To Start ESMAC for an enterprise server instance (deprecated)

Restriction: This topic applies only when the Enterprise Server feature is enabled.
Note: The Enterprise Server Monitor and Control (ESMAC) interface has been deprecated. Micro Focus no longer supports ESMAC and will remove the feature in a future release. It has been provided for backward compatibility only. Micro Focus strongly recommends that you adopt the Enterprise Server Common Web Administration (ESCWA). See Enterprise Server Common Web Administration (ESCWA) for more information.

The enterprise server instance must be started before the ESMAC screen becomes available.

  1. Open the Enterprise Server Administration user interface.
  2. In the list of servers next to the server to access, click Details in the Status column to display the details screen for the enterprise server instance.
  3. On the enterprise server instance details screen, click the ES Monitor & Control button.

    The ESMAC screen is displayed.