General Services

The following table shows the LE general callable services that are supported by this COBOL system.

Routine Description Supported?
CEE3DMP Generate dump No *
CEE3PR2 Queries parameter string and its length Yes
CEE3PRM Query parameter string Yes
CEE3USR Set/query user area fields Yes
CEEGTJS Retrieves the value of an exported JCL symbol Yes
CEERAN0 Calculate uniform random numbers Yes
CEETEST Invoke debug tool No *
CEE3DLY Suspend processing Yes
  • Calls to unsupported routines marked by '*' are accepted but no action occurs. In the FEED_BACK condition (FC) code, the severity is set to 4, the message number to 9999, and the facility-ID to MFX.
  • Calls to unsupported routines marked by '**' are not accepted and if used in a COBOL program result in the fatal run-time system error 173 ("Called program file not found in drive/directory").
  • The FLGS data item in the FEED_BACK condition (FC) token is not set or used by this COBOL system.