This directive only works on files processed by the Micro Focus File Handler. Use the CALLFH directive if you are processing
files other than indexed files.
To produce print files in the style of an IBM mainframe using FILETYPE"11", you must also:
Set the directive OSVS or VCS2
Set the CALLFH directive (so your program uses the Micro Focus File Handler)
Use a SELECT statement in the form:
select printfile assign "print" organization is sequential.
(Print files in the style of an IBM mainframe have a print control character in the first column.)
This directive only works on files processed by the Micro Focus File Handler. Use the CALLFH directive if you are processing files other than indexed files.
To produce print files in the style of an IBM mainframe using FILETYPE"11", you must also:
(Print files in the style of an IBM mainframe have a print control character in the first column.)