Deploy the CarTracker Web Service

Guides you through the steps required to deploy the CarTracker Web service to the ESRSTAPI enterprise server, and verify the deployment results.

Associate the ESRSTAPI enterprise server instance

You need to associate the ESRSTAPI enterprise server instance with your ProgramRESTAPI project:

  1. From the COBOL Explorer, expand ProgramRESTAPI > Web Services
  2. Right-click the CarTracker Web service; then select Properties from the context menu.
  3. On the Deployment Server tab, click the Change button that corresponds to the Enterprise Server name field.
  4. In the Server column, click ESRSTAPI,and then click OK.

Select application files to deploy

  1. Still on the Properties page, click the Application Files tab.
  2. Select Legacy application needs deploying.
  3. Click Add Files.
  4. In the File Selection dialog box, navigate to your project loadlib directory.
  5. Select the cars.xml, the CarsProgram.dll and the CarsProgram.xml files, and then click Open.
  6. On the Properties page, click OK.

Stop enterprise server instances

To ensure that your enterprise server instance does not encounter any port conflicts with other enterprise server instances that use the same listener port, stop all started enterprise server instances, if any, as follows:

  1. On the Server Explorer, expand Local [localhost:10086] > Default [] to see a list of enterprise server instances.
  2. Right-click each started enterprise server instance, and stop it by selecting Stop from the context menu.
    Note: Started enterprise server instances show with a green icon Started enterprise server instance.

Start the ESRSTAPI enterprise server instance

Before deploying your service interface, you must start the ESRSTAPI instance where the CarTracker service will run.

  • From the Server Explorer, right-click ESRSTAPI; then select Start from the context menu.

    After the server starts, the Server Explorer refreshes, and the ESRSTAPI entry appears with a green icon Started enterprise server instance, indicating that it is started.

Deploy the CarTracker Web service

  1. From the COBOL Explorer, right-click the CarTracker Web service, and then click Deploy.
  2. In Eclipse, click the Console tab.
  3. On the icon bar, click the down arrow associated with Display Selected Console Display Selected Console.
  4. Click Service Interfaces Console to monitor deployment progress.

If deployment ever fails, you should find a message in the Service Interfaces Console indicating why it failed. Also, the failure message contains the path to the deployment log file. You can type the address into a browser and view the log file from there.

View deployment results

Now that your RESTful Web service is deployed, you can look at its details in ESCWA.

  1. In ESCWA click Native.
  2. In the ESCWA navigation pane, expand Directory Servers > Default, and then select ESRSTAPI.
    Note: If you have followed this tutorial up to this point without using ESCWA for another purpose, it should already be in the configuration described in steps 1 and 2.
  3. On the General drop-down list, select Services.

    In the rows under your new service, CarTracker, you should see that the Last Status column shows all three operations as Available. This means that the service is ready to be accessed by a client.

    In addition, the name of the service and the Package columns for all operations display /temppath/CarTracker/1.0. This is the base URI used to identify the Web service in Enterprise Server. In a JSON request, the base URI, combined with the path specification for a particular operation, identifies which operation to launch. See Operation Paths for more information.