Running the Hello World Container Demonstration

The Hello World container demonstration includes a batch file (bld.bat) to make the process of running the demonstration as easy as possible. This topic lists and describes the parameters that you can specify when running bld.bat.

The command to execute the batch file to run the Hello World container demonstration is as follows:

bld.bat { {x64|x86|dn} [debug]  |
          {package|antpackage}  |
          rmi }

where the parameters are:

Indicates that you want to rebuild the COBOL application. Specifying antpackage runs a series of Ant scripts to recreate the Hello World application.
Indicates that you want to able to debug the Hello World application rather than simply execute it. Specifying debug causes Dockerfile.debug to be run rather than Dockerfile.
Indicates that you want to run the Hello World application in a .NET environment.
Indicates that you want to rebuild the COBOL application. Specifying package runs a series of MSBuild commands and Powershell scripts to recreate the Hello World application.
Indicates that you want to remove any previously-created Hello World images. Specifying rmi results in the execution of a number of docker rmi --force commands to remove any Hello World images.
Indicates that you want to run the Hello World application in a 64-bit environment.
Indicates that you want to run the Hello World application in a 32-bit environment.