Use these instructions when installing a translation table for a deployed application.
- In a Web browser, download the IBM CCSID translation tables file from and extract it to a location within the user application.
- Set the COBCCSIDDIR environment variable to the location of this directory.
This directory will serve as the translation table base directory.
- Use the
tabindex.txt file (located in the file) to identify the package number and filename for each CCSID translation table you need to install.
- Within the translation table base directory, create a sub-directory for each table you want to install, using the name of
the CCSID translation table filename, specified in the
tabindex.txt file, as the directory name.
- For each CCSID that you want to install, open its corresponding file (as specified in
tabindex.txt) and extract the files from the appropriate CCSID
.zip file to the corresponding directory you created in the previous step.
- Set the MFCODESET environment variable to the required code set for translation; see
The code set translation environment variable for details.
To install a CCSID translation table to convert Spanish to USA English, create a sub-directory under the translation table
base directory, named
011C01B5, and then extract the contents of\ to the
011C01B5 sub-directory.