General Properties

Use this page to change the basic configurable attributes of an enterprise server instance.

Modify the options and then click Apply.

Changing the properties of a registered enterprise server instance may cause application connection errors and loss of data.

Startup Options

Use these fields to specify the server configuration you want when the server first starts up. Any changes you make to these fields while a server is running do not take effect until the next time you start the server.

Specify the unique name of the server, up to 8 characters. You can change the name only if the server has the status Stopped.
Note: You must not include angle brackets (<>) or ampersands (&) in the name.
System Directory
Specify the location for system work files output by the Enterprise Server, such as the console log, and trace and dump diagnostics files. This directory cannot be shared between enterprise servers. The default is %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Micro Focus User\Enterprise Developer\WORKAREA\es-name (Windows) or /var/mfcobol/es/es-name (UNIX), where es-name is the name of the enterprise server.
Note: On Windows, the procedure for starting an enterprise server instance is implemented by Micro Focus Directory Services (MFDS). By default, the MFDS process runs as a Windows service using the local system account, whereby the environment variable %USERPROFILE% resolves to C:\Windows\system32\config\systemprofile. As MFDS is a 32-bit application, when starting an enterprise server instance from a browser, Windows maps this location to C:\windows\syswow64\config\systemprofile. When starting an enterprise server instance from the command line, the MFDS process uses the logged-on user's account, which means that the environment variable %USERPROFILE% maps to C:\Users\<userid>. To avoid the confusion of the work files being located in two directories, specify a system directory.

If you specify a directory in this field, that directory must exist. Enterprise Server does not create it for you.

Shared Memory Pages
Specify the number of shared pages in memory to be reserved for all the processes that run in the Directory Server. Each page is 4 KB in size.
SEP Count
Specify the number of service execution processes that are to be started at server initialization.
Shared Memory Cushion
Specify the number of 4KB pages that should be reserved from the shared memory pages to enable the server to continue processing when the shared memory allocation is too small for the operational requirements of the server. The range is 1 through the number of shared memory pages.
Console Log Size
Specify the maximum size of the console.log. Once this size is reached, it will be backed up as console.nnn (with nnn being incremented with each new backup) and subsequent messages will be logged to a new console.log. If set to 0, a single console.log will be created (if one already exists on startup, this will be backed up as console.bak).
Show Local Console
Check this if you want to see a text window containing enterprise server messages while the server is running. The messages are written to console.log, in the directory specified in System Directory. You can see the text window only on the machine running the enterprise server. The system messages are also available on the Enterprise Server Console page.
Allow Dynamic Debugging
Check this if you want to use a local or remote IDE to debug applications running in this enterprise server.
Start on System Start
Check this if you want to start this enterprise server instance when the Micro Focus Directory Server process is started. The Micro Focus Directory Server process (MFDS) is usually started at system startup, for example, on Windows it is registered as a system service by default. Typical usage is to ensure a set of enterprise server instances are re-started automatically if a machine is re-booted. If security is enabled and the default credentials are disabled, ensure valid credentials are specified in the server Security properties Automated Execution Control Enterprise Server Credentials section.
64-Bit Working Mode
This box is for information only and will be checked if the server has a working mode of 64-bit.
Purge Old Logs
Check this if you want to remove existing console.nnn backups.

MSS Configuration

Note: These features can only be configured and used if your product is enabled for Mainframe Subsystem Support (MSS).

Mainframe Subsystem Support (MSS) configuration:

MSS Enabled
Check this to provide an execution environment for migrated applications that use mainframe technologies.
JES Enabled
Check this to enable the Job Entry Subsystem (JES) for this enterprise server.
IMS Enabled
Check this to enable Information Management System (IMS) for this enterprise server.
MQ Enabled
Check this to enable MQ listener support for the MQ IMS bridge feature for this enterprise server.

Windows Monitoring and Management

Use these fields to specify and configure the performance and event logging options when the server first starts up. Any changes you make to these fields while a server is running do not take effect until the next time you start the server.

Allow Performance Monitoring
Check this box if you want to enable a server to provide performance counters through the Windows Management Instrumentation. Performance information can then subsequently be viewed through Windows Perfmon command line Performance Monitor.
Check this box to specify informational events will be logged to the Windows Event Log.
Check this box to specify warning events will be logged to the Windows Event Log.
Check this box to specify error events will be logged to the Windows Event Log.
Check this box to specify server events will be logged to the Windows Event Log.


Configuration Information
Textual configuration information that determines the startup and run-time behavior of the server. Prefix comments with #.
Description of the server to aid identification. For example, specify its function and owner.

Scale-Out Configuration

The used for this region.
SOR Configuration
The configuration in use for this region. Micro Focus recommends that you configure this using the Install option in the configuration page.