Customizing the Integrated Visual COBOL Project Model

The integrated Visual COBOL System is intended to reliably offer standard Visual COBOL functions and therefore cannot be modified. The integrated Visual COBOL Project Model can be used as a copy base for customization.

After this standard model has been loaded once, it is located under \InternalTDProject\IntegratedVCModel.model.

Note: Every time the integrated Visual COBOL Project model is loaded, the model file \InternalTDProject\IntegratedVCModel.model is replaced. This model must be copied to another location before being modified.

To load the customized model, you must define another AWM system, see Master Configuration for more information. Ideally the custom AWM system should be defined within a default configuration, see Defining Default Configurations for more information. This can be configured to automatically load the customized application in a new workspaces.