Running a Container that is to be Debugged

This topic describes how to run a base image and volume mount an application's executable and debug files so that you can debug the application.

Note: This topic does not apply if you are using Visual COBOL Development Hub as a stand-alone development environment.

When you run the container, you must make sure that the docker run command specifies the following in addition to any parameters that you would normally specify:

For example, the following is a docker run command you could use to run the native COBOL Hello World Docker demonstration that had been built into an image for use on 64-bit Red Hat Linux platforms:

docker run -p 6100 
--name helloworld-x64-debug
-v /home/user/workspace/simpleproj/New_Configuration.bin:/home/root_docker/app
--workdir /home/root_docker/app
-it microfocus/vcdevhub:rhel7_5.0_x64_login

The parameters specified in the above docker run command are as follows:

-p 6100
Publishes port number 6100. This must be specified by an EXPOSE command in the Dockerfile that was used to create the image.
Enables debugging inside a Linux container.
--name helloworld-x64-debug
Specifies the name to be used for the container.
-v /home/user/workspace/simpleproj/New_Configuration.bin:/home/root_docker/app
Mounts the local folder /home/user/workspace/simpleproj/New_Configuration.bin into the folder /home/root_docker/app in the container.
--workdir /home/root_docker/app
Sets the working directory for the container. This must be the same folder that is specified by the -v parameter.
Specifies that the container runs interactively.
Specifies the name of the image to run.

When the container is running, if the application running is in native COBOL a message such as the following is displayed to indicate that the container is running and cobdebugremote (or cobdebugremote64) is ready to connect for debugging:

Waiting for a connection on machine IP-address/container-name using port port-number.
Press 'Q' to quit.