In the context of:
ESCWA will attempt to use the Micro Focus Vault Facility by default. The Vault Facility enables you to store sensitive data in a secure form.
It is possible to explicitly disable the use of the Vault Facility from the ESCWA command line, or to specify an incorrect vault specification, which will result in the Vault Facility not being used. Micro Focus recommends that you use the Vault Facility for storing ESCWA's sensitive data.
To ensure a Directory Server can use the Vault Facility, check the following:
Ensure the default vault specification of the Vault Facility is valid.
Ensure permissions of any Vault Facility related files are correct, including the configuration file and any stored secrets.
To ensure that ESCWA is using the Vault Facility correctly, check the following:
To modify the vault specification, use ESCWA to perform the following steps:
This opens the Enterprise Server Administration Configuration dialog box.
See Vault Facility for more information.
To ensure a Directory Server is using the Vault Facility, check the following: