Attention: This feature is in Early Adopter Product (EAP) release status.
We intend to provide the finalized feature in a future release. Please contact
Micro Focus SupportLine if you require further clarification.
You can exclude one or more RMs from CRCN processing by setting the following environment variable:
<RM-name> is a resource managers that you want to exclude. Use the ID defined in the XAR definition to prevent monitoring. Exclude
multiple RMs (maximum 50) by specifying multiple names ,separated by a ";".
Note: The RM name length must not exceed 8 characters in length.
CRCN will exclude an RM if either
- The xa-ping pointer is set to low-values - this means no ping entry point was implemented in this xa resource switch module;
- The RM is specified by ES_XA_EXCLUDE_MONITORING.