The Enterprise Server Common Web Administration User Interface

Restriction: This topic applies only when the Enterprise Server feature is enabled.

When you access the Enterprise Server Common Web Administration (ESCWA) user interface, the Dashboard page is displayed. What you can see depends on your access permissions, set by your login ID.

The ESCWA main menu appears in a menu bar at the top of the page. The menu options are grouped under headings, such as Security. The main menu options can be configured to only be displayed for an appropriate user permission level.
Click the configuration () icon at the top right of the page to configure ESCWA's server, security, trace and logging settings. See Enterprise Server Administration Configuration for more information.
The dashboard is your home screen, it is the first view of ESCWA once you have logged in. You can configure your dashboard to display the information that best helps you monitor and administer your servers. See Dashboard for more information.
Refreshing a page or node
Many pages and tree nodes, such as those displayed in the navigation pane, contain a refresh () icon. Click this to refresh the page information or node's status. This can be used to update the status if you have performed an action that might have occurred outside of the ESCWA interface.
Click the search () icon at the top right of the page. This opens the Search dialog box. Start typing a search string to find the page where it is featured. A list of possible search result candidates will be displayed, grouped under its associated page heading. If the page that you selected is associated with more than one object, a list of relevant objects will be displayed. Selecting an object will take you to the appropriate page.