Running the Container Demonstration for the COBOL Server Base Image

The container demonstration to create the COBOL Server base image includes a batch file (bld.bat) to make the process of running the demonstration as easy as possible. This topic lists and describes the parameters that you can specify when running bld.bat.

Note: The product installers for the ... for docker products, such as Visual COBOL Development Hub for Docker, are supplied as a .tar file. For example devhub_dockerfiles_8.0_platform.tar for the base release, and devhub_dockerfiles_8.0_platform_patchupdate01.tar for the patch update installer. (The patch update installers provide the basic product images, but do not include the Hello World or other container examples; these are only provided with the base release.)

To obtain the installation script, installable executable, and other files mentioned below, extract the provided .tar file into an empty directory on the container host machine. The files for the base release will be in a DevHub directory within the .tar file; the files for a patch update will be in the main directory extracted from the .tar file.

When using bld.bat to create a base image for COBOL Server you need to ensure that the relevant installation files and licenses are available in the same folder as bld.bat. These are:
  • The installable executable file for COBOL Server. This is cs_90.exe and is supplied in the container demonstration for the COBOL Server base image.
  • The appropriate license (.mflic or .xml) file for COBOL Server.

The command to execute the batch file to run the container demonstration for the COBOL Server base image is as follows:

bld.bat { IacceptEULA [verbose] [hotfix <patch-update-installer-exe>] [java | oraclejava] [install-location] | rmi | settings }

where the parameters are:

Indicates that you accept the Micro Focus End User License Agreement (EULA).

You must specify IacceptEULA to create a base image containing COBOL Server.

hotfix <patch-update-installer-exe>
Specifies the executable installer for the patch update, which is included in product download .zip file. Use this option to build the COBOL Server base image demontration that is based off of a patch update install.
Specifies the name of the folder in the image filesystem into which COBOL Server will be installed. If specified, this must be the last parameter.
Indicates that you want to include Java support in the image, and that the Java support is to be provided by the AdoptOpenJDK OpenJDK. Specifying java results in the latest version of OpenJDK being downloaded and included in the image.
Indicates that you want to include Java support in the image, and that the Java support is to be provided by the Oracle JDK. The file server-jre-8u162-windows-x64.tar.gz must exist in the current directory and you must ensure that you are licensed to use it.
Indicates that you want to remove any previously-created COBOL Server base images. Specifying rmi results in the execution of a number of docker rmi --force commands to remove all COBOL Server base images.
Causes the settings that will be used for various properties of the image to be displayed on-screen. Properties that are displayed include the names of the installable file and the license file for COBOL Server, the details to be used for the Enterprise Server admin user, and the details to be used for the login image. Specifying settings does not cause an image to be created.
Causes Docker commands to be displayed on-screen as they are executed.