Restriction: This topic applies only when the Enterprise Server feature is enabled.
- Locate the appropriate
mfcobolpure.jar and
mfconnector.jar files. These files contain the classes that support the Micro Focus resource adapters. They are provided in the following
locations by default:
- mfcobolpure.jar
%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Micro Focus\Visual COBOL\bin and
- mfconnector.jar
Note: This file is provided with the
Visual COBOL product, and is stored by default in the following location.
Subdirectories of
that correspond to supported application servers as follows:
- ibmwebsphere90
- jboss71EAP
- oracleweblogic1221
- Update the classpath to point to the
mfcobolpure.jar and
mfconnector.jar archive files using one of the following methods:
- From the
set classpath=%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Micro Focus\Visual COBOL\bin\mfcobolpure.jar;jar_path\mfconnector.jar;%classpath%
jar_path is the path to the archive files appropriate to your application server.