the home entity, No to cancel.


[3764] Warning: the defined patterns on this entity do not match the current screen. Do you still want to Apply changes?

Click Yes to apply changes, No to cancel. Go to offline mode, use the Signature Analyzer dialog box to identify pattern mismatches, and then edit or delete the bad patterns on the Pattern tab.


[3765] The new local keyboard is substantially different. Reset keyboard maps to defaults?

The new local keyboard is substantially different. Click Yes to reset keyboard maps to defaults, No to cancel.


[3766] Are you sure you want to delete the entire command list?

Click Yes to delete the entire command list, No to cancel.


[3767] Recordset field [name] either starts or is beyond the range of a record in recordset [name] on entity [name].

A recordset field must be within a record of the recordset. To add a field to a recordset, select an area within the recordset on the terminal screen that contains specific data and click the New Field button. By default, a name and the start and end offsets of the field are provided by the Design Tool.


[3768] Command requires an object selection for argument [name], but none was made. If none are available, the command must be removed.

Use the Operation Edit dialog box to edit the invalid command. In the Operation Edit dialog box, select a command and press F1 or click Command Help for detailed online help for that command.


[3769] Host Integrator could not build this command for an unspecified reason. Please document the current command and argument values, cancel the dialog, save work to a new file, and contact Technical Support.

An error occurred while attempting to save a command. Please document the current command and argument values, cancel the dialog, save work to a new file, and contact Technical Support.


[3770] You must select at least one filter option for recordset fetch termination.

Choose one or more filter options for recordset fetch termination.


[3771] Recordset field [name] either starts or is beyond the range of a record in recordset [name] on entity %2. Note: Records on recordset column [name] have [n] characters only.

A recordset field must be within a record of the recordset. To add a field to a recordset, select an area within the recordset on the terminal screen that contains specific data and click the New Field button. By default, a name and the start and end offsets of the field are provided by the Design Tool.


[3772] Are you sure you want to change the initial cursor position to the current cursor position?

Click Yes to update the initial cursor position, No to cancel. Note: If you have configured any entity properties relative to a cursor position, these property coordinates will be automatically updated. Click Apply to save your changes or click Cancel to revert your initial cursor position back to its original state.


[3773] You must select at least one unused attribute.

To move an attribute from the Unused box to the Return box, use the right arrow button.


[3774] The snapshot cannot be updated because the host screen has changed. Please update it later.

To update the snapshot for an entity, connect to the host, navigate to that entity, and click the Update button on the General tab of the Advanced Entity Properties dialog box.


[3775] 'End of screen is always a delimiter' cannot be used because the recordset is set to overlap records across screens.

To use the 'End of screen is always a delimiter' option, you must go to the Recordset Options dialog and deselect the 'Host overlaps records across screens' option.


[3776] 'Host overlaps records across screens' cannot be used because the recordset is set to use end of screen as a delimiter.

To use the 'Host overlaps records across screens' option, you must go to the Recordset/Layout tab and uncheck the 'End of screen is always a delimiter' box.


[3777] Command [name] requires an object selection for argument [name], but none are available. The command was removed.

Use the Operation Edit dialog box to edit the command list. In the Operation Edit dialog box, select a command and press F1 or click Command Help for detailed online help for that command.


[3778] Host Integrator could not build command [name] for an unspecified reason. The command was removed.

An error occurred while attempting to save a command. Please document the current command and argument values, cancel the dialog, save work to a new file, and contact Technical Support.


[3779] Command [name], [argument] could not be parsed. The command was removed.

Use the Operation Edit dialog box to edit the command list. In the Operation Edit dialog box, select a command and press F1 or click Command Help for detailed online help for that command.


[3780] Some problems were encountered while creating a command list using the selected template.

Use the Operation Edit dialog box to edit the command list. In the Operation Edit dialog box, select a command and press F1 or click Command Help for detailed online help for that command.


[3781] The event was validated successfully.

Performed syntax checking of the expression. No errors found.


[3782] An operation command could not be parsed.

The model loaded into the Design Tool contained an invalid command in an operation. Please document the text that could not be parsed, and contact Technical Support.


[3783] Non-relative absolute rows and columns must be positive integers.

If the specified location is not relative to the cursor position, row and column parameters must be from 1 to the current screen height and width of the terminal display.


[3784] Execution of the logout command list will always start at the home entity. Since recording started at a different entity, we will add a 'Navigate to [name] entity' command to the start of your command list. At run-time, this may cause unnecessary host navigation. Do you want to continue?

Click Yes to add a 'Navigate to the starting entity' command to the start of the logout command list, No to cancel.


[3785] Failed to generate the next tabstop. The terminal screen has changed and does not match the current entity.

The terminal screen has changed and does not match the current entity. Check the pattern definitions. Temporarily clear the Wait for cursor check box on the Validation tab of the Advanced Entity Properties dialog box. If you do not clear this check box, the screen snapshot will fail because the entity is set to match attributes according to cursor positioning and generating a tabstop changes the cursor position.


[3786] Logout command list must start at the home entity. If you experience any problems, try recording another command list from the home entity.

Logout command list must start at the home entity. If you experience any problems, press the Record button to record another command list from the home entity.


[3787] This entity requires at least one 'Use in entity signature' pattern so Host Integrator can recognize it.

To add a pattern to an entity, use the cursor to select a static section of the host screen and click the New Pattern button on the Pattern tab.


[3788] You must select a pattern property value.

Choose one from the pattern property combo box.


[3789] The Event Expression or Condition cannot be an empty string.

The Event Expression or Condition cannot be an empty string.


[3790] Line [number] has no text, and this pattern requires text for its definition. This line is being discarded from the multi-line pattern.

This line is discarded because it has no text.


[3791] Are you sure you want to overwrite existing library [name]?

Click Yes to overwrite existing library, No to cancel.


[3792] The pattern text is wider than the pattern region. Redefine the pattern by either decreasing the width of the pattern text or increasing the width of the pattern region.

Each line of the pattern may not be wider than the pattern region. Redefine the pattern by either decreasing the width of the pattern text or increasing the width of the pattern region.


[3793] The current cursor position for this entity has changed from the initial cursor position. Patterns that are relative to the cursor may need to be updated. Would you like to change the initial cursor position to the current cursor position?

Click Yes to update the initial cursor position, No to cancel. Note: If you have configured any entity properties relative to a cursor position, these property coordinates will be automatically updated.


[3794] Warning: the defined patterns on this entity also match the snapshot(s) for %0. Do you still want to Apply changes?

Click Yes to apply changes, No to cancel. More patterns should be added to make the screen signature unique.


[3795] Invalid character [character] entered in new tag field.

The specified character is not allowed in tags.


[3796] The modified tags have not been saved. Click Apply before selecting new tags.

The modified tags have not been saved. Click Apply before selecting new tags.


[3800] To preserve case between files and folders, files may not be created in all caps under Windows NT.

In Windows NT, directories created with all capital letters are translated to mixed case. This can result in a mismatch between model folder names and their corresponding model file names. If you transfer model files to a Host Integrator Server running on a UNIX or Windows system, this situation could result in failure to find models.


[3801] Invalid character [characters] entered in model name field.

The specified character is not allowed in model names.


[3802] Error opening configuration file [file]

Error opening the file containing the Java configuration values.


[3803] Configuration value [value] is missing from configuration file [file], or has an invalid value

A value is missing from the Java configuration file, or has an invalid value.


[3804] [Directory_or_file] [name] does not exist

The specified directory or file does not exist.


[3805] We found a /REGSERVER or /UNREGSERVER and we're al done.

We found a /REGSERVER or /UNREGSERVER and we're al done.


[3806] The Test Recordset dialog cannot be closed because a recordset operation is executing.

In the Design Tool, you cannot close the Test Recordset dialog box while an operation is still executing. When you need to stop the operation, click Break.


[3807] Unable to set the current record index.

Host Integrator was unable to set the requested index. The most likely reason is that the index is greater than the total number of records. This message will also be displayed when Host Integrator has no means to reach the index. For example, if the recordset has scrolled past the requested index and there is no PageUp or Home operation defined, Host Integrator cannot fulfill this request and will return this error.


[3808] End of recordset reached - no records were fetched.

No records were returned because the end of the recordset has been reached.


[3820] Obsolete


[3821] Obsolete


[3822] Obsolete


[3830] Cannot read from variable [name].

This error usually results from a variable being marked as write-only. This may have been done to protect passwords or other sensitive data.


[3832] Cannot write to variable [name].

The variable is probably marked as read-only.


[3833] Cannot write to variable [name] because the variable value is not compatible with the setting it is mapped to.

Some Host Integrator system settings, such as cryptographic certificates and keys, require that the data values assigned have a specific format.


[3834] Cannot write to variable [name] because the setting it is mapped to is currently disabled.

Some Host Integrator system settings, such as UserID and Password, Device Name, and Port, are disabled after the session is connected to the host. This reflects the fact that the state at host connect is the only one of significance for these settings. If a variable is mapped to one of these system settings, writes to that variable will also be disabled.


[3836] The value of variable [name] is uninitialized.

During model execution Host Integrator was asked to write data from a variable to the terminal, but the specified variable has never been initialized with a valid value. This most often happens in the context of an operation.


[3838] The value of variable [name] must be initialized at connect.

If a variable is marked as needing initialization at host connect, the variable must be provided with a value either from the connector in the connect() method or from a model variable list created in the console. Host Integrator detected a failure to initialize such a variable.


[3842] Unique variable [name] has a duplicate value [name] in row [n] and row [n].

Change the value of the variable to a unique value, or turn off the Unique checkbox for this variable.


[3843] Some of the unique variables have duplicate values, see details.

Change the value of the variable to a unique value, or turn off the Unique checkbox for this variable.


[3844] Variable [name] referenced in the deployment options no longer exists in current model, and will be removed from the variables tab of the deployment options dialog.

A variable in the previously saved Model Variable List does not exist in the current model. The variable and its values have been discarded. If you wish to retain the entries for this model variable, you may cancel from the deployment options dialog after dismissing this error message, then redefine the model variable.


[3847] Entity [name] no longer exists in current model, defaulting to model home entity.

The home entity designated for the session pool which was previously saved in the deployment file no longer exists. The model home entity is being used as default. When you dismiss this error you can press Cancel to make no changes to your Deployment Package data, Clear to start fresh with no Deployment Package data, or edit and save your Deployment Package data.


[3848] The entity [name] which was designated as the home entity for the session pool in a previously saved in the deployment file no longer exists. The model home entity is being used as default.

The home entity designated for the session pool which was previously saved in the deployment file no longer exists. The model home entity is being used as default. When you dismiss this error you can press Cancel to make no changes to your Deployment Package data, Clear to start fresh with no Deployment Package data, or edit and save your Deployment Package data.


[3849] When you dismiss this error you can press Cancel to make no changes to your Deployment Package data, Clear to start fresh with no Deployment Package data, or edit and save your Deployment Package data.

The home entity designated for the session pool which was previously saved in the deployment file no longer exists. The model home entity is being used as default. When you dismiss this error you can press Cancel to make no changes to your Deployment Package data, Clear to start fresh with no Deployment Package data, or edit and save your Deployment Package data.


[3850] The model file was saved but it cannot be deployed to a Host Integrator server due to one or more validation errors. Please see the validator for details.

For help with the validator, see VHI help topic about details.


[3851] The current model could not be deployed to the Verastream Host Integrator server [name].

Make sure the Host Integrator server is running and that the model has been successfully validated.


[3852] Deployment of model failed: [message text]

One or more error messages have been returned by the deployment tool, as the result of an attempt to deploy a model to the session server.


[3853] Some of the unique variables have duplicate values. Stopped after 10 errors were found. See details.

Change the value of the variable to a unique value, or turn off the Unique checkbox for this variable.


[3855] The [name] object on entity [name] could not be located.

An object's location is calculated to be off the terminal screen.


[3857] Deployment of model failed: The server [server] must be registered with a management server before the model can be deployed.

The model could not be deployed to the session server. The session server must be registered with the management server, which normally is accomplished by the setup.exe installation program. To manually register your session server with the management server, run Administrative Console, connect to the management server (as administrator), and add the session server.


[3860] The [name] operation ([name]) for the recordset [name] on entity [name] failed.

A recordset operation failed.


[3861] Synchronization of the current host page with the current page in recordset [name] on entity [name] failed.

Host Integrator tries to keep the current record in the recordset on the screen at all times using the Page Up and Page Down operations. This error indicates that Host Integrator failed to do so because either a recordset operation failed or a recordset operation is not defined.


[3862] The [name] operation ([name]) for the recordset [name] on entity [name] is not supported.

An internal error has occurred. Contact Technical Support.


[3863] Synchronization of the current host record with the current record in recordset [name] on entity [name] failed.

Using the Line Up and Line Down operations, Host Integrator tried to set the host's current record to match the current record in the recordset. This error indicates that Host Integrator failed to do so because either a recordset operation failed or a recordset operation is not defined.


[3864] The [name] operation for the recordset [name] on entity [name] is not defined.

In order to perform a specific recordset operation, it must be defined under Recordset Operations in the Design Tool.


[3865] Timeout waiting for record [n] on the screen to be selected by the host. Instead record [n] is selected by the host.

Host Integrator executed either the Line Up or Line Down operation expecting the host to change its current record, but the host's current record either did not change or did not change to the expected record.


[3866] The [name] operation ([name]) for the recordset [name] on entity [name] is not allowed.

This recordset operation cannot be performed in the current context. Typically this means a Page Up operation was attempted on the first page or a Page Down operation was attempted on the last page.


[3867] Unable to determine the host's current record in recordset [name] on entity [name].

Host Integrator is unable to determine the host's current record using the model specified current record preferences.


[3868] The Recordset index ([n]) is beyond the end of the recordset [name] on entity [name].

The Recordset index cannot be set beyond the end of the recordset.


[3869] The host's current record is not a valid record in recordset [name] on entity [name].

The current host record has been filtered out of the fetch. Thus the current record index for the recordset cannot be set at this record.


[3870] SelectRecord is not supported by the recordset [name].

A recordset can support navigation by record selection. However, the model designer must map an operation on the entity to the Selection operation property of the recordset. An attempt to execute the selection operation without such a mapping will result in this error.


[3871] Invalid recordset index.

The recordset index is invalid.


[3876] InsertRecord is not supported by the recordset [name].

Direct insertion of new records into a recordset is a feature that can be enabled and specified by the model designer as appropriate. If that feature is not enabled, a request to perform an insertion will be rejected with this error.


[3877] UpdateRecord is not supported by the recordset [name].

Direct updates of records in a recordset is a feature that can be enabled and specified by the model designer as appropriate. If that feature is not enabled, a request to perform an update will be rejected with this error.


[3878] SelectRecord on the recordset [name] failed.

The operation mapped as the Selection operation on the specified recordset failed. There should be information regarding the nature of the failure in additional error messages generated as part of the exception.


[3880] No record was found matching the condition: [expression].

When searching for a record by filter, if no matching records were found between the starting point and the end of the recordset, Verastream Host Integrator will return this error.


[3882] InsertRecord on the recordset [name] failed.

This message error should be accompanied by additional error messages providing more details on the exact nature of the problem encountered.


[3883] UpdateRecord on the recordset [name] failed.

This message error should be accompanied by additional error messages providing more details on the exact nature of the problem encountered.


[3884] Unable to insert record because no blank records were found.

One property of the direct record insertion feature is where to insert the new record. One option is to find the first blank record. If that option is selected and Verastream Host Integrator is unable to locate a blank record, this error will result.


[3886] Unable to insert record because no records matching the insert condition were found: [expression].

One property of the direct record insertion feature is where to insert the new record. One option for the model designer is to specify a condition that matches the insertion record. If this option is selected and Verastream Host Integrator cannot find a matching record, this error will result.


[3888] The [name] Recordset in the [name] entity is empty.

The Recordset is empty.


[3889] The recordset field [entity].[recordset].[field] is not on the current entity; [name].

The requested action assumes the context of the current entity. However, no recordset field by this name was found. Be sure the name is spelled correctly and with correct letter case.


[3890] The before write operation [operation] failed in the [entity].[recordset].[field] recordset field.

A recordset field before write operation failed.


[3891] The auto-tab operation [operation] failed in the [entity].[recordset].[field] recordset field.

A recordset field auto-tab operation failed.


[3892] The after write operation [operation] failed in the [entity].[recordset].[field] recordset field.

A recordset field after write operation failed.


[3893] The recordset field [entity].[recordset].[field] is not on the current recordset; [entity].[recordset].

The requested action assumes the context of the current entity. However, no recordset field by this name was found. Be sure the name is spelled correctly and with correct letter case.


[3894] The recordset [recordset] is not the current recordset on entity [entity].

The requested action assumes that the named recordset is the current recordset on the given entity.


[3895] The maximum number of page down operations ([n]) for recordset [name] has been reached.

The maximum number of page down operations for this recordset has been reached.


[3900] Session not bound to the Log Manager.

A Host Integrator session attempted to send an event to the Log Manager without first initializing its connection to this subsystem.


[3901] Insufficient privileges to perform the requested operation.

You have not been granted permission to perform the requested operation.


[3902] Invalid [name] command, parameter: [name].

A request sent to the Host Integrator Log Manager was incorrectly formed. Contact Technical Support.


[3904] The [logger type] logger is not currently active.

A Host Integrator process attempted to bind to a server's logger that is not currently active.


[3906] Log message store [name] is corrupt.

The currently configured logging directory contains corrupted message files. Try restarting the Log Manager or specifying a new directory for log messages.


[3908] Cannot activate data store [name].

The Host Integrator Log Manager is unable to use the currently configured directory to store log messages. Try specifying a new directory for log messages.


[3910] Can't access data store [name].

The Host Integrator Log Manager cannot access the files in the currently configured logging directory. Check the permissions on the directory and the files it contains.


[3912] Cannot connect to SMTP server [hostname].

The Host Integrator Log Manager is unable to establish a connection with the configured email server. Verify that your email notification settings are correct, the hostname can be resolved, and the email server is running on the specified port.


[3914] SMTP server [hostname] refused our email message.

The currently configured email server refused to accept an email message from the Host Integrator Log Manager. Verify that the configured email server allows email messages to originate from this server's address.


[3916] Unknown command received by the Host Integrator Log Manager.

A request was made to the Host Integrator Log Manager, but it does not recognize the request.


[3918] The logger has not been initialized.

Contact Technical Support.


[3920] Cannot connect to the Host Integrator Log Manager. Error code = [n].

The Host Integrator Server cannot connect to the Log Manager. Ensure the Host Integrator Log Manager is running on this host. The server will periodically retry connection attempts. If this error continues to occur, contact Technical Support.


[3922] Cannot connect to the Host Integrator Log Manager.

The Host Integrator log viewer cannot establish a connection to the requested Host Integrator Log Manager. Verify that the requested Log Manager is running.


[3924] Error within the Host Integrator Log Viewer.

Contact Technical Support.


[3926] Invalid logging directory: [path].

The specified directory cannot be used by the Host Integrator Log Manager. Verify that the directory exists on the server, and that the Log Manager has read and write permissions to access it.


[3928] A failure occurred during the construction of the logger.

Contact Technical Support.


[3930] There are no messages available for viewing.

The Log Manager does not currently contain any entries to view for the selected server.


[3931] Invalid message store type: [type].

The type of message store requested is not known by the log viewer and cannot be opened on the server selected.


[3932] Cursor [name] is already in use on this connection.

The cursor name specified during the creation of a new cursor is already in use on this connection. Try a different name or close the previous cursor.


[3933] Cannot recognize query dialect.

The Host Integrator Log Manager does not recognize the query dialect used by this log viewer. Verify that you are using compatible versions.


[3934] Query syntax error at position [position].

A syntax error has been detected in the query string at the indicated position.


[3935] Column [name] does not exist in table [name].

The Host Integrator Log Manager does not maintain a column with the indicated name.


[3936] Cursor [name] is not open.

The cursor specified is not currently open.


[3937] Type mismatch: [description].

An attempt was made to perform an operation using two different SQL data types.


[3938] Table [name] does not exist.

The Host Integrator Log Manager does not maintain a table with the indicated name.


[3939] The requested message store is not present on this server.

A client attempted to access a message store that is not present on the selected server.


[3950] Command failed: [command].

The specified command failed. There is usually some additional information the form of prior error messages or in the descriptive text to explain the failure. If not, consider the state of the terminal screen and the context of the command when trying to determine a cause.


[3952] Internal error - invalid object identifier [id number] found.

Save the work to a new file and contact Technical Support. If the model file has been edited outside the Design Tool, it may have been corrupted.


[3954] Internal error - invalid object identifier [id number] found. The object identifier is not of the expected type [type].

Save the work to a new file and contact Technical Support. If the model file was edited outside the Design Tool, it may have been corrupted.


[3955] Command list failed at index [n]: [command].

The specified command failed at the specified index of the command list. There should be some additional information the form of subsequent error messages to provide the context of the command list failure. There may also be a prior message indicating a more specific reason for failure.


[3956] Command list cancelled at index [n]: [command].

When a script or operation is cancelled while a command is executing, Host Integrator will report the current command for informational purposes. If the system seems stalled during a command sequence, it is usually because the executing command is waiting for something the host is never going to do.


[3958] Command list aborted because system cancel is on.

Once you have clicked cancel, you cannot queue any additional operations or scripts until the cancelled command set has been fully stopped. Wait for the prior operation or script to finish.


[3960] While reading attributes, an invalid attribute id [id number] was encountered.

All objects in Verastream Host Integrator, including attributes, are referenced internally by a numeric identifier. If an attempt is made to access an attribute on the current entity with an invalid identifier, this error will be returned. If all requested attributes exist on the current entity, then the next most likely problem is a corrupt model. You will probably need to contact Technical Support for assistance.


[3962] While writing attributes, an invalid attribute id [id number] was encountered.

All objects in Verastream Host Integrator, including attributes, are referenced internally by a numeric identifier. If an attempt is made to access an attribute on the current entity with an invalid identifier, this error will be returned. If all requested attributes exist on the current entity, then the next most likely problem is a corrupt model. You will probably need to contact Technical Support for assistance.


[3964] Attempt to write two attributes [name] and [name] that have different parents.

Each request to modify attributes must contain attributes from a single entity. Any request that contains attributes from more than one entity will cause this error to be generated.


[3966] Attempted to write the value [value] to attribute [name] which has a maximum length of [n].

Each attribute has a maximum length governed by the model and based on the properties of the terminal screen. This error indicates that the value string is too long for the attribute.


[3968] Unable to write to attribute [name] because the cursor could not be moved to row [n], col [n].

Verastream Host Integrator must move the cursor to the start of an attribute in order to write data into it. If the attempt to move the cursor into position fails, then Verastream Host Integrator will return this error. Possible problems include the model may needing to have cursor movement commands redefined, or the entity requiring additional tabstop definitions, or the terminal state preventing the cursor from being moved.


[3970] The location of the attribute or recordset field [name] is protected.

In IBM blockmode terminals and HP format mode screens, the user is only allowed to modify certain areas of the screen. If an attribute or recordset field is marked as writable but corresponds to a read-only (protected) area of the screen, Verastream Host Integrator will disallow access and return this error.


[3972] The location of the attribute [name] is numeric only.

Some terminal screens can define fields to be numeric only. This error indicates an attempt to Write non-numeric text to one these fields.


[3974] The attribute [entity].[attribute] is not on the current entity; [name].

The requested action assumes the context of the current entity. However, no attribute by this name was found. Be sure the name is spelled correctly and with correct letter case.


[3976] The attribute [name] is read only.

The model designer has marked this attribute as read only. No updates from operations or from a connector are permitted.


[3977] The field [name] in recordset [name] is read only.

The model designer has marked this field as read only. No updates from operations or from a connector are permitted.


[3978] The attribute [name] is write only.

The model designer has marked this attribute as write only. No access from operations or from a connector are permitted. This is often done to prevent access to data such as passwords.


[3979] The field [name] in recordset [name] is write only.

The model designer has marked this field as write only. No access from operations or from a connector are permitted. This is often done to prevent access to data such as passwords.


[3980] Unable to write attribute [name] because it is not at a tab stop.

If the default cursor movement has been overridden and tabstops defined on the entity, each writable attribute must correspond to a tabstop. Otherwise, Verastream Host Integrator will be unable to position the cursor correctly and the write will fail. This error occurs when an attempt is made to write to an attribute that does not have a tabstop. The model designer should either add the appropriate tabstop or mark the attribute as read-only.


[3981] The before write operation [operation] failed in the [entity].[attribute] attribute.

An attribute before write operation failed.


[3982] The auto-tab operation [operation] failed in the [entity].[attribute] attribute.

An attribute auto-tab operation failed.


[3983] The after write operation [operation] failed in the [entity].[attribute] attribute.

An attribute after write operation failed.


[3984] Delay attribute inputs are not permitted on entity [name] due to its configuration.

This error indicates that a client or script tried to set delayed inputs on an entity which has the immediate arrival processing flag turned on. Use of this entity property is not compatible with delayed inputs. If dynamic data input is needed on arrival, try setting variable values and writing them to the terminal in an entity arrival event handler. In that event handler, be sure that the terminal prepared for input by using any needed wait commands (such as WaitForKeyboardUnlocked or WaitForDisplayScreen) in the arrival event) or the host session may stall or report errors due to illegal input.


[3989] The request cannot be completed because there is no current entity.

A request was made on the Verastream model which requires the current terminal screen to be defined as an entity. If a client application receives this error, define and map an unrecognizedScreen event and save the contents of the terminal screen for analysis. If an event handler receives this error, capture the contents of the terminal screen in the exception processing code.


[3990] No current Entity exists for the GETOBJECTLOCATIONS_ command.

The GETOBJECTLOCATIONS_ command can only be successfully processed when a current Entity exists.


[3992] No current RecordSet exists for the GETOBJECTLOCATIONS_ command.

The GETOBJECTLOCATIONS_ command can only be successfully processed when a current Entity exists.


[3994] Can't create the OBJECTLOCATION_ Property Sheet for the GETOBJECTLOCATIONS_ command.

The OBJECTLOCATION_ Property Sheet is a vital element of the GETOBJECTLOCATIONS_ command. Without it, there is not reason for being.


[3998] The object type [type] parameter passed to the GETOBJECTLOCATIONS_ command is invalid.

The GETOBJECTLOCATIONS_ command can only be successfully processed on the following objects: Attributes, RecordSet Fields, Patterns, and RecordSets.


[4000] Scroll Lock is stopping terminal display - turn off Scroll Lock to continue.

The Scroll Lock keyboard mode is used to stop terminal input under some conditions. This error message indicates that there is text on hold until Scroll Lock is turned off.


[4001] Timed out waiting for host keyboard to unlock.

The host keyboard was not reset properly or the host system is slow or unresponsive.


[4040] [name] name resolution addresses [name] do not match wcp peer address [name].

The server name does not resolve to the ip address.


[4041] Exception [name] encountered writing to directory at [name].

Check file system permissions. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[4042] Naming exception [name] writing to directory at [name].

Check file system permissions. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[4043] AAServer exception [name] at [name].

Contact Technical Support.


[4044] User has not been authorized to lock configuration: [name].

User has not been authorized to lock configuration.


[4045] Configuration is already locked: [name].

Deprecated in version 7.0. Another user is logged on to the Administrative WebStation in configure mode. Switch the other user to view mode and try again.


[4046] Unable to unlock configuration: [name].

Unable to unlock configuration.


[4047] DirServer: DNS failure looking up [name].

Unable to find the server name in DNS.


[4048] DirServer: unrecognized peer [name] in context [name].

The peer AADS initiating contact has not been registered with this AADS.


[4049] DirServer: rejecting peer configuration: [name].

DirService rejecting configuration update from peer DirService.


[4050] DirServer: unable to authenticate peer [name] in context [name].

DirService unable to authenticate peer AADS.


[4051] DirServer: [name].

DirService unable to connect to or authenticate to peer AADS.


[4052] DirServer: attempt to unregister primary AADS reported from [name].

DirService unable to unregister primary AADS.


[4053] DirServer: failure to store properties reported from [name].

DirService unable to store properties file.


[4054] DirServer: failure to load properties reported from [name].

DirService unable to load properties file.


[4055] DirServer: error in ldap parameters [name].

DirService detects error in ldap parameters.


[4056] DirServer: unable to get group list from [name].

DirService unable to obtain group information.


[4057] DirServer: unable to authenticate Ldap Administrator [name] to Ldap directory.

DirService: incorrect userid or password for Ldap administrator.


[4058] DirServer: unable to contact management server for initial configuration.

DirService: unable to contact peer management server for initial configuration.


[4059] DirServer: unable to restore configuration to prior state.

DirService: unable to restore configuration to prior state.


[4060] DirServer: switching authentication modes requires turning off product security and clearing security profile groups.

DirService: switching authentication modes requires turning off product security and clearing security profile groups.


[4061] DirServer: configuration changes rejected by management server: [name].

DirService: Configuration changes rejected by management server. Check log messages for rejection reasons.


[4062] DirServer: unable to process X509 certificate: [name].

DirService: unable to process X509 certificate.


[4063] DirServer releasing configuration lock: [name].

DirService releasing configuration lock.


[4064] DirServer: configuration not locked.

DirService: configuration not locked.


[4070] [Error] - Event expression syntax error ([offset], [length]).

There is a syntax error in the event expression.


[4072] [Error] - Unexpected character(s) in event expression ([offset], [length]).

There is a syntax error in the event expression.


[4074] Unexpected end of event expression statement.

There is a syntax error in the event expression.


[4076] [name] - Unrecognized event name ([offset], [length]).

The specified event does not exist on the current entity or in the global events.


[4078] [id number] - Unrecognized event ID ([offset], [length]).

Your model file is corrupted. Contact Technical Support.


[4080] The event [name] could not be created.

One of the events specified as part of a WaitForMultipleEvents command could not be created.


[4082] An error occurred while evaluating the event [name].

One of the events specified as part of a WaitForMultipleEvents command had an error occur during its evaluation.


[4090] The region specified as part of the [name] event is not a valid screen region.

The region on the screen specified as part of a wait event is not a valid region.


[4092] The current entity is invalid in the definition of the [name] event.

The current entity used in the definition of a wait event is not a valid entity.


[4093] The location is invalid in the definition of the [name] event.

The location in the definition of a wait event is not a valid location.


[4100] XML Import failed while loading. [name]Line [n]:[name]

The XML file you are trying to import has a syntax error.


[4101] XML node missing required attribute.

See Documentation for required values for this XML node.


[4102] XML node missing required child node.

See Documentation for required values for this XML node.


[4103] The value of XML node does not match a valid symbol.

See Documentation for valid values for this XML node.


[4104] XML node has improper number of child nodes for particular mode (rectangular or linear).

Node has different child nodes depending whether its mode is rectangular or linear.


[4105] While reading XML node, failed to access placement property sheet.

An internal error occurred while importing XML. Contact Technical Support.


[4106] While reading XML node, failed to create a property sheet.

An internal error occurred while importing XML. Contact Technical Support.


[4108] Failed to get text from node.

An internal error occurred while importing XML. Contact Technical Support.


[4109] Node contains Invalid Id.

Node Id must take the format 'NodeName.#'.


[4110] Node contains Invalid Number.

A valid number is either an decimal integer or of the form 0X### for hex or 0### for octal.


[4111] The value of XML node is not valid in its context.

See Documentation for valid values for this XML node.


[4112] Internal error occurred while looking up a node name.

An internal error occurred while importing XML. Contact Technical Support.


[4114] RSRecordSize node with this configuration requires StartColumn and EndColumn nodes.

RSRecordSize node with a PatternMarker containing PMNormal, PMNumeric, or PMAlpha requires StartColumn and EndColumn nodes.


[4115] StartColumn and/or EndColumn values are invalid.

StartColumn and EndColumn values must be between 1 and the record set width and StartColumn cannot be greater than EndColumn.


[4116] RSRecordSize node with this configuration should not have StartColumn and EndColumn nodes.

RSRecordSize node with a PatternMarker containing PMNormal, PMNumeric, or PMAlpha requires StartColumn and EndColumn nodes.


[4120] Node contains number that is out of range.

The specified numeric argument was not within the range of accepted values.


[4121] The UIName is not valid.

This design tool message is always accompanied by additional error messages given the reasons the name was rejected.


[4122] The UIName is a duplicate.

Each object in a list must have a unique name.


[4123] The node has an invalid object id.

The id of an object should correspond to its node type.


[4124] The node contains an invalid object idref.

Object idref's can only be of certain types.


[4125] The validation node contains a pattern not found in the entity.

Patterns used in validation must belong to the same entity as the validation node.


[4126] The validation node contains a pattern which is already used for validation.

A pattern cannot be used for both entity signature and validation.


[4127] EndOfScreenIsDelimiter and overlapsRecordsAcrossScreens cannot both be used in the same Recordset.

EndOfScreenIsDelimiter is in RSRecordSize and overlapsRecordsAcrossScreens is in RSScrollingBehavior.


[4128] Node requires text. It cannot be empty.

Enter some text in this node.


[4129] Node contains an idref to an object that does not belong to the correct node.

Certain objects referred to by the idref must belong to the same root node as this node.


[4130] Internal error occurred while validating idref.

An internal error occurred while importing XML. Contact Technical Support.


[4131] The XML file must contain a DOCTYPE of VHIModel.

Bad Doctype.


[4132] Please open an associated Model before importing the XML file

Cannot import an XML model file without a model context. Please open an associated Model before importing the XML file


[4180] Property Sheet is invalid. It has a Null ID.

Property Sheets cannot have a property ID_ of 0x0.


[4181] Command List has Command Item: WaitForMultipleEvents with empty parameters.

WaitForMultipleEvents Command Item must contain one or more commands.


[4200] Allocation of a Session View Property Sheet failed.

An internal error occurred while creating a Session View packet. Contact Technical Support.


[4202] Allocation of a Session View Property failed.

An internal error occurred while creating a Session View packet. Contact Technical Support.


[4221] The entity is referenced by the [name] global event.

Before deleting the entity, you must go to the Events dialog and remove this event or change its parameters to no longer reference this entity.


[4222] The attribute is referenced by the [name] global event.

Before deleting the attribute, you must go to the Events dialog and remove this event or change its parameters to no longer reference this object.


[4223] The recordset is referenced by the [name] global event.

Before deleting the recordset, you must go to the Events dialog and remove this event or change its parameters to no longer reference this object.


[4224] The recordset field is referenced by the [name] global event.

Before deleting the recordset field, you must go to the Events dialog and remove this event or change its parameters to no longer reference this object.


[4231] Parameter number [nbr] of the [event] global event must be specified.

Before accepting a global event definition, all of the event parameters must be properly specified.


[4252] A timeout occurred while waiting for the cursor to arrive at the next tabstop after transmitting [string].

The timeout may be due to a slow host system, network problems, or a connection failure.


[4253] A timeout occurred while waiting for the same number of characters as [string] to be echoed by the host.

The timeout may be due to a slow host system, network problems, or a connection failure.


[4254] A timeout occurred while waiting for either the characters [string] to be echoed by the host, or for the cursor to arrive at the next tabstop.

The timeout may be due to a slow host system, network problems, or a connection failure.


[4300] The [type] scripting manager failed to initialize.

See the help on resetting the script manager for troubleshooting information.


[4301] The Host Integrator server's script manager encountered a fatal error and the Host Integrator server must be restarted.

Please consult the Host Integrator server log for more information on the error that caused the script manager to fail.


[4302] Error connecting to the script manager. It is likely that the script manager's TCP Listening port (number) is in use by a third-party application.

Prior to initializing the script manager, a test connection is made to ensure that there is no script manager already running and that the TCP listening port for the server is not in use. The information obtained from the connection attempt suggests that there is a third-party application listening on the TCP port used by the script manager.


[4303] The user-supplied command [command] failed. Use the Event Handler Settings dialog to update the command.

The Design Tool invokes Windows CreateProcess method with user-defined command lines. Check that any escape code substitution gave the desired result and that any applications referenced are on the system path.


[4304] Failed to establish a connection to the script manager.

An attempt to connect to the script manager failed.


[4305] An error occurred in communicating with the script manager.

An attempt to communication with script manager failed.


[4306] The script manager is offline.

An attempt to communicate with the script manager failed because the script manager is offline. In the design tool the script manager can be restarted with the 'Reload Handlers' button on the toolbar. In the server the script manager will be restarted upon server restart.


[4307] An internal error occurred in the scripting runtime while processing a request. Cause: [fault cause].

An internal error occurred in the scripting runtime while processing a request. More information surrounding the fault can be found in via the tracing system.


[4308] The event in progress was aborted.

The event in progress was aborted by the user or a failure to recover after a timeout.


[4309] An unhandled [exception] exception occurred in the [class].[method] () event handler: [cause]

An unhandled exception occurred in an event handler. See message contents for a description of the error.


[4310] Invalid return value from event handler [class].[method]: [value].

An invalid value was returned from the specified event handler method.


[4311] The [class].[method] event handler failed.

A call to event resulted in an exception. See additional error messages for details.


[4312] Invalid [parameter] parameter passed to event handler callback [class].[method]: [value].

An invalid parameter was passed to the specified event handler callback method.


[4313] The [class].[method] event callback failed.

A callback to the Host Integrator server from an event failed. See additional error messages for details.


[4314] Recursion detected handling the [event name] event

An event handler was invoked recursively. An event handler for a given event object can not be invoked while is it already in progress.


[4315] Event handler callback not allowed in current state.

An event callback method was invoked at an inappropriate time. If you have the Host Integrator Development Kit Online Reference installed, see VHI help topic about details for event handler guidelines and limitations.


[4316] The event handler [class name].[method name] timed out.

An event handler failed to return its response before its configured timeout.


[4317] Unable to obtain a connection to the script manager because the maximum number of concurrent connections has been reached ([max]).

An attempt to communicate with the script manager timed out waiting for a connection.


[4318] One or more files or folders required for model development in [model path] is read-only. The model will be opened in read-only mode.

The Design Tool requires the ability to write to files and folders within the model folder during model development. In the event that read-only access is encountered for any of these files or folders, the model will be opened in read-only mode.


[4319] Model [modelname] has been disabled due to a 'Model Load' event handler failure

The 'Model Load' event handler returned an error when activating the model. This event handler must succeed (if supplied) for the model to be available on the Host Integrator server.


[4320] The script manager is disabled.

An event handler has encountered a fatal error that has left the script manager in an unstable condition. The Host Integrator server will be shut down and restarted.


[4321] The current entity changed from [original] to [new] during execution of the [event] Event Handler.

Changing the current entity while executing this event handler is not allowed.


[4322] The current recordset on entity [entity] changed from [original] to [new] during execution of the [event] Event Handler.

Changing the current recordset while executing this event handler is not allowed.


[4323] The event handler [class name].[method name] was interrupted due to a parent timeout.

An operation or procedure responsible for initiating an event has timed out, causing the need to interrupt the event handler.


[4324] The script manager terminated unexpectedly with exit code [code].

The script manager process terminated unexpectedly. The Host Integrator server will be shut down and restarted.


[4325] Request to read attribute [entity].[attribute] failed - call to event handler resulted in an error.

This message should always be preceded by one or more other error messages with more specific information. The additional information could be derived from an exception thrown by the user's event handler code. Alternatively, the additional messages could be internal system errors such as the event handler could not be found or the handler time out expired.


[4326] Request to write attribute [entity].[attribute] failed - call to event handler resulted in an error.

This message should always be preceded by one or more other error messages with more specific information. The additional information could be derived from an exception thrown by the user's event handler code. Alternatively, the additional messages could be internal system errors such as the event handler could not be found or the handler time out expired.


[4327] An error occurred initializing the Common Language Runtime for the .NET event handler engine: [error]

Contact Technical Support.


[4328] An error occurred marshaling data within the .NET event handler engine.

Contact Technical Support.


[4329] An error occurred determining the communications port for the event handler engine.

Contact Technical Support.


[4330] Request to read recordset field [recordset].[field] on entity [entity] failed - call to event handler resulted in an error.

This message should always be preceded by one or more other error messages with more specific information. The additional information could be derived from an exception thrown by the user's event handler code. Alternatively, the additional messages could be internal system errors such as the event handler could not be found or the handler time out expired.


[4331] Request to write recordset field [recordset].[field] on entity [entity] failed - call to event handler resulted in an error.

This message should always be preceded by one or more other error messages with more specific information. The additional information could be derived from an exception thrown by the user's event handler code. Alternatively, the additional messages could be internal system errors such as the event handler could not be found or the handler time out expired.


[4332] Event handler returned an invalid location for recordset field [recordset].[field] on entity [entity] - the location either begins or extends beyond the range of the parent record.

Field locations returned from the ParseRecord event must fall within the bounds of the parent record. Check your event handler to ensure that it is returning a valid location for this field.


[4333] Event handler returned an invalid location for a record in recordset [recordset] on entity [entity] - the location either begins or extends beyond the range of the parent recordset.

Record locations returned from the ParseScreen event must fall within the bounds of the parent recordset. Check your event handler to ensure that it is returning a valid location for each record.


[4334] Event handler returned an invalid current host record index for the recordset [recordset] on entity [entity].

Check your event handler to ensure that it is returning a valid current host record index.


[4335] Event handler returned an invalid location for a record in recordset [recordset] on entity [entity] - one or more fields defined for the record begins beyond the end of the returned record location.

Record locations returned from the ParseScreen event must fall within the bounds of the parent recordset. Check your event handler to ensure that it is returning a valid location for each record.


[4336] Command not allowed while a fetch, insert or update is in progress for the recordset [recordset] on entity [entity].

A command or event handler callback was invoked at an inappropriate time. See the documentation on the command or event handler callback for details about when it can be called.


[4337] Communication with the script manager was aborted.

An attempt to communicate with the script manager was aborted.


[4338] The .net script engine is not available on this platform.

The model being deployed contains .net scripting, but the .net script engine is not available on this platform.


[4340] Assigned event handler [classname] was not found.

The named event handler assigned to this object was not found in any of the event handler libraries.


[4341] Assigned event handler [classname] was of the wrong type.

The event handler assigned to this object implements the wrong type of events for that object.


[4342] Assigned event handler [classname] has no defined events.

The assigned event handler does not implement any events.


[4345] The unrecognized screen event reported an exception: [error message].

The unrecognized screen event is triggered at defined points when Verastream expects to see a defined entity but does not find one. Verastream will report an error if this condition is not corrected. This message indicates that, in addition to the error generated by the lack of a current entity, the unrecognized screen event also returned an exception of its own. The contents of the exception are shown at the end of this message.


[4346] The entity arrival event reported an exception: [error message].

The entity arrival event is triggered when Verastream initially detects a defined entity. There is no event that can be triggered during a system timeout, but entity arrival and departure events will be triggered as appropriate regardless of system error state. This message indicates that, in addition to the possible additional errors present, the entity arrival event returned an exception of its own. The contents of the exception are shown at the end of this message.


[4347] The entity departure event reported an exception: [error message].

The entity departure event is triggered when Verastream initially detects a defined entity is no longer present. There is no event that can be triggered during a system timeout, but entity arrival and departure events will be triggered as appropriate regardless of system error state. This message indicates that, in addition to the possible additional errors present, the entity departure event returned an exception of its own. The contents of the exception are shown at the end of this message.


[4350] Request to wait for arrival on the [entity].[operation] operation timed out.

As part of an operation implemented by an event handler, a callback was made to wait for arrival. That request includes a timeout, and this error means that timeout expired before arrival was detected.


[4351] WaitForArrival callback aborted due to user cancellation.

A scripted operation either explicitly called the WaitForArrival callback or it implicitly called that functionality by returning at a location that was not a valid destination. While WaitForArrival was processing, the user pressed cancel or some other object the system reported an error. Either condition results in WaitForArrival to be cancelled.


[4352] WaitForArrival callback aborted due to external timeout.

A scripted operation either explicitly called the WaitForArrival callback or it implicitly called that functionality by returning at a location that was not a valid destination. While WaitForArrival was processing, another object timed out or logged an error to cause an abort.


[4359] An error occurred while loading the script classes. [fault cause].

An error occurred while loading the script classes. One possible cause is that your model is saved in a location that is not fully trusted. Either use the .NET security tools to fully trust the location, or move the model to a trusted location such as a local disk.


[4360] Script manager debug port is invalid or out of range.

The script manager TCP port, used for debugging, must be a numeric value between 0 and 65535.


[4361] Client password and confirmation strings do not match.

The password and confirm password strings must match.


[4362] A session proxy with instance identifier [Id] does not exist.

An attempt to manipulate a scripted session has failed do to an invalid identifier.


[4370] An event handler overrides the current entity to be [name], but that entity is not defined in this model.

Under some circumstances, the UnrecognizedScreen and EntityDeparture events can request an entity to be current even though Verastream does not recognize its signature patterns. However, the name provided does not match any defined entity. Check spelling and letter case.


[4381] Invalid [parameter] parameter passed to method [class].[method]: [value].

An invalid parameter was passed to the specified method.


[4382] The [class].[method] method failed.

A call to the Host Integrator server from an event failed. See additional error messages for details.


[4390] The Host Emulator failed to initialize : [reason]

The Host Emulator failed to initialize. Please check file destool/logs/server.log


[4391] The Host Emulator failed to stop : [reason]

The Host Emulator failed to stop. Please check file destool/logs/server.log


[4392] The recording of the current session will be stopped now. Do you want to continue?

Click Yes to stop recording the current session, No to cancel.


[4400] The [name] attribute on entity [name] could not be located.

An attribute's location is calculated to be off the terminal screen.


[4401] The [name] recordset field in recordset [name] on entity [name] could not be located.

A recordset field's location is calculated to be off the terminal screen.


[4402] A recordset record in recordset [name] on entity [name] could not be located.

A recordset record's location is calculated to be off the terminal screen.


[4403] A recordset column in recordset [name] on entity [name] could not be located.

A recordset column's location is calculated to be off the terminal screen.


[4404] The [name] object on entity [name] could not be located, since the relative-to object [name] could not be located.

An object cannot be located on the screen, since the object to which it is relative could not be located.


[4405] The [name] attribute on entity [name] could not be located, since the relative-to object [name] could not be located.

An attribute could not be located on the screen, since the object to which it is relative could not be located.


[4406] The [name] recordset field in recordset [name] on entity [name] could not be located, since the relative-to object [name] could not be located.

A recordset field could not be located on the screen, since the object to which it is relative could not be located.


[4407] A recordset record in recordset [name] on entity [name] could not be located, since the relative-to object [name] could not be located.

A recordset record could not be located on the screen, since the object to which it is relative could not be located.


[4408] A recordset column in recordset [name] on entity [name] could not be located, since the relative-to object [name] could not be located.

A recordset column could not be located on the screen, since the object to which it is relative could not be located.


[4420] Failure telling remote session to connect to the host.

An internal communication error occurred. This error could be due to excessive network traffic or low system resources. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[4421] Failure telling local session to connect to the host.

An internal communication error occurred. This error could be due to excessive network traffic or low system resources. If the problem persists, contact Technical Support.


[4422] The model [name] is designed for rejuvenation only and must be accessed using a rejuvenation session.

In order to connect to a model from a non-rejuvenation session, the model must have at least one entity defined.


[4500] The deployment options for this model cannot be reloaded. Reverting to defaults.

A problem has occurred accessing previously stored deployment options for this model. Default settings for these options will be used.


[4501] File [filename] failed schema validation at line [linenumber], column [column].

The portion of the XML file referenced by this error does not match the schema definition.


[4502] XML Error: [description]

Provides details of the XML error encountered.


[4503] Invalid IP Address [address]

The IP Address is badly formed


[4504] Invalid Host Name [name]

The Host Name has an illegal character


[4505] The Host Port Number [number] is out of range. It should be between 1 and 65535.

The Host Port Number should between 1 and 65535


[4507] Cannot parse XML file '[filename]'.

The XML file referenced by this error is either not present or not well formed.


[4508] [reason] Line [line number], Column [column number]: [text].

The portion of the XML file referenced by this error is not well formed.


[4550] A COM error has occurred. Code: [code], Code Meaning: [reason], Source: [source], Description: [description]

This error describes an internal fault. Please contact Technical Support for assistance.


[4551] Cannot create COM object of type [object type].

The system cannot create a required COM object. This error typically occurs due to a corrupt installation.


[4600] The package or namespace contains invalid characters or reserved words

The package or namespace contains invalid characters or reserved words


[4601] The class name contains invalid characters or is a reserved word

The class name contains invalid characters or is a reserved word


[4602] The class name is reserved and cannot be used for an event handler

The class name is reserved and cannot be used for an event handler


[4651] The Model name must not be blank.

Enter a valid model name


[4652] The model already exists.

The model already exists


[4653] The settings file name must not be blank.

Enter a valid settings file name


[4654] You are not allowed to use model name [model name].

You are using a model name that is not allowed.


[4660] Timed out waiting for host data.

Either the amount of time to wait was not long enough or the host was never going to send more data.


[4700] [message text]

An error occurred in the API library. Specifics are detailed in the error text.


[4701] [message text]

A user defined error. Specifics are detailed in the error text.


[4710] Process string is not supported by the model.

The process string event handler is not defined in the model. The process string API can only be used if this event handler is defined.


[4720] Unable to start model debug recording for session [Id].

An error occurred while attempting to create a model debug report. This error only affects the generation of a model debug report for the session. Client requests will remain unaffected.


[4721] Model debug recording failed for session [Id].

An error occurred while recording a model debug report. This error only affects the generation of a model debug report for the session. Client requests will remain unaffected.


[4722] Unable to save the model debug recording for session [Id].

Host Integrator was unable to move the generated model debug report to its storage location. This error only affects the generation of a model debug report for the session. Client requests will remain unaffected.


[4723] The file [file] has unexpectedly changed during model debug recording.

The temporary model debug file used by Host Integrator has been changed or deleted by a third party. This error only affects the generation of a model debug report for the session. Client requests will remain unaffected.


[4724] An error occurred reading debug report file [name].

The specified file has either been corrupted or does not contain a Host Integrator debug report.


[4725] The debug report file [name] was created with a more recent version of Host Integrator and cannot be opened.

Use a more recent version of Host Integrator to open the specified file.


[4726] Open model debug report cancelled.

The opening of the model debug report was cancelled by the user.


[4727] Save model debug report cancelled.

The saving of the model debug report was cancelled by the user.


[4728] An error occurred reading debug report file [name]. Only the first [number] of records will be shown.

The specified file has either been corrupted or does not contain a Host Integrator debug report. Only part of the information will be shown.


[4750] The maximum number of model debug reports is open.

Close one or more model debug reports before attempting to open another report.


[4751] No message found.

No message was found matching the search criteria.


[4752] Object [name] not found in the current model.

The current model does not contain the specified object. Load the model that was used to generate the message store to avoid this error.


[4753] Find message cancelled.

Find message was cancelled before a matching message was found.


[4754] The data received does not end with an escape sequence.

A unique trailing escape sequence can not be found because the data does not end with an escape sequence.


[4770] [operator] - Unrecognized regular expression operator.

The regular expression operator is unrecognized. The only valid operators are "m" and "s".


[4771] [operator] - Duplicate regular expression operator.

The regular expression operator is specified more than once.


[4772] [modifier] - Unrecognized regular expression modifier.

The regular expression modifier is unrecognized. The only valid modifier is "i".


[4773] [modifier] - Duplicate regular expression modifier.

The regular expression modifier is specified more than once.


[4774] Invalid collating element name in regular expression: [expression]

The regular expression contains an invalid collating element name.


[4775] Invalid character class name in regular expression: [expression]

The regular expression contains an invalid character class name.


[4776] Invalid escaped character or trailing escape in regular expression: [expression]

The regular expression contains an invalid escaped character or trailing escape.


[4777] Invalid back-reference in expression: [expression]

The expression contains an invalid back-reference.


[4778] Mismatched [ and ] in regular expression: [expression]

The regular expression contains mismatched [ and ].


[4779] Mismatched ( and ) in regular expression: [expression]

The regular expression contains mismatched ( and ).


[4780] Mismatched { and } in regular expression: [expression]

The regular expression contains mismatched { and }.


[4781] Invalid range in a {} in regular expression: [expression]

The regular expression contains an invalid range in a {}.


[4782] Invalid character range in regular expression: [expression]

The regular expression contains an invalid character range. For example [b-a].


[4783] One of ?+{ was not preceded by a valid regular expression: [expression] *

One of *?+{ was not preceded by a valid regular expression.


[4784] The regular expression is too complex: [expression]

The regular expression is too complex.


[4785] Insufficient memory to determine whether the regular expression could match: [expression]

Insufficient memory to determine whether the regular expression could match.


[4786] A nested regular expression is uninitialized: [expression]

A nested regular expression is uninitialized.


[4787] An attempt to create a variable-width look-behind assertion was detected in regular expression: [expression]

An attempt to create a variable-width look-behind assertion was detected.


[4800] SSL Error - Private key is encrypted.

VHI does not support encrypted private keys for use in secure host communications.


[4801] SSL Error - Private key does not match the certificate used in a secure host connection.

The provide private key does not match the certificate.


[4820] The model [name] cannot be opened from its current read-only folder. Do you want to copy this model to a different location and open it from there?

This model cannot be opened because you do not have write permissions for the folder in which it is stored. This often happens when you try to open an example model. The Design Tool will offer to copy the model to a different location and open it.


[4821] An error occured while copying model folder [name]: [detail]

The Design Tool encountered an error while copying the model folder. Check the error message for details. To fix this problem, copy the folder containing the model to a different location and open the model.


[4822] Errors in model XML file [filename]

One or more errors have occurred while reading a certain model definition file.


[4823] Warning [line],[col]: [message]

A warning occurred while reading a model XML file.


[4824] Error [line],[col]: [message]

An error occurred while reading a model XML file.


[4825] Fatal Error [line],[col]: [message]

An Error occurred while reading a model XML file; processing the XML file cannot continue.


[4826] Error initializing the XML parser: [message]

An error has occurred while initializing the model XML parser.


[4827] Errors during writing of model XML file [filename]: [message]

One or more errors have occurred while writing a model definition file.


[4828] Entity [name] should be defined in a file called [expectedname]

The name of the entity does not correspond with the filename in which it was defined. Rename the file to match the name of the entity.


[4829] Table [name] should be defined in a file called [expectedname]

The name of the table does not correspond with the filename in which it was defined. Rename the file to match the name of the table.


[4830] Unresolved name: [type] [name]

A reference name in the model XML file could not be resolved. The referenced object may have been renamed, or the file that contains the object is missing from the model folder.


[4831] The model contains one or more names that could not be resolved

This message error should be accompanied by additional error messages providing more details on the exact nature of the problem encountered.


[4832] Internal error: unexpected duplicate name [name] while reading model xml

An internal error has been detected. A duplicate name was found while reading a model xml file. Please contact Technical Support for assistance.


[4833] Unable to open CSS file vmr.css.

Unable to open CSS file vmr.css.


[4834] Web based help is not currently available. To enable, verify that you have installed the Help feature, and that the Micro Focus Verastream Host Integrator Web Server service is running.

Web based help is not currently available. To enable, verify that you have installed the Help feature, and that the Micro Focus Verastream Host Integrator Web Server service is running.


[4835] This model contains too many elements of type [type]

The model is too large; the maximum number of elements of a particular type has been exceeded.