Enterprise Server Administration Home Page

Restriction: This topic applies only when the Enterprise Server feature is enabled.
Important: Use the Help > This Page option in the left side-bar to display up-to-date context help on the current Enterprise Server screen. To access up-to-date Enterprise Server product help, go to the Micro Focus Product Documentation site.

This is the Enterprise Server Administration home page that lists the Enterprise Server instances. It is displayed:

You use this page as a starting point for all the administration functions. From it you can:
  • Add a server
  • Change the attributes of a server
  • Change the status of a server
  • Go to a more detailed view of the listeners, services, request handlers and implementation packages.
Note: The options available to you depend on the permissions granted to the user groups of which your user account is a member. Those options that are not available to you are hidden.

Use the side bar menu items to access your installation's configuration options, maintained on the Micro Focus Directory Server (MFDS).

Expand/Contract button

Click + icon in the left-hand corner of the servers table to see an expanded version of the information in the Objects column, or the minus icon () to see a contracted version of the information in the Service Listeners, Services, Request Handlers and Implementation Packages columns.

Refresh Icon

Click Refresh icon to update the display to show changes in the server status and attributes.


Specify the number of servers to show at a time. Click Refresh icon to update the screen display.


Click this to view the previous page of servers. You can click this only if the number of servers is greater than can be shown on one page.


Click this to view the next page of servers. You can click this only if the number of servers is greater than can be shown on one page.


Click this to update the display according to the Type, Name and Status attributes selected.

Filter by Type

Select the type of server from the drop-down list that you want to be displayed in the server list. Click Refresh icon to update the screen display with your selection.

Filter by Name

Type the name of the server you want to see in the server list. You can use wildcard characters '*' and '?' to modify your criteria. Click Refresh icon to update the screen display with your selection.

Filter by Status

Select the status from the drop-down list to display a list of matching servers. Click Refresh icon to update the screen display with your selection.


Click this to delete this server. You can see this only if this server is a CCI server.


Click this to edit configuration settings for this server.


Shows the server type. There are two types of server:

  • MFES

    A Micro Focus enterprise server. This is a server type that provides a run-time environment for COBOL programs running as services.


    A Micro Focus Common Communications Interface server. This is a server that provides services using the Common Communications Interface (CCI), using the Directory Server as a naming service instead of registering with a CCITCP2 process.

The icon in the Type column will display '64' if the server has been set up for 64-bit working mode.

You can start and stop enterprise servers using Enterprise Server Administration. You cannot start and stop MFCCI servers from Enterprise Server Administration; if an MFCCI server is running on the network and has been configured to use the Directory Server, it appears in the list of servers automatically, with the status "registered". For more information about CCI, see your Configuring CCI book.


Shows the name of the server.

Current Status

Shows the current status of this server. The possible values are:

Stopped The server is currently not running.
Stopping The server is currently in the process of terminating. This is normally a short-lived status value which should be shortly followed by a change to the value "Stopped".
Started The server is currently running and can respond to client and server requests.
Starting The server is currently in the process of starting. This is normally a short-lived status value which should be shortly followed by a change to the value "Started".
Not Responding The server process was previously marked as "Started", but the server monitor has subsequently not been able to contact it. There may be some network connection error, or the server itself may have abnormally terminated without first marking itself as "Stopped".
Invalid An error has occurred such that it has not been possible to set the status to any other value.
Registered This status is applicable only to CCI servers. It indicates that the Directory Server has been notified that a CCI server has started.

Click this to start the server. You cannot see this push button unless the server has the status "Stopped" .

Current Status Details

Click this to move to a page giving more detailed information about the current status of the server. You cannot see this push button when the server has the status "Stopped".


Click this to start the server. You cannot see this push button unless the server has the status "Started" or "Not Responding".

Communications Processes

Lists the communications processes owned by the enterprise server. By default an enterprise server owns one communications process; you can create additional ones. For each process the following information is shown:

  • The number of the process. Numbers are allocated from 1 sequentially.
  • The network address used by the communications process to accept incoming client requests. The format is:



    • protocol is tcp.
    • ip-address is the IP address of the server listener. An asterisk (*) indicates that the address is dynamically assigned for the enterprise server when it starts.
    • port is the port value. An asterisk (*) indicates that the port is dynamically assigned for the enterprise server when it starts.
  • The TCP/IP hostname that is equivalent to the IP address.

The total number of listeners owned by all the communications processes.

Listeners Details

Click this to move to a page giving more detailed information about the service listeners owned by the communications processes.


Shows license information. The number before the slash is the number of licenses allocated to this server. When the server is stopped a dash is displayed, because the number of licenses that will be allocated is unknown until the server is started. When the server is running an asterisk can be displayed, indicating that unlimited licenses were allocated. The number after the slash is the number of licenses requested by this server.

Last Status Change

Shows the date and time that the server's current status was last updated; this is local to the machine where the Directory Server is running. You can see this only in the expanded view of the Home page.

Status Log

Shows information about the most recent event that occurred on this server, and how long the server has been in its current state.


Shows how many of each type of object (services, handlers, packages) the server owns. This is a summary view - it changes when you click the Expand+ icon button


Shows a list of the service operations registered with the Directory Server. If there are more than five, only the first five are shown.

Service Details

Click this to move to a page giving more detailed information about the services registered with the Directory Server.

Request Handlers

Shows a list of the request handlers registered with the Directory Server.

Request Handlers Details

Click this to move to a page giving more detailed information about the request handlers registered with the Directory Server.

Implementation Packages

Shows a list of the implementation packages registered with the Directory Server. If there are more than five, only the first five are shown.

Implementation Packages Details

Click this to move to a page giving more detailed information about the implementation packages registered with the Directory Server.


Shows a description of the server.


Click this to add a new server.