- Open the application's solution in
Visual COBOL.
If you are working with one of the Docker demonstrations, they include the relevant solution and project files.
- Click
Debug >
Attach to Process.
- If the application to be debugged is native COBOL, in the
Connection type field, specify
Micro Focus transport.
- In the
Connection target field, specify the following:
- ID/IP-address
- is the container's ID or IP address.
- port
- is the port number that the container is listening on. This would be 6100 for the container that would have been started by the
docker run command in
Running a Container that is to be Debugged.
- :32|:64
- is optional, indicating whether the container is running a 32-bit or 64-bit environment. If this parameter is not specified,
the default is 64-bit.
- Check
Show processes from all users.
- Click
Refresh for
Visual COBOL to list all processes that you can potentially connect to.
- Select the process to debug from the list.
- Click
The debugger attaches to the running container and debugging starts as normal. Note that execution does not stop until the
debugger encounters a breakpoint, an error occurs, or you press the break button.