CCI Environment Variables

Lists environment variables that relate to CCI.
Restriction: This topic applies only when the Enterprise Server feature is enabled.

Generic environment variables


Allows the specification, in tenths of seconds, of the maximum time out period that will be used with any LSC style application, such as Drag and Drop, SourceConnect, or the Monitor. The maximum value that can be used is 2,147,483,647.




The default is 1200 (2 minutes).

This example sets the value to 4 minutes:
Specifies the output location and filename of ccierr.log content which tracks first-instance errors reported from the operating systems. CCIERRLOG overrides any entries found in CCI.INI, where the syntax and content is explained in detail.

You can specify the type of information that will be recorded by CCI tracing. To do this, configure the CCITRACE environment variable as follows:


where any, or all, of the following options can be specified with a preceding / or -:

Logs the details of CCI API calls to the trace file. The default is OFF, unless any other trace option is specified, in which case it is ON.
Logs the details of protocol-level calls to the trace file. The default is OFF. If this flag is OFF, then only the details of the CCI user-level API will be traced. If this flag is ON, the level of function tracing might be greatly increased.
Logs the contents of all buffers passed to and from the CCI functions. The default is OFF.
Warning: This type of tracing might not produce the desired results if the application has been coded to prohibit data tracing.

The ctf.cfg and the CCI.INI file ([ccitrace_base] section) can also be used to control trace options, but any values specified by the CCITRACE environment variable will take precedence.

TCP/IP specific variables

Instead of using the CCI Configuration Utility to set the TCP address of the machine running the CCITCP2 registration daemon the environment variable "CCITCP2" can be used instead. This may be useful if you need different processes on the same machine to contact different registration daemons.


set CCITCP2=hostname


hostname is the TCP hostname or dotted decimal IP address of the machine running the CCITCP2 daemon you wish to contact from that session.


The environment variable value will always take precedence over any value set using the Configuration Utility. To restore a process to using the value set by the Configuration Utility simply set the environment variable to an empty string, such as

set CCITCP2=

Alternatively, if this environment variable is set system-wide (by creating a system variable in the system environment settings, or by using a CONFIG.SYS file) then this value will always take precedence over any value set using the Configuration Utility.

The port that is being used for the registration process.


set CCITCP2_PORT=port
  • port The port on which the CCITCP2 registration program operates.