Restriction: This topic applies only when the Enterprise Server feature is enabled.
These are the audit events emitted by the External Security Facility (ESF),
Micro Focus Directory Server (MFDS), JCL, and Data File Tools. Events from ESF use the "mf.safmgr" component ID; those from MFDS use
"mf.mfds", JCL uses "mf.jcl", and Data File Tools use "mf.cas".
ESF Events: Category and Type Codes, and Parameters
In the following list, the first number is the event category and the second number is the event type. Events are grouped
by category, so "1:x" or "1 x" is the collection of events in category 1, the category for events generated by the audit facility
Note: Different auditing emitters may separate the two numbers using a space or a colon character.
The following is a list of event categories and types with their parameters for either a specific event or in the description
of a group of events:
Category 0: Unknown
- No events defined
Category 1: Audit facility-specific
- 1 0
- Audit manager starting.
- Shared memory area name.
- Server type (1 = multiprocess CTF server).
- 1 1
- Audit manager stopping.
- 1 2
- Deactivate file.
Category 2: System
The following are ESF only:
Unless otherwise indicated their parameters are:
- Exit point.
- 1 = Exit has stopped processing of the request.
- Request RC value after exit returned.
- Request return value after exit returned.
- Request reason value after exit returned.
- 2 0
- Component Initializing
- 2 1
- Component Started.
- 2 2
- Component Terminating.
- 2 3
- User exit called.
- 2 4
- User exit halted processing of the request.
- 2 5
- User exit returned an error.
- 2 6
- Request Throttle
- Request Type
- Number of events per second
- Time the process sleeps for (seconds)
The following are MFDS only:
Unless otherwise indicated, their parameters are:
- Receive count
- Object class
- Object name
- 2 10
- String parameter "MFDS process starting..."
- 2 11
- String parameter "MFDS Request processor started."
- 2 12
- String parameter "MFDS Request processor terminating."
- 2 13
- Auditing turned on
- Receive count
- Object class
- String "MFDS auditing starting..."
- 2 14
- Auditing turned off
- Receive count
- Object class
- String "MFDS auditing stopped..."
The following are
ESCWA only:
- 2 15
- ESCWA Starting
- 2 16
- ESCWA Terminating
- User - (Optional) The name of the user that actioned the shutdown, if any.
- 2 17
- ESCWA Auditing Starting
- User - (Optional) The name of the user that started auditing, if any.
- 2 18
- ESCWA Auditing Stopping
- User - (Optional) The name of the user that stopped auditing, if any.
The following are MFDS only:
- 2 100
- Found Server
- 2 101
- Found Comms Server
- 2 102
- Found Listener
- 2 103
- Found Handler
- 2 104
- Found Package
- 2 105
- Found Service
- 2 106
- Found XRM
- 2 107
- Found JES Initiator
- 2 108
- Found JES Printer
- 2 109
- Found IMS MPR
- 2 110
- Found MQL
- 2 120
- Found ESM
- 2 121
- Found User
- 2 122
- Found Group
- 2 123
- Found Resource Class
- 2 124
- Found Resource Entity
- 2 200
- Page request
- Receive count
- User ID
- Request description (format varies)
- 2 201
- Logon request
- Receive count
- User ID
- Return code (prefixed with "Logon attempt, rc=")
Category 3: Security API request
Only emitted by ESF. These are not emitted by default. See
Security Configuration Custom Configuration Information for more information on the "category 3 audit" configuration option.
- 3 0
- Username
- Subsystem
- Signon group
- 3 1
- User
- Subsystem
- Resource class
- Resource entity
- Requested access
- 3 2
- User
- Subsystem
- Resource class
- Resource entity
- Requested access
Category 4: Administration request
Only emitted by ESF.
These all use the same parameterization. They include three fixed parameters followed by a variable number of parameters,
with one for each key-value pair included in the request. For password keys, the key is included but the value is omitted.
Requests that are too long for a single audit event are split into a series of "continuation" events (category 5, type 3).
The fixed parameters are:
- Audit command name
- Audit command code
- User
- 4 0
- List
- 4 1
- Add
- 4 2
- Delete
- 4 3
- Alter
- 4 4
- Set password
- 4 5
- Set options
Category 5: Other request
The following are ESF only:
- 5 0
- Update notify. Currently not used.
- 5 1
- Audit success (a SAFROUTE AUDIT request with type=1)
- User
- Entity string supplied by caller
- Log string supplied by caller
- 5 2
- Audit failure (a SAFROUTE AUDIT request with type=2)
- User
- Entity string supplied by caller
- Log string supplied by caller
- 5 3
- Parameter information (continuation of large audit event)
- Parameter ID
- Chunk number
- Data chunk
- 5 6
- Verifying with long mapped name
The following are Data File Tools only:
Unless otherwise indicated, its parameters are:
- Username
- Group
- Call
- DS Name
- Operation
- 5 4
- Data File Editor audit event
The following are JCL only:
- 5 5
- JCL Audit Event
MF_JCL_AUDIT for more information.
The following are
ESCWA only:
- 5 10
ESCWA API modify request response
- User - Session username
- Path - Request URI
- Method - Request method (for example, POST, PUT, DELETE)
- Response - HTTP response status code
Category 6: Allow
Only emitted by ESF.
Note: Specifying the
category 3 audit=yes configuration option disables audit events 2 and 3. If you specify the
password change success=yes configuration option, then audit even 2 will be generated. See
Security Configuration Custom Configuration Information for more information.
- 6 0
- Verify success
- Username
- Subsystem
- Signon group
- 1 = resolved using the ESF cache
- 6 1
- Verify allowed for unknown user
- 6 2
- Verify password change success
- Username
- Subsystem
- Signon group
- 6 3
- Auth success
- Username
- Subsystem
- Resource class
- Resource entity
- Request access
- 6 4
- Auth query
- Username
- Subsystem
- Resource class
- Resource entity
- Granted access level
- 6 5
- XAuth success
- Username
- Subsystem
- Resource class
- Resource entity
- Requested access
- 6 6
- XAuth query
- Username
- Subsystem
- Resource class
- Resource entity
- Granted access level
Category 7: Deny
Only emitted by ESF.
Unless otherwise indicated, the Verify deny events use these parameters:
- User ID
- Subsystem
- Signon group
and the Auth/XAuth-deny events use:
- User ID
- Subsystem
- Resource class
- Resource entity
- Requested access
- 7 0
- Verify deny: Invalid password
- 7 1
- Verify deny: Expired password
- 7 2
- Verify deny: Password change rejected
- 7 3
- Verify deny: User unknown
- 7 4
- Verify deny: User not in requested signon group
- 7 5
- Verify deny: Other failure
- 7 6
- Auth deny
- 7 7
- XAuth deny
Category 8: ESM error
Only emitted by ESF.
Unless otherwise indicated their parameters are:
- Username
- Subsystem
- ESM number
- ESM name
- ESM return code
- Error description
- 8 0
- Verify error
- 8 1
- Auth error
- Username
- Subsystem
- Resource class
- Resource entity
- Requested access
- ESM number
- ESM name
- ESM return code
- Error description
- 8 2
- XAuth error
- Username
- Subsystem
- Resource class
- Resource entity
- Requested access
- ESM number
- ESM name
- ESM return code
- Error description
- 8 3
- Admin error
- Admin command name
- Command code
- User
- 8 4
- Update error
- User
- ESM number
- Update action code
- Resource entity
- 8 5
- Map error
Category 9: Security request success
Only emitted by ESF.
- 9 0
- Admin success
- Admin command name
- Command code
- User
- 9 1
- Update success
- User
- ESM number
- Update action code
- Resource entity
Category 100: ESM requests
- 100 1
- Effective rule auditing
- Security manager index
- Security manager name
- Username
- Subsystem
- Type of request
- Name of resource
- Access decision
- Name of the rule
MLDAP ESM Module Custom Configuration Information for more information on audit rule.