To debug or run a containerized native COBOL application running on Enterprise Server

Note: This topic only applies to using native COBOL applications in containers. To use JVM COBOL applications in containers you need to use the functionality described in Debugging and Running JVM COBOL Applications in Containers.

The general process for debugging or running a containerized native COBOL application running on Enterprise Server is the same as for debugging or running any native COBOL application that is running under Enterprise Server, and is described in To prepare for debugging on Enterprise Server and To debug on Enterprise Server.

The following steps are specific to working with containers:

  1. Make sure that the container is configured to enable it to be debugged while running under Enterprise Server. See To prepare a containerized native COBOL application for debugging on Enterprise Server for more information.
  2. Configure your launch configuration as follows:
    • On the General tab, select Localhost endpoint port and enter the local port that is attached to the published Web Services and J2EE listener.
    • On the Debug Symbols tab, ensure that the debug symbol paths match the paths within the container, and that they include all binaries used by the application.

      To add additional paths, click Add to display the Add Debug Symbol dialog box, click Remote File System Directory, then click OK to be able to specify the required folders in the container.

    • On the Containers tab, ensure that Debug port specifies the correct value.

      If you want to use a browser to access the administration page of the enterprise server when it is running in a container you need to expose port 86 of the container. To do this, add the following to the Container run parameters field: -p8086:86.

Launching an application in this way does not automatically start a 3270 terminal if one is required, so if you do need to use a 3270 terminal with your application you will need to start one manually.