Describes Micro Focus-specific xa_open string options available for defining XARs.
Visual COBOL provides xa_open string options for XARs in addition to those provided by each database vendor.
You can add these options to a resource definition by including them in the xa_open string using the format specified by the
database vendor. For example, most databases use a comma separator (,), but Oracle uses a plus sign (+) separator. See your
database documentation for more information.
- LocalTX={T|F}
- Determines how the XAR handles transactions.
- T
- The associated XAR uses local (non-distributed) transactions. This option reduces overhead, and therefore can be a good option
when using a single XAR. Be advised, however, that
LocalTX=T also handles commits and roll backs for each XAR, independent of other resources, and should be used with care.
- F
- The associated XAR uses XA distributed, global transactions. Default.
- Determines the isolation level of transactions for a specific XAR.
Committed Read (default)
Read Only (Oracle only)
Repeatable Read (not supported on Oracle)
Snapshot (SQL Server only)
Uncommitted Read (not supported on Oracle)
- Provides additional RM switch module diagnostics in the
Enterprise Server console log, including JCL connection or database API errors.
- PACKAGEPATH=schema1[+schema2+...schemaN]
- DB2 only. You can use the following substitution markers to enable customization based on the current JCL or CICS user name,
XA resource name,
enterprise server region name, or a combination:
- The current
enterprise server region name.
- %XARN%
- The current XA resource name.
- The current CICS or JCL user name.