Specifies the absolute path to a source folder containing COBOL JVM source files.
Note: This directive is supported for managed COBOL in the Eclipse IDE only.
Note: You can use multiple directives to specify a number of different source folder locations.
The absolute path to the source folder. This is case sensitive. The path delimiter uses a "/" or "\" depending on the OS.
JVMSOURCEBASE "cobolsourcebase"
IDE equivalent:
By default, this is set automatically by the Eclipse IDE. To stop new projects from having a JVMSOURCEBASE by default:
- Click
- Uncheck
Each part of the package name corresponds to a subdirectory.
This directive is set automatically by the Eclipse IDE when you create a class or package. The directive tells the Compiler
to check the following:
- The package corresponds with the file location prefixed by one of the directive values.
- The name of the outer type must match the name of the source location.
- The class files in the source folder can only have one outer type.
Note: Projects created before
Visual COBOL 4.0 do not have a JVMSOURCEBASE as a default.