Rules for the MOVE statement and DBCS characters.
Syntax Rules
- All the identifiers and literals must be of class DBCS if any one of them is.
Items of class DBCS, category alphanumeric, and category alphabetic can be mixed freely.
- In Format 2, the MOVE CORRESPONDING format, if either of a pair of matching items is of class DBCS, they both must be.
General Rules
- If the sending field is of class DBCS and a receiving field is of category DBCS Edited, editing is carried out on that receiving
field. For any other combination of fields of class DBCS, no conversion, editing, or de-editing is done.
This rule is relaxed as follows. If a receiving field is of category DBCS edited, it is edited. For any other combination
that includes a field of class DBCS, no conversion, editing, or de-editing is done.
- If a receiving field is a different size from the sending field, the data is stored in that receiving item and truncated or
padded on the right with DBCS spaces.