Within the
section of a project's properties, you can call your own script files to execute immediately before and after the .cobolBuild ANT script during the building of a project.
Code errors within the pre-build script that use the same error format as those usually shown within the IDE. For example, the following message can be broken down as follows:
** VALDN0003S Validation error : program1.cbl(12,14,5)
By using this same format, you receive a similar behavior to that of errors generated by a background parse: they are listed in the Problems tab, under the sub-section relating to their severity. Double-clicking the entry also takes you to the specified location in the source code.
The following entry sends a return code (in this case '8') to the build process; a non-zero code will mark the build process as failed, as shown in the Console view:
exit /b 8