ACCEPTREFRESH Specifies whether the data areas associated with Screen Section data are updated from their corresponding Working-Storage
Section items before an ACCEPT statement.
ASSIGN-PRINTER Specifies how to assign the output from an ASSIGN TO PRINTER clause when the clause does not specify a filename.
ASSIGN Specifies how to assign a filename when neither EXTERNAL nor DYNAMIC appear in the SELECT statement.
BWZSTAR Determines whether the BLANK WHEN ZERO clause is allowed in the Data Division for those fields defined with the "*" PICTURE
CHARSET Defines the character set of the environment.
CHECKDIV Controls the behavior of your program if it tries to divide by zero in a statement that has no ON SIZE ERROR phrase.
CHECKNUM Checks whether numeric fields contain valid data before performing operations on them.
COBFSTATCONV Causes the Callable File Handler to use the user-supplied module specified in the COBFSTATCONV environment variable to convert
the file status codes if an I/O error is encountered on a file.
COMMAND-LINE-LINKAGE Enables you to call a program and pass the command line to the main program as a parameter to be accessed via the Linkage
CONVERTRET (deprecated) Causes COMP and COMP-X items specified in CALL ... RETURNING and EXIT PROGRAM ... RETURNING phrases to be converted to COMP-5.
CURRENCY-SIGN Specifies the currency sign to be recognized in the PICTURE clause.
CURRENT-DATE Specifies the format of the date stored in the CURRENT-DATE special register.
DATA Enables AMODE"24" or AMODE"31" programs to access pointers to Data Division items passed to them by AMODE"31" or AMODE"64"
programs respectively.
DEFAULTBYTE Initializes each otherwise undefined byte of the Working-Storage Section to the character given.
DEFAULTCALLS Specifies the default calling convention.
DETECT-LOCK Makes READ statements detect when a record is locked by another program if the file is opened for INPUT.
DISPLAY Defines the default behavior of standard DISPLAY statements.
DISPLAY-AT Specify a default foreground and background color for DISPLAY AT and ACCEPT AT statements that do not specify any color attributes.
DISPLAY-PICU Defines the way PIC U data items are displayed.
EBC-COL-SEQ Determines the EBCDIC collating sequence activated by the NATIVE"EBCDIC" option.
EXITPROGRAM Determines how the EXIT PROGRAM statement is executed.
FOLD-CALL-NAME Folds the identifier/literal associated with CALL, CANCEL, ENTRY, and CHAIN statements and the program-name in the PROGRAM-ID
paragraph to upper or lower case.
FOLD-COPY-NAME Determines whether copybook names should be converted to upper case or lower case.
HOSTARITHMETIC Controls whether or not decimal truncation of arithmetic results occurs following a size error condition.
INDD Causes ACCEPT statements to be read from a specified file.
INIT-BY-TYPE Initializes Working-Storage data items to a default value, according to their type.
INITCALL Specifies modules to be called immediately before the first statement of the program is executed.
INITPTR Enables the INITIALIZE statement to initialize DATA-POINTER, OBJECT-REFERENCE, and PROGRAM-POINTER data types.
INTDATE Selects the starting date for integer format dates used with date intrinsic functions.
IXNLSKEY Specifies that the File Handler should sort index file keys according to the local collating sequence rather than the ASCII
collating sequence.
IXNUMKEY Enables true numeric sorting on index keys.
NLS CURRENCY LENGTH Specifies the number of bytes to allocate for the currency symbol in a PIC field.
OUTDD Causes DISPLAY and EXHIBIT statements to be written to a specified output file.
PRINT-EXT Specifies the extension to be added to the filename associated with the ASSIGN TO PRINTER clause.
PROTECT-LINKAGE Extends the standard COBOL semantics so that the lengths of parameters can differ between the calling and the called program.
SHARE-OUTDD When set, multiple threads can write to the same SYSOUT or OUTDD file. When not set, a file locking error occurs in this situation.
STICKY-LINKAGE Makes parameters to the program remain linked during subsequent calls of the program.
TERMPAGE Determines whether the last page of a report file is to be padded with blank lines until it is a full page in length.
ZEROLENGTHFALSE Changes the way that class tests involving zero-length items are carried out.
ZWB This Compiler directive is not intended for your use, and its setting should not be changed. It is included here for completeness,
because it might appear in the list of settings.