Security Guide : Login Modules

Login Modules
This appendix provides a description of the LoginModules provided by VisiSecure for Java.
Basic LoginModule
This LoginModule uses a proprietary schema to store and retrieve user information. It uses standard JDBC to store its data in any relational database. This module also supports the proprietary schema used by the Tomcat JDBC realm.
realm-name { authentication-requirements-flag
The elements in square brackets (“[ .. ]”) are used only if authenticating to the Tomcat Realm, where they would be required. Otherwise, the remaining properties are sufficient.
Note: If this property is set to “TOMCAT,” all other properties in square braces (“[..]”) must also be set.
Premium { required
Since passwords should never be stored in clear text, VisiSecure always performs digest on the password and stores the result in a database. The digesttype option defines the digest algorithm for this. By default, an SHA algorithm is used for basic-typed schema, while MD5 is used for tomcat-typed schema. You can change it by including and setting a digesttype option. In the case the corresponding digest type engine cannot be found by the JVM, SHA is used instead. If an SHA engine cannot be found either, the authentication will always fail.
JDBC LoginModule
This LoginModule uses a standard JDBC database interface for authentication.
realm-name { authentication-requirements-flag
The field name in USERTABLE containing the usernames.
Field name in ROLETABLE where role information is stored.
LIMS { required
LDAP LoginModule
Similar to the JDBC LoginModule, but using LDAP as its authentication backend.
realm-name { authentication-requirements-flag
USERATTRIBUTES=attribute1, attribute2, ...
The URL to the LDAP server of the form ldap://<servername>:<port> .
This attribute represents what the user types in as the username. If set to uid, it would allow users to type their uid when asked for a username. If set to mail, it would allow users to type their email when asked for a user name. When set to DN, users will type their full DN to authenticate themselves.
The suffix can be anything that uniquely identifies this entry and there can be any number of queries specified. To insert the user's DN as part of the query, you should use {0}. The LDAPLoginModule will then replace the {0} with the actual DN of the user. For example, to query groups and store the results in the GROUP attribute, you say:
This will select all the groups (whose ou attribute has the value groups) that the user belongs to whose uniquemember attribute contains the user's DN, then stores the CN of the objects returned as the result as the values for the GROUP attribute for that user. If the attribute name specified is ROLE, then this attribute's treatment is exactly like that of the JDBCLoginModule. This mechanism can be used to store user roles in LDAP.
Host LoginModule
The HostLoginModule is used to authenticate to a UNIX or NT-based network.
realm-name { authentication-requirements-flag;
No additional properties are necessary for the Host LoginModule.
{ required;
UNIX shadow password for Host LoginModule
UNIX platforms only
The HostLoginModule shipped with VisiSecure for UNIX platforms utilizes simple APIs that are uniform on most UNIX platforms. This is defined in the POSIX standard header file pwd.h. Advanced shadow password APIs are available for deployments that demand higher security measures. However, one problem associated with this is that the process calling the APIs must run as root. Since the APIs are not in POSIX standard, the login module code is less portable.
To write your own custom login module, refer to the ‘customlogin’ example in the VisiSecure example folder. You may then incorporate shadow password APIs in your custom login module. These APIs are available in the system header file shadow.h. Please consult your system manual to find out more about them.
From the user's perspective, as already indicated above, any VisiBroker application (client/server) configured with an authentication realm, employing such a login module, must be invoked with root (or SUID root) system-level privileges.
Creating a user database for the basic login module
As a first step, create and configure the database to store users and roles. Micro Focus provides the userdbadmin tool, run from the command line, to auto-create the required tables, create groups, and associate users with groups.
This example uses JDataStore, though any backend — like Oracle, DB2, Sybase, MS SQL Server, etc — can be used. A sample command is shown below. For JDataStore, the command to be run from the command prompt when the current working directory is:
-db jdbc:borland:dslocal:adm/security/mydb.jds
-driver com.borland.datastore.jdbc.DataStoreDriver
-user admin
-password admin
>addgroups accountant
>addgroups clerk
>adduser krish krishpwd accountant
>adduser john johnpwd accountant
>adduser bill billpwd clerk
>adduser scott scottpwd clerk
The above commands, typed at the ">" prompt, create two groups 'accountant' and 'clerk' in the database. Two users with usernames krish and john are in an accountant role; while bill and scott are in the role of clerks.
(Type 'help' at the ">" prompt for a list of available commands).
Using the userdbadmin tool
The userdbadmin tool is a command-line tool that can be used to create and manage user databases for the BasicLoginModule. The userdbadmin uses a proprietary schema and can be pointed at any database. Using this tool, you can administer users who can be authenticated using Basic login modules. Though the tool and BasicLoginModule work using various JDBC databases, it is still recommended that you use JDataStore which is shipped with VisiBroker.
To facilitate the use of popular databases, the userdbadmin tool comes pre-configured to recognize database urls and to configure itself to use the appropriate drivers.
If you wish to change that behavior, you may override it by specifying the driver information.
If you do not provide driver information and userdbadmin does not recognize the database, it will prompt for this information. Once it has successfully acquired this information, it will write this information into a file called .userdbadmin.config in the directory corresponding to the user.home system property or to the file specified by the -config command line option.
Future users of userdbadmin will read the config file from either the user.home directory or from the file specified by the -config option and will recognize the new database configuration, so you do not need to type the driver information every time.
Creating a new database
To create a new database, use the commands below.
Usage: userdbadmin [<driver options>] [<userdbadmin options>] [command]
The example below creates a new database namely mydb.jds.
prompt> userdbadmin -db jdbc:borland:dslocal:mydb.jds -driver com.borland.datastore.jdbc.DataStoreDriver -user administrator -password b0rlanD -create
The username/password that you supply in the command line above is used by JDataStore to protect the database as well as to access to the database subsequently.
Note: The username/password is for JDataStore itself. This has nothing to do with the usernames and passwords that you may want to store in the database later.
UserdbAdminTool: Creating database jdbc:borland:dslocal:mydb.jds
JDataStore: Developer's License (no connection limit)
JDataStore: Copyright (c) 1996-2004 Borland Software Corporation. All rights reserved.
JDataStore: License for JDataStore development only - not for redistribution
JDataStore: Registered to:
JDataStore: JDataStore
JDataStore: Developer's license with unlimited connections
Password digest algorithm is SHA1
UserdbAdminTool: Created Database Schema
After the execution of the command, in your current directory, a new set of JDataStore database physical files will be created as follows:
Creating groups and associating users with groups
Launch userdbadmin in an interactive mode with the created database. The interactive mode helps you to issue multiple commands. To do this, enter the command as given below at the command prompt.
prompt> userdbadmin -db jdbc:borland:dslocal:mydb.jds -driver com.borland.datastore.jdbc.DataStoreDriver -user administrator -password b0rlanD -interactive
JDataStore: Developer's License (no connection limit)
JDataStore: Copyright (c) 1996-2004 Borland Software Corporation.
All rights reserved.
JDataStore: License for JDataStore development only - not for redistribution
JDataStore: Registered to:
JDataStore: JDataStore
JDataStore: Developer's license with unlimited connections
Password digest algorithm is SHA1
Enter "quit" to quit.
Note that you are now in userdbadmin interactive mode, and you can type commands at its '>' prompt.
Adding new users
To add a new user name with password and to make the new user a member of one or more groups, type the following in the command line:
Example 1
> adduser krish krishpwd accountant
Example 2
> adduser bill billpwd clerk
In Example 1, you added a user whose name is Krish and password krishpwd and added him as a member of the group called accountant.
In Example 2, you added a user whose name is bill and password billpwd and added him as a member of the group called clerk.
Listing exising users in the database
To list existing users in the database, type ‘listusers’ in the command line to list all the users and their groups:
> listusers
bill: [ clerk ]
john: [ accountant ]
krish: [ accountant ]
Listing all groups in the database
To list all groups and their membership, enter listgroup at the command prompt.
> listgroups
clerk: [ bill ]
accountant: [ krish john ]
Create a new group
To create new groups and their membership, enter addgroup at the command prompt.
> addgroups dba admin
You can check the newly added group by running the command listgroup. The newly added groups dba and admin would be listed.
> listgroups
dba: [ ]
admin: [ ]
clerk: [ bill ]
Assign groups to existing users
To assign user krish to group dba and group admin, enter the following command at the prompt:
> joingroups krish dba admin
You can check the newly added user by running the command listusers. The newly added group memberships would be listed.
> listusers
bill: [ clerk ]
john: [ accountant ]
krish: [ accountant dba admin ]
Remove a group from the database
To remove group accountant from the database permanently, enter the following command removegroups at the prompt.
> removegroups accountant
You can check the newly removed group by running the command listusers. The newly removed group accountant will not be listed.
> listusers
bill: [ clerk ]
john: [ ]
krish: [ dba admin ]
Add a new user without any group
You can add a new user without adding him to any specific group. enter the command adduser at the command prompt
> adduser jack jackpwd
You can check the newly added user by running the command listusers. The newly added user jack would be listed.
> listusers
bill: [ clerk ]
jack: [ ]
john: [ ]
krish: [ dba admin ]
Remove a group from a user
To remove the group from the user, enter the command leavegroup at the command prompt.
> leavegroups krish admin
You can check the newly removed user by running the command listusers. The user krish would be listed without the removed membership.
> listusers
bill: [ clerk ]
jack: [ ]
john: [ ]
krish: [ dba ]
Remove a user from the group
To remove the user from the group, enter the command removeuser at the command prompt.
> removeuser bill
You can check the newly removed user by running the command listusers. The newly removed user would be listed.
> listusers
jack: [ ]
john: [ ]
krish: [ dba ]
Exiting the userdbadmin program
To exit the userdbadmin program, enter the command quit at the command prompt.
> quit