Directory Server Configuration

Use this page to change configuration settings for the Directory Server.
Repository Location
Specify the type of storage and the location containing the repository. You can store the repository in the file system or in an LDAP repository. For file system storage, the location is the directory in which the repository data will be stored. For LDAP storage, the location is the address of the LDAP server that will be used. In order to store the repository in an LDAP server, the server must be updated to support the Micro Focus configuration objects.
Warning: If you change the location and the destination already contains a repository, you will be warned and given the opportunity to overwrite it or to cancel the operation.
Note: When you specify ldap:// as the storage mechanism, additional fields are displayed for specifying the container in which the data will be stored, and the LDAP user credentials required to write to the container.
Listen on Loopback Only
Check this to only allow connections to this directory server on loopback. If this directory server is running on a different machine from ESCWA it will no longer be available.
Maximum Object Count
The maximum number of objects that the repository can hold.
Timeout UI Sessions
Check this if the user interface sessions in the directory server should be subject to a timeout.
UI Session Timeout
If the Timeout UI Sessions field is checked, then you can specify the length of time (in seconds) a session had to be inactive for before it is timed out and the user has to log back in. The default value is 600 seconds (10 minutes).
Generate UDP Broadcast Search Requests
Check this so that when a CCI client request cannot be satisfied by this Directory Server it can forward the request to any other compatible naming services on the local network by issuing the request using a UDP broadcast. You might want to minimize broadcast traffic or force clients to search for locally registered servers by disabling this feature. The default is for the field to be checked.
Restore Server States on Directory Server Startup
Check this if servers that were previously started when the directory server closed down are to be restarted when the directory server is started.
Mark Servers "Started" Only When All Listeners Started
Check this if you want the server status to remain Stopped until all of the auto-start and startable listeners (those not marked as Disabled) have been set to Started status.

If this is unchecked, the server status is set to Started when the first MFCS instance that starts up modifies the server status. This will be shortly after the Communications Process Control Channel listener becomes active. At this point, any remaining listeners for that Communications Process, and any other Communications Processes for that server, will probably still be starting up. By default this is unchecked.

Clear Dynamically Assigned Values When Servers Stop
Check this box to override the option on the individual stop server confirmation page so that the dynamic address values for the server are cleared when it stops. This will happen regardless of whether it is started remotely, from the command line, or from the ESCWA. By default this is unchecked.
Save legacy Micro Focus Servers
Check this if you want legacy Micro Focus servers to be included when you save the Directory Server repository. Legacy Micro Focus servers are CCI servers. The default state is unchecked.
Show System Server Types
Check this so that ANIM servers can be displayed if required.
Timeout API Sessions
Check this if API sessions (including ESCWA) in the directory server should be subject to a timeout. The default setting is checked.
API Session Timeout
If the Timeout API Sessions field is checked, then you can set the timeout (in seconds) with a minimum of 60 seconds. The default value is 1200 seconds (20 minutes)


Use this group to change configuration settings for the Directory Server journal.

Maximum File Size
Specify the maximum file size in kilobytes (KB) of the journal file. Once the journal file grows to this size, the most recent journal entries overwrite the oldest journal entries. The minimum is 32 KB. The default value is 256 KB.
Changing the size of the journal erases any previous journal entries.
Select the type of messages to be written to the journal:
Errors Only
Select this if you want journal entries to be written for errors only.
Errors and Warnings
Check this if you want journal entries to be written for errors and warnings only.
All Standard Information
Check this if you want journal entries to be written for all events.
Extra Debug Information
Check this if you want journal entries to be written for additional file and internal operations. Only check this option if specifically requested to by OpenText Support for Micro Focus Products.
CTF Trace
Check this if you want journal entries to be written through the Consolidated Trace Facility (CTF).


Use this group to change configuration settings for the Server Monitor.

Check this field to start the server monitor. Uncheck it to stop the server monitor at the next keep-alive interval timeout. The default is checked.
Keep Alive Interval
Specify the interval (in seconds) that the server monitor is to wait between each cycle of server interrogations. Since each cycle of interrogations takes a finite amount of time, depending on how many servers are registered and how responsive they and the network are, the actual time taken between checks is longer than this interval. The default value is 60 seconds.
Acceptable Response Time
Specify the interval (in seconds) that the server monitor is to wait for a response after sending a keep-alive request to a server before assuming it is not responding. If you know that the network is normally quiet or busy, you can adjust this time accordingly. The default value is 5 seconds.