
The dashboard is your home screen, it is the first view of ESCWA once you have logged in. You can configure your dashboard to display the information that best helps you monitor and administer your servers.

You can customize the widgets that are displayed, their content, dimensions, and placement. You can add multiple instances of each widget type, each with their own configuration:

Can display customized content. For example, a welcome message that provides specific information or links within your organization. To add custom content, modify the en.md file. By default, the file is located at %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Micro Focus\Visual COBOL\etc\webui\escommonwebadmin\assets\welcome (Windows) or $COBDIR/etc/webui/escommonwebadmin/assets/welcome (UNIX). This is the only widget that is displayed by default.
Directory Server List
Displays a list of all the directory servers. By default, their name, host, and port number are listed. You can modify the columns displayed and the order the servers are sorted in.
Native Region List
Displays a list of regions associated with a specified directory server. By default, their CN, status, bitism, and whether the region is MSS-enabled. You can modify the columns displayed and the order the regions are sorted in.
Native Region Status
Displays the status for a specified region. You can stop or start the region from the widget. Click on the status to take you to the region list for the appropriate directory server.
Native Region Monitor Graph
Plots the latency, task rate, and task time on a graph. You can configure it to sample every minute or every 15 minutes.
Note: To enable monitoring for a region it will require a started Web Services Listener.
Native Region Console
Displays the auxiliary, backup, or current console logs for a specific region, console.bak, and console.log respectively. By default, you can display time stamp, process ID, message ID, and message in formatted columns. To display the unformatted console text, click Raw View when configuring the widget.
Native Region Listeners List
Displays information for listeners associated with a specific region. By default, it displays the listener name, address, status, status log, conversation type, and description. You can modify the columns displayed and the order the columns are sorted in.
Native Region Communications Log
Displays the messages from the region's communications log.
Managed Region List
Displays either CICS or JES managed regions.