To start Micro Focus License Administration

Windows: To start the GUI Micro Focus License Administration

Windows 10
From your Windows desktop, click Start > Micro Focus License Manager > License Administration.
Windows 11
Click the Start button in the Task Bar. Use the search field in the Start menu to find and start License Administration.

Windows: To start the command-line Micro Focus License Administration tool

  1. At a command prompt, navigate to:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\Licensing
  2. Type cesadmintool.bat, and press Enter.


Log on as root, and from a command prompt type:

Configuring licensing for older products

If you use release 10.0 and previous releases on the same machine on UNIX, you need to the set the environment variable MFCES_INIT_LOCATION to /opt/microfocus/licensing/bin/ces.ini in order for licensing to work for the older products. Also, see Advanced Installation Tasks > Licensing Coexistence when Upgrading to Release 10.0 in the Installation section.