mfdepinst command

Installs the service interface contained in a deployment package (.car) file to an enterprise server.
Restriction: This topic applies only when the Enterprise Server feature is enabled.

The mfdepinst command handles the server-side part of the process of deploying a service to an enterprise server. The tool installs the files contained in a .car to an enterprise server instance by extracting the deployment package files (.int, .idt, etc.) from the .car file, updating the Directory Service directory for the new services and packages, and if the enterprise server is running, informs it of the new services so they are available for use.


mfdepinst [install-options]

The name of the .car file containing the service to be deployed.
install-options enable you to modify the installation. These options will override any settings specified in an .mfdeploy file. The available options are:
-m location
Set MFDS location
Log to stderr rather than to a deploylog.txt file.
Enable updates to existing services.
-- environment name=value
Set an environment variable.
--server name
Specify a server name.
--listener name
Specify a listener name.
--username name
Specify a username for connecting to MFDS.
--password password
Specify a password for connecting to MFDS.
Replace any existing package and services for the same namespace as the services being installed (as specified by the manifest in the CAR file). You can do this by first deleting the package and services, so if installation fails, the old services will not be available unless the old CAR file is re-installed. [3]
Note: Use this option with care. This option cannot be used with -u (update); if both are specified, the last one specified takes precedence.


Run mfdepinst from a Visual COBOL command prompt from the same directory that contains the .car file.

You can specify mfdepinst installation options in one of the following ways:

  • Specify any required install-options at the command line. This method was first introduced in release 6.0.
  • Add an .mfdeploy file in the parent directory of the directory that contains the .car file (../.mfdeploy).

    If using .mfdeploy, before running mfdepinst, copy the .mfdeploy file in the $COBDIR/deploy to the parent directory of the directory that contains the .car file.

Important: If both methods are used, the install-options specified at the command-line options will override the settings in the .mfdeploy file.


The mfdepinst command extracts files from the .car file and installs them on the enterprise server specified as specified using install-options at the command line or in an .mfdeploy file in the parent directory (../.mfdeploy).

The .mfdeploy file specifies the location, name, and listener for the enterprise server to which the service interface is deployed. So, for example, if the .car file is in $COBDIR/myservice/myservice.deploy , the .mfdeploy file must be in $COBDIR/myservice.

Edit .mfdeploy as necessary to specify values other than the default values.

mfdepinst records its progress in the file deploylog.txt in the current directory, overwriting any existing deploylog.txt. After mfdepinst completes, you can examine this file to find out if deployment succeeded.

You can set the mfdepinst security credentials in the .mfdeploy file in the deployment parent directory. The mfdepinst command does not allow you to set any security credentials as command-line options. The credentials are set as name-value pairs, as follows:
Note: Name-value pairs are case-sensitive.

Beginning with Visual COBOL 5.0, the .mfdeploy file supports an extended syntax and additional settings. See the associated related reference topic for more information.