Create a COBOL JVM Project

The first step in creating an application is to create a project.
  1. Start Visual COBOL for Eclipse.

    If prompted, specify a path for your workspace, and click Launch.

    If this is the first time you start the product, Eclipse opens the Welcome page.

  2. Click Open COBOL Perspective.

    This loads a set of windows inside the main Eclipse window, called views. The views are the ones best suited for the selected development perspective.

  3. In the COBOL Explorer, click File > New > COBOL JVM Project .

    This opens the New COBOL JVM Project dialog box.

  4. In the Project name field, type HelloJVMworld.
  5. Select the location to save your project. By default, the project is created in the workspace that you selected when you started the Eclipse session. You can change this by unchecking the Use default location checkbox and selecting a different location.
  6. Click Finish.
    Note: If you are prompted to open the COBOL perspective, click Open Perspective.
You have now created a COBOL JVM project and it is displayed in the COBOL Explorer view.

As well as the .cobolBuild, .cobolProj, and .project files that are automatically created with a COBOL project, there is also a .classpath file. This is an XML file that contains all the paths to user-defined classes and packages. By default, these files are not listed, but you can show them by opening the COBOL Explorer view menu, click View menu icon (View menu), and then click Filters and Customization. This opens the Filters and Customization dialog box. Click the Pre-set filters tab and uncheck .*resources, and then click OK.