Create an XA Resource

Your enterprise server region requires an XA resource for each datastore that contains one or more transactional files. If the database containing the datastore is also used by other COBOL applications, additional XA resources are required. Refer to Working with Multiple XARs for details on how to handle such situations.

  1. Open the ESCWA Administration page, and then select the enterprise server that references the transactional data file from the left pane.
  2. In the right pane, click General > XA Resources.
  3. Click NEW.
  4. Specify the following XAR details:
    Option Description
    ID Unique ID for the XAR
    Name Unique name for the XAR
    Module Specify the location of the RM switch module executable file (.dll on Windows or .so on UNIX platforms). This is ESDB2XA.dll/.so for Db2. Refer to Building RM Switch Modules for more information.
    Enabled Enable the resource for immediate use.
    Open string Db=<database-name>, uid=<user-id>, pwd=<password>
    You can also specify further options as required, as detailed in To define an XA resource (XAR) for an enterprise server region.
    Note: This connection is applicable to all datastores in the database, unless ID is the name of a particular datastore; in which case, the connection is only applicable to that datastore.
  5. Click SAVE.

    The XA resource should be effective immediately.