Working Directly with Data Files Hosted in a Database

Restriction: Currently, this feature only supports KSDS formatted VSAM files.

Within the Data File Editor, you can use the Data Explorer to directly open files hosted by the Micro Focus Database File Handler (MFDBFH); that is, not accessing them via the catalog.

Use this method if you cannot access database-hosted files through those methods described in Working with Data Sets in Enterprise Server. It can be useful when there are connection problems to the Enterprise Server region in which they are cataloged.

However, care must be taken when accessing them directly, as errors can occur in the JCL engine if it attempts to use a file that you currently have open. Also, resource locking (ENQ/DEQ) is not supported when opening a database-hosted file in this way, which could cause undesired results if a file is edited by multiple users at once.

Tip: You can disable this particular method of opening by setting DT_ENABLE_MFDBFH=false before starting the Data File Editor: this disables the MFDBFH settings required for the Data Explorer.
When working with database-hosted files in the Data File Editor, you must ensure that a database configuration file (as referenced by the MFDBFH_CONFIG environment variable) contains connection details for the datastore that houses the desired file. If you are opening the Data File Editor from the IDE, set MFDBFH_CONFIG as a system variable before opening the IDE. See The Database Configuration File for more details on configuring the database configuration file.
Note: To save new data files to a datastore, you must use the upload process detailed in Datastore Management.