To set global tracing and logging options

  1. In ESCWA, click Settings Settings.
  2. On the Enterprise Server Administration Configuration window, click TRACING AND LOGGING SETTINGS.
  3. Check Enable Tracing.
  4. In the File Name field, optionally type the full path and filename for the trace output file. The default path is your system WORKAREA directory, and the default filename is ESCommonWebAdmin.trace.txt.
    Note: You can interpret the output file using the MF.ES.COMMONWEBADMIN.xml file located in the in the %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Micro Focus\Visual COBOL (Windows) or /opt/microfocus/VisualCOBOL/etc/mftrace/annotations (UNIX).
  5. Under Enable Tracing for, check the boxes that correspond to the components for which you want to generate trace information.
    Note: For a description of each check box, click Help Help.
  6. In the Logging Directory field, type the full path to the directory where you want to store the global communications log.
  7. Click APPLY.
  8. Click BACK to close the Enterprise Server Administration Configuration window.