Analysis Code Search Window

The Analysis Code Search window shows the results of single code searches or from the more complex code search reports.

Code Search History field
Use the downward arrow to load the results from previous searches.
(Rerun query)
Rerun the selected code search or search report.
(Stop running query)
Stop the current code search.
(Generate Code Search Report)
Invoke the Code Search Report dialog for a specific workspace.
(Execute a Single Code Search)
Invoke Code Search for a specific workspace and source type.
Results pane
The results of a code search or a code search report are grouped by code search type and program name and include:
  • The code in the program that matches the code search, and the line in the file it was found in.
  • The Source Path and Similar Local Path fields - show the path to the file in the workspace on the Application Analysis server and the path to the same file found in your project, respectively.

Use the context menu on the rows in the results pane to view the local file or the file from the Application Analysis server, group the results, or show or hide any of the columns.