Installation Guide : Installing Service Packs

Installing Service Packs
Installing Service Pack 6
If you install VisiBroker 8.5.6 as a new customer, you do not need to install Service Pack 6 separately; it is included in your installation package.
Existing users of VisiBroker 8.5 who wish to upgrade to Service Pack 6 should follow the instructions in the VisiBroker 8.5.5 Release Notes to install the Service Pack on top of their existing installation.
Security Provider
Prior to version 8.5 SP2, VisiSecure supported the Certicom security provider. At version 8.5 SP2, VisiSecure for C++ supported a choice of security providers, Certicom or OpenSSL.
From 8.5 SP4, the Certicom security provider is deprecated. It is currently supported only for backwards compatibility, and Micro Focus recommends that Certicom users switch to using OpenSSL.
Existing VisiBroker users upgrading from previous versions can switch between security providers by using the SelectSecurityProvider utility which was delivered as part of SP2. For details of how to do this, see the section Specifying the Security Provider in the VisiBroker Security Guide.